Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

Tenth Legion | AD | PVX

Tenth Legion
Aldmeri Dominion


We are an active group of supportive and outgoing veteran players with multiple V16 characters able to craft any level, style and type of weapon, armor, potion or enchantment.

• We have spent months of grinding and farming to find the best gear.
• We have run the hardest content in the game, know how to clear it and are willing to help those who have not tried it.
• We are always in guild chat, we do not hide in group chats that isolate guild members.
• We use the LINE mobile app to keep in touch in and out the game.
• We will not criticize your build or playing style but we are always willing to share our knowledge and suggest changes to your build if you ask.

We have formed this guild in the hope that we can create a solid
community of active players who continue to enjoy everything this game has to offer. Our main focus is PvP and have put a lot of time into building characters that are competitive in Cyrodiil and the Imperial City Sewers. We also run daily dungeons and would like to start running trials at least once a week. We are eagerly anticipating the Thieves’ Guild DLC and know it will keep us busy and having fun.


We are a PvX guild looking for active players interested in clearing
group content and PVP.

We do not have a level or experience requirement.

We require your main character be part of the Aldmeri Dominion

We would prefer you be 18 or older (mature language will be used
often), but may make the occasional exception.

We would like you to install and use the LINE app so that we can let everyone know about guild events.

We require respect within in the guild. If you do not like someone,
avoid them or leave the guild. If you do not have something nice to say, say nothing at all. We do not tolerate drama in our ranks. We want our guild to be a place of fun and relaxation so we request that you avoid political, religious and racist topics in the chat.


If this sounds like the guild for you, message us on Xbox Live, in
game, or post your gamertag below and we will get back to you ASAP.

Xbox Contacts
Comrade Fist, Dremor Elders, Miss Hellany
Edited by Victor on February 26, 2016 1:42PM
  • AtraisMachina
    Shoot me an inv un=gt
  • white8025
    Rockbiter 0331
  • davidadame
    Soul Shriven
    TH3 23 K1NG
  • Mckelroy83
    Soul Shriven
    New to game. Have a couple of lvl 10's. If this is a newb friendly guild id be interested. Mckelroy83 is my game tag
  • thejaystinky
    Please invite: Dr Jay Stinky
  • AmbushTxS
    Soul Shriven
  • The_Lex
    Are you still recruiting? If so, I'd love an invite.

    GT: PatriarchaLex
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