Nonsense. Leave it the way it is.
Justice31st wrote: »
Justice31st wrote: »
They just needs to make group-finder where people want to help each other and suddenly everyone gets all their group-content done. Ive said group-finder should become ESO's main pillar.
Speaking of group-finder, I just hate when group is found, someone immediately leaves, wish they would get some penalty at least.
If your goal is to increase the number of players running dungeons i would i have say those are some really terrible ideas.
Forcing players will do nothing, incentivising will
tinythinker wrote: »Here are some problems with a few of the suggestions offered in the original post:
- Limiting BoP to a single character is bad. If I have a char that has good gear and can run dungeons, I will use it to get better gear for other characters so they can run them.
- Making all loot BoP means you can't sell or trade what you don't need, so if your characters have all the loot they need why bother going back after all achievements are completed?
- A penalty for quitting a group within a time limit might work, but if you get in a really bad group you will be stuck with it or just give up for the night because of a debuff.
The basic problem with group dungeons and 12 person trials in ESO largely falls into two areas:
1. Some people have done it all 1000 times and see no reason to ever do it again.
The Undaunted didn't use to offer daily pledges or good loot in lock boxes. This was added fall 2014 to give such folks who had "been there and done that" a reason to go back. But eventually even that wears out. There haven't been any new vet group dungeons added to non-DLC zones for a very long time even though there are still group dungeons without vet versions.
2. Throwing people together randomly is exactly as reliable as it sounds.
People of different skill level and maturity get thrown together with the LFG tool, which can be a fun way to meet people or it can be awful because someone without heavy armor or a sword and shield queued as a tank but doesn't know how and can't anyway with their gear. Or a DPS joins who does less damage than the healer, cries about how he is taking too much damage while always standing in the red and never blocking/dodging, etc. And even if everyone is friendly, patient, and can do their job halfway well, some groups just don't work well together. Add in how shy or anxious about screwing up/letting people down some players can be, and you have lots of people who are too frustrated, annoyed, worried, or outright scared to run a group-finder pug.
I've had some great times with pugs and posted about it on these forums, but I've also seen petty, fearful, and lazy people ruin (or nearly ruin) basic runs. I have 4 VR16s, a VR11, a level 46, and a level 25 that I sometimes play. The eighth character is still strictly a mule. None of my character have beaten all existing non-DLC group dungeons on regular and vet. One has all non-vet and a chunk of vet, one is almost done with non-vet but still has lots of vet to complete, and the others barely have any of it done. I would like all of them to at least have basic completions for the non-DLC group dungeons. I don't see it happening because often the time it takes to find a group and run the dungeon is too long. My dungeon-running guild, which had some great players and used to be very active, is frequently unavailable with too few on most of them time, so I am left with the group-finder or "LFG" in zone. Generally I would rather just enjoy my time doing other content rather than having one of those "takes 20-60 minutes to get a group, then someone goes AFK for 30 minutes, then someone quits, etc, etc" experiences. I've rescued people in all of my guilds from that by sending in my templar or nightblade. Once they had been in a dungeon for 5 hours before I volunteered and helped them with the final boss using my healer. We left with a completion 10 minutes after I arrived.
If there were a system to differentiate between likely experienced players who know their stuff and likely inexperienced players who need coaching and practice, a mentor system could be built into the group-finder tool. If you, say, had X% completion on dungeons and achievements for non-vet, you could queue as a non-vet mentor. People with less experience could queue as noobs in need of help. Same for vet dungeons. Those who have the interest and patience to help inexperienced players could be paired with those who need it, and there would be no mystery. You know what you are getting into, so there is no reason to be nervous or annoyed. You could, of course, just group regularly as well.
There are many practical problems with such a system, such as how to set it up and how to avoid it being abused or exploited, especially if there were incentives for mentors. But it could really help more people get it into and be comfortable with doing such content and increase the number of eager, competent people looking to group up. I once saw a group of people standing around outside of the entrance to Arx Corinium, I think it was late summer of 2014, and I was typing "LFG Arx" every 3-4 minutes in zone. No replies. I finally used /say to ask if the people next to me were hoping to run Arx. They said "yes". I invited them to a group, we ran it, the end. The need is real.
And the rest?Justice31st wrote: »tinythinker wrote: »Here are some problems with a few of the suggestions offered in the original post:
- Limiting BoP to a single character is bad. If I have a char that has good gear and can run dungeons, I will use it to get better gear for other characters so they can run them.
- Making all loot BoP means you can't sell or trade what you don't need, so if your characters have all the loot they need why bother going back after all achievements are completed?
- A penalty for quitting a group within a time limit might work, but if you get in a really bad group you will be stuck with it or just give up for the night because of a debuff.
The basic problem with group dungeons and 12 person trials in ESO largely falls into two areas:
1. Some people have done it all 1000 times and see no reason to ever do it again.
The Undaunted didn't use to offer daily pledges or good loot in lock boxes. This was added fall 2014 to give such folks who had "been there and done that" a reason to go back. But eventually even that wears out. There haven't been any new vet group dungeons added to non-DLC zones for a very long time even though there are still group dungeons without vet versions.
2. Throwing people together randomly is exactly as reliable as it sounds.
People of different skill level and maturity get thrown together with the LFG tool, which can be a fun way to meet people or it can be awful because someone without heavy armor or a sword and shield queued as a tank but doesn't know how and can't anyway with their gear. Or a DPS joins who does less damage than the healer, cries about how he is taking too much damage while always standing in the red and never blocking/dodging, etc. And even if everyone is friendly, patient, and can do their job halfway well, some groups just don't work well together. Add in how shy or anxious about screwing up/letting people down some players can be, and you have lots of people who are too frustrated, annoyed, worried, or outright scared to run a group-finder pug.
I've had some great times with pugs and posted about it on these forums, but I've also seen petty, fearful, and lazy people ruin (or nearly ruin) basic runs. I have 4 VR16s, a VR11, a level 46, and a level 25 that I sometimes play. The eighth character is still strictly a mule. None of my character have beaten all existing non-DLC group dungeons on regular and vet. One has all non-vet and a chunk of vet, one is almost done with non-vet but still has lots of vet to complete, and the others barely have any of it done. I would like all of them to at least have basic completions for the non-DLC group dungeons. I don't see it happening because often the time it takes to find a group and run the dungeon is too long. My dungeon-running guild, which had some great players and used to be very active, is frequently unavailable with too few on most of them time, so I am left with the group-finder or "LFG" in zone. Generally I would rather just enjoy my time doing other content rather than having one of those "takes 20-60 minutes to get a group, then someone goes AFK for 30 minutes, then someone quits, etc, etc" experiences. I've rescued people in all of my guilds from that by sending in my templar or nightblade. Once they had been in a dungeon for 5 hours before I volunteered and helped them with the final boss using my healer. We left with a completion 10 minutes after I arrived.
If there were a system to differentiate between likely experienced players who know their stuff and likely inexperienced players who need coaching and practice, a mentor system could be built into the group-finder tool. If you, say, had X% completion on dungeons and achievements for non-vet, you could queue as a non-vet mentor. People with less experience could queue as noobs in need of help. Same for vet dungeons. Those who have the interest and patience to help inexperienced players could be paired with those who need it, and there would be no mystery. You know what you are getting into, so there is no reason to be nervous or annoyed. You could, of course, just group regularly as well.
There are many practical problems with such a system, such as how to set it up and how to avoid it being abused or exploited, especially if there were incentives for mentors. But it could really help more people get it into and be comfortable with doing such content and increase the number of eager, competent people looking to group up. I once saw a group of people standing around outside of the entrance to Arx Corinium, I think it was late summer of 2014, and I was typing "LFG Arx" every 3-4 minutes in zone. No replies. I finally used /say to ask if the people next to me were hoping to run Arx. They said "yes". I invited them to a group, we ran it, the end. The need is real.
I disagree, if players could just buy all their gear through the guild traders, then those players would never even que up for a dungeon more than once to start with. That would create an even lower group dungeon player population.
Justice31st wrote: »
Yup, that's the idea.Personally, if I knew I had the option to queue for a dungeon I didn't know and had never done to be matched up with others who were in the same boat as myself and there was someone available who was willing and able to explain the mechanics for boss encounters, without leaving me feeling pressured to rush through for the sake of a pledge. I'd feel much better about taking a crack at running vet dungeons.
Having something like a mentor program could do a lot of good for people who want to learn more about the game but are worried they aren't up to task or won't be given a chance. It can also do a lot of good towards improving participation with the LFG tool in that by helping players better understand the dungeons and encounters there will be an increased number of knowledgeable and experienced players available to group with and by providing and encouraging helpful, friendly interaction and atmosphere people will take away a less negative impression of grouping tool and those who use it.
Justice31st wrote: »Giving the player the ability to obtain a group dungeon drop item such as the engine guardian helmet and then the player is allowed to deposit the item into the bank and give it to another alt should not be allowed. This creates a lower population of players queing for dungeons since there is usually no reason for the player to go back to the veteran dungeon like Dark Shade Caverns other than for the undaunted pledge that happens thier once in a great while.
Please make all current dungeon obtained items player have, bound to their current character and bank, and not be able to be given to their other characters. Also, this will help prevent people from using their OP sorceres to farm Maelstrom Arena for gear to use on their other characters, and will in return more diversify the leaderboards and bring more longevity to your game. Please help save the dungeon population. Thank you.
In addition, to further secure the future player population of group finder dungeon ques please also add the following.
1. Increased dungeon experience
2. Vote kick system
3. Hide player levels
4. Deserter debuff given to recently formed group member quitters.
5. Make all items bind on pickup but allow needed item to be traded to other group members for the next hour.
6. Add a loot bag to your first random group finder dungeon of the day.
7. Add a group finder damage and damage mitigation buff.
8. Give dungeon group list members the ability to teleport to cross faction players of pre formed groups.
Adding these simple additional steps to improve the current group finder state will also ensure your dungeon player population for years to come.
Justice31st wrote: »
Most certainly. Good deeds should always be rewarded.tinythinker wrote: »Yup, that's the idea.Personally, if I knew I had the option to queue for a dungeon I didn't know and had never done to be matched up with others who were in the same boat as myself and there was someone available who was willing and able to explain the mechanics for boss encounters, without leaving me feeling pressured to rush through for the sake of a pledge. I'd feel much better about taking a crack at running vet dungeons.
Having something like a mentor program could do a lot of good for people who want to learn more about the game but are worried they aren't up to task or won't be given a chance. It can also do a lot of good towards improving participation with the LFG tool in that by helping players better understand the dungeons and encounters there will be an increased number of knowledgeable and experienced players available to group with and by providing and encouraging helpful, friendly interaction and atmosphere people will take away a less negative impression of grouping tool and those who use it.
And karma system tied to such mentoring could also help people get better drops from completing instanced grouped content.
Justice31st wrote: »
One does not increase the longevity of a "game" (read: FUN) by FORCING players to do something they do not enjoy through some contrived inconvenience. One increases the longevity of a game by finding out WHY a particular activity is seen as not fun and FIXING IT.
DRXHarbinger wrote: »A better improvement would just be the buffs. If me as a DPS is having to carry a lower level with lower skills and DPS (having tons of magika doesn't help 30k isn't even a lot these days) the give me a buff to spell damage, the same for stam players give them some more crit and wp damage. Healers..give them about 10k magika to help prop up the lower level players rather than having to worry about sustain more than usual and tanks give them a serious buff to stamina and why not remove the block issues and cool downs. Making it slightly easier is key. Tried COA yesterday and it was just damn hard. What's the point in a health buff when all the armour and resistance of the other players is so damn low. Health alone does nothing.