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Buff Ashen Grip

Ah, the nostalgia! Ashen was the first set I ever crafted and used. It's a really neat 2 trait set that's easily obtainable for any newbie crafter. Unfortunately the 5th piece is a little underwhelming, while also very cool. You basically have a 10% chance to breathe fire on someone with the heat of a wet candle.
I think this set needs a 25% chance to proc -OR- increase the fire damage. Really, the only reason you'd be running this set is if you've just started crafting and don't have access to Night mother's, Hundings, Morkuldin, etc, so let's buff Ashen to give them a fighting chance!
When you see in your log you got hit with a 150 damage Ashen grip, you can't help but feel a little sad.

Why do I care? Because I want to see older sets viable again. Magnus still gets used for the 4pc, because it's great, and so does Seducer, but the stamina ones are really lacking and need some work. Let's start with Ashen!

Edit: phillyproduct had the idea to simply remove the cooldown, leaving everything else the same. This is also a good suggestion. While the damage would still be extremely low, it'd give Ashen the chance to proc more often, hence increasing the potential DPS from this set. With a 4 second cool down and 10% chance to proc for terrible damage, it's pretty worthless as it stands.
Edited by Alucardo on January 9, 2016 12:53AM
  • Ra'Shtar
    Agree with this 100% the proc does so little damage its LAME plus the super low proc chance doesn't help either ya know ZoS.
    Some of my favorite screenshots
    My opinions and posts are mostly on a PvE setting.
  • Vaoh
    It's so easy to craft, but there's no reason for it to be bad. I agree with you. It could be a fun set to try on a magicka DK if it was stronger as well.
  • nordsavage
    Hard to see this happening when this is one of the two popular partial use sets, Torug's Pact being the other. Then you have the of the fire set which is a similar dropped set. ZOS rarely likes to back pedal and adjust. It is always on to the next with little regard for the tried and true.
    I didn't choose tank life, tank life chose me.
  • I_killed_Vivec
    It's entry level for a reason.

    If all low trait requirement sets were buffed then it would remove the reasoning behind advancing your crafting skills.

    It would be nice if the "power" were linked to your skill (knowledge of traits) in crafting, but this isn't how ZoS chose to implement it.
  • Alucardo
    It's entry level for a reason.

    If all low trait requirement sets were buffed then it would remove the reasoning behind advancing your crafting skills.

    It would be nice if the "power" were linked to your skill (knowledge of traits) in crafting, but this isn't how ZoS chose to implement it.
    It's entry level so that's reason to make the 5th piece utterly useless?
  • Vaoh

    "10% to breathe fire for 1023 Flame damage on melee hits. This is effect can occur once every 4 seconds"
    This is a white (common) V16 set bonus.

    Yeah, it's a 2 trait set. We understand that. Why does it need to be utterly useless though? The damage should be increased AT LEAST 4x higher. Keeping the proc chance low stops the procs from happening too often and getting annoying, so the chance could stay the same.

    Thinking about it more, the raw damage should totally go up on this set.
  • Curragraigue
    Awww memories. It was my first set as well.

    I considered using a few piecies in a combo recently, came to my senses and used another set instead. I'm on board the buff it train/bandwagon.
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  • Sharee
    On the plus side, someone might become confused thinking you're a dragonknight and stop shooting you with projectiles, just in case :)
    Edited by Sharee on January 5, 2016 7:16AM
  • I_killed_Vivec
    Doncellius wrote: »

    "10% to breathe fire for 1023 Flame damage on melee hits. This is effect can occur once every 4 seconds"
    This is a white (common) V16 set bonus.

    Yeah, it's a 2 trait set. We understand that. Why does it need to be utterly useless though? The damage should be increased AT LEAST 4x higher. Keeping the proc chance low stops the procs from happening too often and getting annoying, so the chance could stay the same.

    Thinking about it more, the raw damage should totally go up on this set.

    It's entry level. It's meant to be disposed when your crafting level gets better!

    If it had the "power" of a more advanced set then there is no reason to improve in crafting, and no benefit to be gained from learning more traits.

    If you want a better set then earn it.

    Now if your complaint is that the sets that require more traits aren't really all that much better, that even though you have learnt 9 traits there isn't a set that you want which requires that knowledge, then I'd agree with you.

    Let's have something better than Ashen Grip that requires more traits (even Hunding's only requires 6).

    Or, as I said, scale the properties of a set off the number of traits that you know, so while you could make a 2 trait Ashen Grip item you could also make a 9 trait Ashen Grip item that would be correspondingly more powerful.

  • RapturousRex
    I occasionally Rock Death's Wind, I love it.
  • Sharee
    It's entry level. It's meant to be disposed when your crafting level gets better!

    If it had the "power" of a more advanced set then there is no reason to improve in crafting, and no benefit to be gained from learning more traits.

    The reason to improve crafting is to broaden your crafting options, not to make the previous lower-trait sets completely obsolete.

    The logic "if it requires more traits it must be better" does not hold in an environment where the power of a set isn't some arbitrary value, but rather varies from player to player depending on their preferences.

    For example, my v16 NB uses night's silence. That's a 2-trait set...
    Edited by Sharee on January 5, 2016 10:14AM
  • phillyproduct
    Ashen grip simply needs its cooldown removed and i think it would be a great set
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  • CaptainPocky
    1k damage, 10% chance approximately every second --> This gives ~100 extra DPS for the V16 5-piece. For 20k DPS, that means that white Ashen Grip gives a 0.5% damage increase. Compared to the white Hunding's 5-trait increase of ~4%, it is 8 times less powerful.

    Underpowered? Probably. And though I do agree that a 2-trait set definitely deserves to be less powerful than a 6-trait set, 3.5% DPS may almost be worth it to see some fire-breathing werewolves again!
  • code65536
    There are a lot of crappy 5-item bonuses. Torug's Pact. Shalidor's Curse. Ashen isn't unique in that sense. Frankly, I don't care--it's a 2-trait set, after all.
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  • Draxys
    I use Ashen 3 piece, but I honestly can only think of 3 crafted sets that people use the 5 pc- hunding's, julianos, and kag's. Some of the others are good (seducer, arena, etc), but- oh wow, whaddaya know- the champion system made them useless. I'll stop there before I get on a rant.

    rip decibel
  • Glaiceana
    I use 3 pieces of the Ashen Grip set, technically 4 if you include my bow. Its pretty awesome and would be nice if it was buffed just a little across all of its bonuses, not just the 5th one. My other 5 pieces of armour is the Salvation Set.
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  • Luigi_Vampa
    It's entry level for a reason.

    If all low trait requirement sets were buffed then it would remove the reasoning behind advancing your crafting skills.

    It would be nice if the "power" were linked to your skill (knowledge of traits) in crafting, but this isn't how ZoS chose to implement it.

    This would actually be really cool for crafters. If your crafting level determined the power level of the effects. Makes dedicated crafters a little more important and a little more unique. It would be interesting if crafters could even spec with skill points to magnify certain aspects of sets. Skill points to increase damage, magnify stat bonus' even increase proc rate. I would like them to make crafting special.
    PC/EU DC
  • Alucardo
    code65536 wrote: »
    There are a lot of crappy 5-item bonuses. Torug's Pact. Shalidor's Curse. Ashen isn't unique in that sense. Frankly, I don't care--it's a 2-trait set, after all.
    This is my point. Just because they are low trait doesn't mean they should be completely useless. They shouldn't be as powerful as, say, Hundings, but they shouldn't make you look at it and go "yeah, that ain't worth putting on my dog".
    I just want them revamped a little to make them a somewhat viable option at the very least, that's all.
  • Alucardo
    Ashen grip simply needs its cooldown removed and i think it would be a great set

    Lol yeah, the fact this set has a cool down is a major let down. Even if the cool down was remove I'd probably be happy. You might be able to get enough DPS out of this set to make it worth it.
  • Alucardo
    Sharee wrote: »
    For example, my v16 NB uses night's silence. That's a 2-trait set...
    I use that at the moment, until I get access to morkuldin. It has a nice 3 piece if you need the extra sustain. Ashen grip has a pretty weird 4pc, and its fifth piece is just meh at the moment.
  • Alucardo
    I occasionally Rock Death's Wind, I love it.

    Haha I've seen people using this in PVP a little more lately - not many, but a few. Usually Templars. It's annoying as hell. Just when you think you've finally got him you get shot back and he heals himself.
  • Alucardo
    1k damage, 10% chance approximately every second --> This gives ~100 extra DPS for the V16 5-piece. For 20k DPS, that means that white Ashen Grip gives a 0.5% damage increase. Compared to the white Hunding's 5-trait increase of ~4%, it is 8 times less powerful.

    Underpowered? Probably. And though I do agree that a 2-trait set definitely deserves to be less powerful than a 6-trait set, 3.5% DPS may almost be worth it to see some fire-breathing werewolves again!

    You're forgetting Ashen has a 4 second cool down. So that's only a 10% chance once every four seconds. It ain't gonna proc a lot with those odds.
  • Xargomir
    I completely agree. Just give it more of a curve with regards to leveling and power.
  • Peel_Ya_Cap_517
    How dare you propose a Buff on a Nerf forum, sir
    N64 NA EP
  • SemiD4rkness
    Ashen grip buffed, old valkyn skoria on a dunmer magicka dk. Would be so much fun haha
  • AverageJo3Gam3r
    Just make the 5pc a flat 4% chance with no cooldown. And flip the 2pc and 3pc bonus. Magicka builds have torugs pact 2pc for spell damage...stam builds need something similar for weapon damage.
  • Nestor
    I never use Ashen Grip for the 5 Piece Bonus. I use it for the 3 Piece Bonus.

    Probably because the 5 Piece Bonus is kind of weak.
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  • CP5
    I find it funny people use "its only 2 traits" as an excuse to be weak. Who wants options for which sets to use, am I right? Honestly, the only thing stopping someone from using 2 trait sets or 8 trait sets is time, its not like you magically become more 'skilled' in crafting. All 2-4 bonuses of the same type on same level gear is the same, there isn't a reason for there to be disposable sets in this game when the end game selection is so low. Make this set, and all other ones meaningful, and maybe we would see some variety.
  • Bazeric
    Why not? It does need more chance or more damage, maybe both but I'd settle for either. I still don't think I'll use it unless I'm lvl an alt. My first play through the I used Ashen Grip for pretty much most of it because I got a kick out of breathing fire while swinging my battle axe like a mad man. It was my first play through and I was more worried about fun and playing my way than being a min/maxed robot.
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  • driosketch
    From back when I used to use the set I recall the animation taking over and interrupting my flow. If they were to buff it, I would like to see increased damage over more frequent procs.
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