First of all, this is no official "whine post" and intention is not to encourage anyone to quit playing the game made by service provider, in our case ZeniMax Online studios.
Instead of that, I would really appreciate hearing from anyone who experienced hacked account. What was extent of intrusion and impact on future gaming experience? Which parts of game were interfered with (gold, items, character), and in which way? How exactly do the hackers take control of your account, and why is it even possible to happen without service provider knowing about it at all, even if lot of time has passed since it happen?
I presume my current situation is nothing too serious in extent. This is brief explanation of what happened to my account yesterday:
- on both characters I extensively play with, all but negligible amount of gold (around 150) was lost, giving total loss of approximately 300 000.
- almost all crafting mats (except those with 0 value) were gone, also some stacks of potions together with massive amount of alchemy ingredients
- several truly inestimable items were lost among others less important, just to whine a bit these were: 2x Molag Kena shoulders divines, full infused 5x Spell Cure set, Maelstrom sharpened greatsword, Maelstrom precise bow.
Now, what I did before realized it was a hacked account, and thinking it was some ui bug, was disabling addons and selecting "repair" from launcher. It was to no avail. Afterward I acknowledged it actually was hacking, especially seeing some of those lost items on "buy back" vendor options, but very few did I save that way.
Naturally, next step was contacting our service provider, which is now more than 24 hours ago, and despite several further explanations/cues included in ticket absolutely no response did I receive.
The real question here intended to service provider is does there exist any priority in order of reviewing support tickets, or is it actually the beloved (sarcasm intended) RNG system where reaction is focused on what is seen first (whether it is benign issue or account breach) by people in charge? If it is that way, there is absolutely no reason to offer subcategories in ticket opening system. It is a bitter irony that same RNG which made us run dungeons 100+ times and invest time in content we by practice of repeating can now complete blindfolded (in process making it dull), just to get desired armor set, is the same system that makes us ordinary capitalist sheep customers who cannot feel any level security by sheer ignorance of those who should by providing service at least make a "reassurance response".
I understand most of you will want to see this post as attack on ZeniMax Online studios, which is in no way my intent and instead probably everyone would benefit if it can be viewed as attempt of serious discussion about our accounts security.
p.s. does the fact that that people who hack our accounts after taking large amount of gold continue to vendor items which give them unnoticeable extra amount of gold mean they have no idea whatsoever about value of items and proves they had never played the game, or is it intended malevolence to destroy what someone who plays cares most about?