WalkingLegacy wrote: »It's amazing to see how social economics is ruining the market. People are so willing to not only justify overspending on items/services/ etc but defend a company for overly pricing said items/services/etc with such zealotry.
People have so little regard to the value of their time to make money. I'm all for supporting, I sub and buy chunks of crowns but I don't throw away my money at over valued convenience or cosmetics.
I'll make it simple for everyone to understand;
Just this month;
Polar Bear Mount (recolor version of brown bear mount) 2500crown, 4 days to get it.
Polar Bear pet (recolor version of brown bear pet) 1000 crown, 4 days to get it.
Senche-Leopard (recolor version of any Senche) 2500 crown, 11 days to get it.
Total so far in less than 12 days; 6000 crown store cash which is approx. 60$ US, put that in Canadian right now around 80$ that you would expect people to pay in less than 12 days.
*Note I am not counting the 3 new Orc outfit or Female outfit because they have not said if yes or no they will be exclusive but for a female or a male it would probably add another; 2100-3000 crown of money to get them.
Now let's look at the definition of a game;
1.a form of play or sport, especially a competitive one played according to rules and decided by skill, strength, or luck.
Where does it say in any official dictionary that a game is suppose to be a form of luxury? You expect people to enjoy playing their Role play from MMORPG "RP; Roleplaying" to be able to afford these luxury every month because the problem it's not the money it cost in a way but the short amount of time your put them in the game and the stress you give people to make them rush and spend every month for these items that should be IN the game yes SHOULD BE because it's what make the game alive, the game what it is. Have you ever seen in any other Elder Scrolls a vendor for pets or mount that tells your in 4 days its gone, maybe forever! You should rush, make money, not sleep and get it because next month I'll have another exclusive outrageous expensive pet/mount/outfit just for you!
Let's imagine it would be there and stays for good in the crown store and that every month I pay a subscription, eventually I would be able to afford one then another and it would make me feel happy to ACHIEVE it almost like, I grind or level, do a dungeon to get some rewards in the end. But here... it's not even about having fun, not even about a form pleasure, competition according to rules and decide by skill, strength or luck. It's about stealing as much money you can from people Yes I said stealing it's outrageous how low the world of gaming as become a world of luxury and money making for big company. It's not about giving people fun, pleasure but it's now about finding new way to take AS MUCH money from people.
Can I afford this during Christmas? No, can I afford it in a course of a few month? Maybe yes it's possible since I pay a subscription every month to already SUPPORT YOU but all does it do now at this point is making me feel NOT wanting to play the game today because I am not a rich boy who can afford to spend in one game so much money every month. People don't realize the game is not free to play, they know people will want the new contain because in the end it's what we want to achieve some sort of reward to play games.
I see it like this: We are all doing a marathon and the one to get to the end win the chance to PAY for the trophy to get back home because remember! Someone has to pay for this marathon and to build the trophy.
Here's another; Your favorite football team won the cup or whatever you call it I don't watch these but to get the cup/trophy they need to pay for it to bring it back home or hey we will throw during the event some copies of the trophy to buy instead of you having to get to the end and win! just pay 25000$ you go home with a copy of the trophy!
In short games become a luxury and sometime like these strategy a scam... a shame... I feel bad for everyone and yes even for me to want these to enjoy in-game but can't afford these because remember we all need to eat, to have a roof over our head, a transport, cloths etc in real life. Then you come back home sit down to your favorite game to find out you need to open your budget files to see IF you can afford enjoying new things like everyone else who would be in the game.
You expect people to pay during Christmas... 60 000 crown up to 90 000 crown store money or hope people are stupid enough to do this which is up to 90$ US, 120$ Can again during Christmas and Christmas is about caring, giving? And in a game.... we already purchased and purchasing DLC and subscribing every month. I already buy the volume of Tamriel in real life. This is how much I love this universe but not your Monetary Scam to turn this game a luxury.
1000crown for a recolor version of a bear pet... wtf *at this point I'll use this word*.
If eso+ gave me a mount a month and access to DLC that would be fine, but I had to fork out for 12k crowns just so I don't miss out.
I'll make it simple for everyone to understand;
Just this month;
Polar Bear Mount (recolor version of brown bear mount) 2500crown, 4 days to get it.
Polar Bear pet (recolor version of brown bear pet) 1000 crown, 4 days to get it.
Senche-Leopard (recolor version of any Senche) 2500 crown, 11 days to get it.
Total so far in less than 12 days; 6000 crown store cash which is approx. 60$ US, put that in Canadian right now around 80$ that you would expect people to pay in less than 12 days.
*Note I am not counting the 3 new Orc outfit or Female outfit because they have not said if yes or no they will be exclusive but for a female or a male it would probably add another; 2100-3000 crown of money to get them.
Now let's look at the definition of a game;
1.a form of play or sport, especially a competitive one played according to rules and decided by skill, strength, or luck.
Where does it say in any official dictionary that a game is suppose to be a form of luxury? You expect people to enjoy playing their Role play from MMORPG "RP; Roleplaying" to be able to afford these luxury every month because the problem it's not the money it cost in a way but the short amount of time your put them in the game and the stress you give people to make them rush and spend every month for these items that should be IN the game yes SHOULD BE because it's what make the game alive, the game what it is. Have you ever seen in any other Elder Scrolls a vendor for pets or mount that tells your in 4 days its gone, maybe forever! You should rush, make money, not sleep and get it because next month I'll have another exclusive outrageous expensive pet/mount/outfit just for you!
Let's imagine it would be there and stays for good in the crown store and that every month I pay a subscription, eventually I would be able to afford one then another and it would make me feel happy to ACHIEVE it almost like, I grind or level, do a dungeon to get some rewards in the end. But here... it's not even about having fun, not even about a form pleasure, competition according to rules and decide by skill, strength or luck. It's about stealing as much money you can from people Yes I said stealing it's outrageous how low the world of gaming as become a world of luxury and money making for big company. It's not about giving people fun, pleasure but it's now about finding new way to take AS MUCH money from people.
Can I afford this during Christmas? No, can I afford it in a course of a few month? Maybe yes it's possible since I pay a subscription every month to already SUPPORT YOU but all does it do now at this point is making me feel NOT wanting to play the game today because I am not a rich boy who can afford to spend in one game so much money every month. People don't realize the game is not free to play, they know people will want the new contain because in the end it's what we want to achieve some sort of reward to play games.
I see it like this: We are all doing a marathon and the one to get to the end win the chance to PAY for the trophy to get back home because remember! Someone has to pay for this marathon and to build the trophy.
Here's another; Your favorite football team won the cup or whatever you call it I don't watch these but to get the cup/trophy they need to pay for it to bring it back home or hey we will throw during the event some copies of the trophy to buy instead of you having to get to the end and win! just pay 25000$ you go home with a copy of the trophy!
In short games become a luxury and sometime like these strategy a scam... a shame... I feel bad for everyone and yes even for me to want these to enjoy in-game but can't afford these because remember we all need to eat, to have a roof over our head, a transport, cloths etc in real life. Then you come back home sit down to your favorite game to find out you need to open your budget files to see IF you can afford enjoying new things like everyone else who would be in the game.
You expect people to pay during Christmas... 60 000 crown up to 90 000 crown store money or hope people are stupid enough to do this which is up to 90$ US, 120$ Can again during Christmas and Christmas is about caring, giving? And in a game.... we already purchased and purchasing DLC and subscribing every month. I already buy the volume of Tamriel in real life. This is how much I love this universe but not your Monetary Scam to turn this game a luxury.
1000crown for a recolor version of a bear pet... wtf *at this point I'll use this word*.
I'll make it simple for everyone to understand;
Just this month;
Polar Bear Mount (recolor version of brown bear mount) 2500crown, 4 days to get it.
Polar Bear pet (recolor version of brown bear pet) 1000 crown, 4 days to get it.
Senche-Leopard (recolor version of any Senche) 2500 crown, 11 days to get it.
Total so far in less than 12 days; 6000 crown store cash which is approx. 60$ US, put that in Canadian right now around 80$ that you would expect people to pay in less than 12 days.
So I never buy ESO plus because there are no benefits crown and item wise. If eso+ gave me a mount a month and access to DLC that would be fine, but I had to fork out for 12k crowns just so I don't miss out.
WalkingLegacy wrote: »It's amazing to see how social economics is ruining the market. People are so willing to not only justify overspending on items/services/ etc but defend a company for overly pricing said items/services/etc with such zealotry.
People have so little regard to the value of their time to make money. I'm all for supporting, I sub and buy chunks of crowns but I don't throw away my money at over valued convenience or cosmetics.
They are even giving away 1 000 000$ in a contest! I can't believe if they can do that and then justify the outrageous price of items in the crown store?...
Why not? Free ad on every gaming website, box sales and plenty of new players to sell fluff for outrageous prices to.
It is just brilliant. Their marketing stuntmen are top notch.
dodgehopper_ESO wrote: »They are even giving away 1 000 000$ in a contest! I can't believe if they can do that and then justify the outrageous price of items in the crown store?...
Why not? Free ad on every gaming website, box sales and plenty of new players to sell fluff for outrageous prices to.
It is just brilliant. Their marketing stuntmen are top notch.
I have no problem with ZoS trying to market their game to the masses. The million dollar win is a great way to get their name out there. Marketing is vital for MMO's and honestly I believe that WoW owes a large part of its success to marketing, and not so much to the game itself. There are plenty of games that were just as good if not better than WoW. WoW just outmarketed them and was able to afford more and more features to put their competition out of business. Don't know them for trying to make sales.
I'm not fond of pixels being sold as limited time offers either but I recommend you look at it like this. Unless something is SUPER important for you to have, don't buy it. It takes maturity to say no to yourself. I would love to buy everything on the cash shop, but the reality is I'm mature enough to know that I probably will get very little use out of most of it. My solution to the problem is to simply not buy something unless I know without a shadow of a doubt that I will use it. This is the same reason that I haven't bought Fallout 4 yet. It is a matter of time value of money. I know that I barely have time to play ESO right now. I also know that Fallout 4 will not get played in the short term because my time is scarce. Why would I buy a game for 90 dollars that I likely won't have time to play until next year?
dodgehopper_ESO wrote: »The price of the game will likely go down by then, ...
dodgehopper_ESO wrote: »...and I have no idea if I'll even have time to play it in half a year. I might be better off just waiting until the GotY comes out. By not purchasing now I have the option to choose. That is exactly how you should treat these digital items. I like the polar bear but lets face it I can think of no reason why I would ride around on a polar bear. It evokes images of Coca Cola Christmases but what does that have to do with ESO? Who would ride it? My Orc nightblade might, but honestly I think the brown bear would look better on him or an Echatere. So again why would I buy a polar bear mount for a third string character who probably wouldn't use it anyway? When you think about it this way, the decision makes itself.
In the case of the magical shiny horse from takubar (The ice horse) I purchased it because it made perfect sense for my Telvanni Sorcerer character as well as my Altmer Sorcerer. Its pretty gaudy I'll admit it, but it makes sense for a powerful magician to have an elemental horse from another plane: and I had two characters that it made sense to purchase for. I didn't find the fire horse particularly interesting, or the shriven horse, so again I didn't purchase those. If everything is compelling for you, you probably have an addiction and need to think of ways to calm down.
Spacemonkey wrote: »the ESO+ sub doesn't really GIVE ME ANYTHING.
But ESO is not a game anymore. It is just vehicle for milking players
They are even giving away 1 000 000$ in a contest! I can't believe if they can do that and then justify the outrageous price of items in the crown store?...