Thanks for the update Brian. But as you mentioned earlier, regardless of all of the calculation stuff, there's still an issue of reaching a critical amount of players in one area. While deferring or segregating some calculations may hopefully help, isn't it more of a band-aid type fix? It also sounds like a pretty technical band-aid that could pretty easily break some things inadvertently.
For instance it looks like on the PTS build you've relegated CC's to this type of differential server process, and they all appear to be pretty significantly broken. It sounds like the fix you're talking about is akin to adding something like an express lane on a freeway. These help in certain situations, but they also can cause more accidents and calamity. It also doesn't address the bottleneck of translating information from the server to the client, which leads us back to the critical mass of players type issue.
I love that you're trying to think of technical ways to address this, but I'm worried this may miss the mark. You can keep putting someone down for open heart surgery to perform bypasses, but if the person is still cramming triple cheeseburgers down their gullet multiple times a day and clogging their arteries, does it really help? Would it not be more helpful to work towards changing the individual's behavior?
Create incentives for people to spread out.
As @BigES suggested in another thread, a creative disincentive to running in huge blobs is make individual keeps more important to the overall success of factions in the alliance war. Make factions need to be concerned about the status of all of their keeps, so they can't just zerg from one to another.
Another suggestion is to implement diminishing returns on healing. Basically, make healing less effective if you have a a ton of people around you, like greater than 12 for instance. This allows the change to be implemented easily, without impacting trials. You heal for a normal value until you have more than 12 people within your active radius, then decrease the effectiveness of healing done for each person over that threshold. This insures that people are more conscious of their surroundings and have less incentive to rely on herd protection. You can still run in large groups effectively if you want, you just have to build for it thus imposing a penalty on those larger groups.
Just a couple ideas. Hopefully battlegrounds are close and implemented properly, so the majority of the player base concerned with performance and enjoyable, competitive PVP will never have to enter Cyrodiil again. But I think you all could get really close to solving a lot of these overarching performance issues through some creative tweaks to the base game without having to devote a lot of time and resources.
They've been creating incentives for people to spread out. Town capture, new resource AP rewards, and the slow and steady realization by Trueflame players that resource sneaking is becoming an increasingly important part of the campaign victory condition.
As far as "express lanes" and "freeways" go, I'd trust the professional engineers to know what they're doing on that. The change is doubtless coming from a steady process of code refinement and based on verifiable performance metrics that we players can only guess at, but which are super obvious and informative to the actual engineers. Also, sometimes a change in a system is objectively good by every measure with no real downside. If you're familiar with programming at all, look at the difference in performance for single-object referencing between a Map and an Array data structure. The Map requires more memory to work properly, but memory is, as a rule, way less expensive than processing time, and so Maps perform better, period, in all cases for that specific task.
The only thing I'm worried about is what appears to be the steadily declining ability to make a lot of AP in a group setting. I hope that as these performance changes and incentives continue to get refined, they don't forget about the arduous AP grind to Grand Overlord!
You're asserting that the increased AP gains will spread people out? Let's look at the facts as they are now. It is not uncommon to see a zerg of literally 100 yellows in Scourge on Xbox One. I watch streamers on PC, and quite often see zergs of similar size. Zergs are currently, and have been for quite some time, incredibly prevalent. The nature of their massive group means that they get virtually no AP from anything they do. They may split a defensive tick, but they'll be splitting it 100 ways. Then you look at the Campaign forums where you see these folks say that they do not care about AP, which is demonstrated by their in game actions. They care about winning, by any means necessary. So if they have to call 100 to dislodge a group of 8 from an outpost, they will. No concern is given to quality PVP or AP or fair fights.
The change being proposed is to provide higher base values of AP. Is this going to change that behavior? Heck no. If anything I am willing to make the bold prediction that it will make things far worse. It'll be even more worthwhile for them to take those 100 people to get their resource back.
Curragraigue wrote: »Keep up the good work Brian. Would love to be able to play in a lag free Cyrodiil.
Agrippa_Invisus wrote: »Groups running the new Warden ults en masse have not been helping the lag on PC/NA Vivec. As soon as the push happens, nothing works properly, even if you're not in front of the pain train.
Not rly any different from Destro. Last patch the game would hard stutter every time VD went off.
Agrippa_Invisus wrote: »
I think they haven't finished (or maybe even started) optimizing the client for the level of detail that's in the Healing/Tree ulti animation.
Also, those permafrost ultis are utterly infuriating. The inability to stop the animation on breaking is BS and needs to be removed. There's almost no way to break, move, and not have been bowled over and AoE'd to death due to the animation refusing to end and taking its full duration. (Animation cancelling or not cancelling has been a bane for this game forever -- did you know that with certain Personalities such as Heroic, your character can cancel whatever non-combat action you're taking... placing siege, repairing a wall, etc... to do their random idle stuff? Yeah.... that can be VERY annoying when time is of the essence).
All this with the usual 'large group push lag' that happens when any 24 man plows into another large group ends with your character being completely unresponsive.
The permafrost stun is BS. It stuns you before it stuns you with a long animation you can't stop THEN it stuns you and you can break it. It's like being in Phoenix but you can take huge damage the whole time
Lord_Etrigan wrote: »A Dream
So here’s the thing.
I recently got this stupid idea in my head that I want to become Emperor and respected my main High Elf Sorcerer to PVP.
Step 1: Learn about PVP as much as possible to prepare myself for the journey …Checked!
Step 2: Grind gear…..checked.
Step 3: Enter CP campaign and buy as much wall and door repair kits as possible and observe the battle on the map… checked!
Right let the fun begin.
I charge off on my very expensive Elk pumping out rapid maneuverer whilst the wind rushes through my long silver hair as imagining myself to be Thranduil from the Hobbit in the direction of the nearest keep, were the ***** hit the you know what.
As I’m about to enter the keep through the broken down doors I shout in the voice of Scarface “ YOU ***** COCKROACH!!!!” (Much to the disapproving look from my wife who though we are being burgled or something)
Just as I go through the doors I see complete chaos as siege weapons are firing at doors with ultimate’s lightning up the already bright skies.
Yess!! I think to myself as I dismount in the middle of a gallop and slam hands together forming a hardened ward but….then nothing!!!, No really ….nothing!! Everybody is standing still like they were frozen in time.
I press block and my Elf just runs around holding block…like WTF?????
I’m pressing every dam button on my ps4 in the hopes that this curse will end but this last for 2 min then get booted out of the game with the message “ No internet access, please check that you are connected”
Really??? I’m in chat with a guild mate on the other side of the world so how to hell do I not have internet access?
Ok small glitch, nothing serious. I start the game again and run to grab a beer for the fight that’s about to take place as soon as I have logged in.
2min later: “U are experiencing a long load time”
3min later: “U are experiencing a long load time”
5min later “ U are exper…….”
Ok wait I’m in “Yes!!!”
Harden ward and observe surrounding. Wait why is it so quiet? Zoom map out. The keep belongs to us and the fight is at another keep now.
I look at my AP…NOTHING, NADA, ZERO!
Rush of to the next keep, get there and “BOOM” same thing happens again. Ohh and don’t forget the log out and long wait.
Yes!!!, I’m back but no AP again. By now my beer is half and my patience thin. Rush of to the next keep and same thing again.
My question to the devs.
How in the sweet mother of Hades am I supposed to get anywhere in Cyrodiil if I’m going to spend half my gaming life in the twilight zone staring at a frozen screen and the other half trying to get back into the game!
Mm mm looks like the dream of becoming an Emperor is just that. A Dream…
<begin sarcasm> Have NO FEAR!! Since June of 2016, zos devs informed us that they were aware of the issues with lag, disconnects, and loading screens in Cyrodiil and their engineers are tirelessly working to solve these issues. Just wait ONE more year and they will make your dreams of being Emperor a reality!!! While you wait, please enjoy the new mounts, hairstyles, costumes, and houses. Also, please enjoy the all new battlegrounds where you can queue in with all your friends for added PVP enjoyment...oh wait...that's not working either . Oh hell... <end sarcasm>
ZOS_BrianWheeler wrote: »Lighting would effect your client and not the server, and that's what these changes are focused on.
It was the botting "fix" from that patch.....