I've been playing the game since launch but over the last year I've been very, very casual since there were little to no content updates during that time. That's not the point though. The question is are there any item sets that trigger ice spells or anything of the sort? I did Maelstrom arena earning the Winterborn set and was interested in making a CryoKnight style character but that set is only light armor.
Any updates, tips or direction? It seems as if the other elemental types (Fire/Lightning) have been covered but frost is extremely lacking in the game. I suppose I can go with an ice staff until then but it's just not satisfying.
Anyone else feel the same? I'd also like to mention that I love the new elemental spells that the NPC in the Orsinium DLC are utilizing. Please add these for players!
hamburgerler76 wrote: »
sadly that is the only ice related set the only other thing you could do is grab a frost staff witch makes all the destruction staff skills do frost damg
First off, you should check out this thread, dude says a white flame staff does more dmg than a golden frost/shock staff. Thats the first thing why almost NOBODY uses anything else apart from flame staff.
Hmm, is that still the case after the IC and Orsinium updates?
I currently use a flame staff, but have been considering playing with the other elements...
First off, you should check out this thread, dude says a white flame staff does more dmg than a golden frost/shock staff. Thats the first thing why almost NOBODY uses anything else apart from flame staff.
... There was that ice furnace set.. i think.
Wouldn't that be amazing, sadly the only ice skills we get are from destroy staff....... gg
I am working on a frostknight @TheValkyn Destro/Resto Light armor build, I will post the vid in here too so you can see if it fits your style or not.
Still trying to get a Winterborn ring...still havent gotten one after 50+ vMA runs...gg RNGesus
You guys should see the NBs trying to cloakspam away and my wall of elemets+winterborn procs f..them up LOL
AnnieBeGood wrote: »I picked up a bow thatt did ice/cold damage today in Wrothgar - one of those 'unique' items. From the bird lady in the cave... sorry not in game can't check the name.
AnnieBeGood wrote: »It isn't 'bound' yet so...... if you want it I will give it to you. Um if you are on pc, and eu ebonheart.....
AnnieBeGood wrote: »[quote=problem is it's a basic bow, i can actually enchant and make bows stronger than that that actually suit the frost theme better
I am working on a frostknight @TheValkyn Destro/Resto Light armor build, I will post the vid in here too so you can see if it fits your style or not.
Still trying to get a Winterborn ring...still havent gotten one after 50+ vMA runs...gg RNGesus
You guys should see the NBs trying to cloakspam away and my wall of elemets+winterborn procs f..them up LOL