You guys want another lagfest?
Don't PvDoor emp. Let it happen during prime time
Amen, thank god it's over....
Claiming Emp in Azura is JUST WRONG and should NEVER HAPPEN.
Twice in one day?
xD let's not point out inconvenient ironies.
I despise the emperor system in its current form, though would still feel obligated to help crown a guildy or friend if they were up. Zoned into cyro at beginning of prime time yesterday, saw we had emp and sighed. Sure enough everyone was stacking as many as they could on each alliance for fights as they pushed for dethrone and lag was abyssmal. I kept crashing, was the only raid lead on, and ended up taking my crew to haderus to try and get playable fights. We came back after dethrone and when the map was in poor condition, but there just weren't strong guild presences on yellow and red, so blue started to steamroll after a few wins. Hopefully the pts squirrel is finished after this weekend and fights are back to normal.
So let me get this straight...Daniel, who is notorious for having multiple raids in one place to defend or take a keep when they fail with their original group, is complaining that having emperor causes lag fights at the last keep because you have multiple raids in one place?...oh god that is rich...that just made my day...please continue to stack up next patch so we can kill your group that much easier
Member of Victorem, RÁGE ; Decibel Alumni (RIP)
Kalista Schefer: VR16 AD Sorcerer; Alliance Rank 22