Holycannoli wrote: »Go back in time to when things were handled client-side and people speedhacked.
Azura and Haderus are busy, but they're laggy as hell. Serious players can't play in that.
Trueflame is a hoard of yellows.
No one thinks Axe has PvP enabled.
A significant EP guild told me tonight that it's losing members rapidly, and its GM may soon be among them.
What's a guy gotta do to get a populated server without lag???
avid_mdb16_ESO wrote: »
Yeah Cyrodiil is very bad now...exploiters are everywhere in form of ball groups, gap close spammers, proxi-detonators, ...and the worst part is that in most of cases all mentioned above are combined.
Azura and Haderus are busy, but they're laggy as hell. Serious players can't play in that.
Trueflame is a hoard of yellows.
No one thinks Axe has PvP enabled.
A significant EP guild told me tonight that it's losing members rapidly, and its GM may soon be among them.
What's a guy gotta do to get a populated server without lag???
imredneckson wrote: »
To the EP guild that Kena's talking about please don't leave EP needs help right now. EP needs strong guilds to hold the faction together and lead it.
bikerangelo wrote: »I'm lagging more in dungeons too, not sure if it's related. My ping will spike and my frames will drop if anything remotely intense is going on.
The fight at Bleaks on Haderus between now and 20 minutes ago, was so laggy I could barely cast.
40 reds 40 blues? Not really a blob thing either, it looked like a handful of smaller groups on each side. (was personally in a group of five)
But the lag was ridiculous.
I reverted to playing a game that is in korean just so i dont have to play eso all the time.
How much korean do I know? Well, I'm not even sure im spelling it right.
I reverted to playing a game that is in korean just so i dont have to play eso all the time.
How much korean do I know? Well, I'm not even sure im spelling it right.
Not one of the things you mentioned is an exploit.
Holycannoli wrote: »I want them to test no AOE caps, or at least increased caps to like 10 or 12 (but no caps preferred). If it's laggier they can revert it.
I can't help but imagine that woman as the ESO dev's talking to their IT guys at times...
I am not 100% sure that it has to do with with all the calculations. Example, a full raid was moving stealth near a keep the closer they got the Ping went higher and higher. So I ask this .... what does it all mean Basil?