Do higher levels mind?

  • Shunravi
    If I find someone following me in a delve or public dungeon, I actually try to slow down a bit so that they can get some hits in. Im ususally killing things to fast anyways, so I feel it's just polite to give someone a chance at the loot and xp.
    This one has an eloquent and well thought out response to tha... Ooh sweetroll!
  • crazyflump
    Cuyler wrote: »
    Interesting......usually I see low level players are complaining that a v16 is ripping through the mobs before they can any xp. To answer your question no, I certainly don't care if you tag along, at v16 we get no XP anyhow. You can hang in the back with my pet goat ;) jk good luck on your quests/delves, I haven't done once since 1.5.

    tbh i learn alot off the hlev by watching the way u fight and stand, also it makes me very happy when i've been trying to complete the same quest 10 times and hlev comes along helps me, :)
  • Nestor
    I could care less who is following along behind me.

    If there is a boss, I will usually wait a reasonable amount of time before engaging the boss and taking it down so they can get some hits in and have credit. However, if your puttering around for a few minutes doing whatever, I am not going to wait for you.
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • Lithium Flower
    Lithium Flower
    Never! I ground several of my characters to max before hunting around for skyshards and skill points and I'm always glad to help out a lowbie even if they are a different alliance in a Cyrodiil delve. When in a public dungeon, I often group up with low level players so they get credit for boss kills and if I'm hunting stuff in a zone and someone calls for help with a world boss or anchor, I try to drop by to help out.

    Some time ago, I was getting skyshards on one of my characters really late at night and found one lonely guy asking in guild chat for someone to do a low level group dungeon with. I ignored him for a while but no one was volunteering and it was rather late so I didn't think he'd find anyone. I msged and offered to help him. When I showed up he was pleasantly surprised that I was a fully decked out v14. Had no trouble at all running him through the dungeon. It felt really nice to hero- help someone out!
    Dragonknight Smith of the Lith | Rayna Dreloth
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    Ebonheart Pact | Daggerfall Covenant | EU | Champion Points ~ 800 | Crafter of all things
  • Lixiviant
    Cuyler wrote: »
    Interesting......usually I see low level players are complaining that a v16 is ripping through the mobs before they can any xp. To answer your question no, I certainly don't care if you tag along, at v16 we get no XP anyhow. You can hang in the back with my pet goat ;) jk good luck on your quests/delves, I haven't done once since 1.5.

    Cool, I like goats :)

  • Nestor
    crazyflump wrote: »
    tbh i learn alot off the hlev by watching the way u fight and stand, also it makes me very happy when i've been trying to complete the same quest 10 times and hlev comes along helps me, :)

    Be careful on that, I backslide into all my bad habits when I am in a delve I am overleveled for, meaning I usually just stand there and spam an ability or two rather than use my rotations and positioning like I would with a challenging boss on level. Don't learn my bad habits is all I am saying.

    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • crazyflump
    Nestor wrote: »

    Be careful on that, I backslide into all my bad habits when I am in a delve I am overleveled for, meaning I usually just stand there and spam an ability or two rather than use my rotations and positioning like I would with a challenging boss on level. Don't learn my bad habits is all I am saying.

    thank u for your advice i've written yer name down in my black book lolll ;)
  • Skinzz
    I always help if I notice they are following/waiting for me.
    Anybody got a group? LFG, anybody? Hello?
  • Aletheion
    I'm the higher level guy in front of you (most likely going after an achievement or something) who knocks out 80% of their health, but lets you finish them off to be courteous to the player who would otherwise just be in my wake of dead things. Let everyone get some killing in I say.

  • WitchyWarrior
    Shooot, I'm v16 and I was following around a few people in one of the new dugeons because they looked like they knew where they were going! The two new dungeons are a big pain because I can't seem to find any of the bosses! But I am also a every urn checker so I lost them pretty early on.

    If lower levels follow me I feel really bad because 99% of the time I have no idea where I'm going so I feel like I am getting them as lost as I already am.

    The one thing that bothers me is the players that don't do anything. that just stand there while I fight the boss, then they hit him once right before he dies. Then follow me to the next one. I mean, I can kill them alone just fine, but lazy people annoy me.

    Also, since the new DLC came out something I have seen more than once, which confuses me to no end are the v16 people who are stealthed around quest areas not doing anything. Like they are waiting for someone to kill the mobs then they continue on with the quest and never actually kill anything. They just wait for someone else to do it and stay in stealth the whole time. Why?! I thought it was just a one time thing when I 1st saw it. But it has happened multiple times.
  • UrQuan
    SHADOW2KK wrote: »
    Lovely attitude there...
    Are you surprised? It's totally what I would expect from him. The nice thing is that his post is so far the only one in this thread espousing such an anti-social attitude.
    Caius Drusus Imperial DK (DC)
    Bragg Ironhand Orc Temp (DC)
    Neesha Stalks-Shadows Argonian NB (EP)
    Falidir Altmer Sorcr (AD)
    J'zharka Khajiit NB (AD)
    Isabeau Runeseer Breton Sorc (DC)
    Fevassa Dunmer DK (EP)
    Manut Redguard Temp (AD)
    Tylera the Summoner Altmer Sorc (EP)
    Svari Snake-Blood Nord DK (AD)
    Ashlyn D'Elyse Breton NB (EP)
    Filindria Bosmer Temp (DC)
    Vigbjorn the Wanderer Nord Warden (EP)
    Hrokki Winterborn Breton Warden (DC)
    Basks-in-the-Sunshine Argonian Temp
    Someone stole my sweetroll
  • BlackguardBob
    I have no problem with players needing help, directly or indirectly. Lots of players on these forums are fond of saying "L2P" lately, so here's your big chance to do a bit of good for others.

    If I see another with low health and close to killing a boss for which you'd normally get an achievement, I'll swap out my destroy staff for my healing one and spam heals on the player rather than take out the boss. I didn't always do that. In fact. I used to (accidentally) interfere but you know what, I was learning too.

    And I still am. ;)
  • KronicDecay
    Sure why not
    Edited by KronicDecay on November 11, 2015 5:40PM
  • DannyLV702
    crazyflump wrote: »
    Just wanted to know if higher levels mind the lower levels following them around a delve, dungeon etc. I've had a few really kind guys that have helped me and i really appreciate it, just wanted to know from your side

    I always love helping, but i also try not to do much of the work so that you ca also get some work in on enemies :)

    I'll throw a couple healing wards if i see the person needs help
  • ShadowMage
    I wouldn't mind helping out and grouping with people, but everyone I come across always seems to be in such a hurry...
    PC / NA
    Thenathra - Khajiit Stormblade (Sorcerer - Dual-wield Swords/Lightning Staff)

    Several alts I've created, but haven't leveled much yet:
    Norryne - Dunmer Paladin (Templar - Two-hand Hammer/One-hand Hammer & Shield)
    Demerwei - Argonian Shadowscale (Nightblade - Dual-wield Axes/Dual-wield Daggers)
    Gohrnag - Orc Elementalist (Dragon Knight - Frost Staff/Lightning Staff)
    Kerasha - Redguard Mystic (Templar - Flame Staff/Restoration Staff)
    Alawael - Bosmer Assassin (Nightblade - Bow/Two-hand Battleaxe)
    Hjerlm the Quiet - Nord Dragonguard (Dragon Knight - One-hand Sword & Shield/Two-hand Greatsword)
  • vamp_emily
    I was following around a few people in one of the new dugeons because they looked like they knew where they were going!

    In RL I got lost in Chicago, IL and followed a truck that i thought was going to my home town. Big mistake, turned a 2 hour trip into a 10 hour trip.

    If you want a friend, get a dog.
    AW Rank: Grand Warlord 1 ( level 49)

  • Islyn
    Scyantific wrote: »
    Every man for himself.

    Especially in public dungeons. I see your low level ass following me around I'll just rush the next dungeon boss and stand there and do nothing while you die.

    Well that's RUDE. Why do you even care?

    I wait up and make sure they get a hit on the boss and drop a heal if need be etc.

    You get the same loot and everything so it makes no difference.

    So glad you're not DC.
    UrQuan wrote: »
    Are you surprised? It's totally what I would expect from him. The nice thing is that his post is so far the only one in this thread espousing such an anti-social attitude.

    People like him are like weeds, and scum always rises.

    Going by some posts I have seen him do previously, then such a pathetic and sad attitude does not surprise me, why he should play a MMO is beyond me, maybe Pacman may be more suited to his arrogant needs..
    Edited by SHADOW2KK on November 11, 2015 5:54PM
    Once I was a lamb, playing in a green field. Then the wolves came. Now I am an eagle and I fly in a different universe.

    Been taking heads since TeS 3 Morrowind..

    Been enjoying PvP tears since 2014

    LvL 50 - Dragon Knight EP [PC-EU] = Illuvutar = Ex The Wabbajack = (Stam DK)
    LvL 50 - Night Blade DC [PC-EU] = Legendary Blades = Evil Ninja/Dueller = (StamBlade)
    LvL 50 - Sorcerer DC [PC-EU] = Daemon Lord = (Mag Sorc)
    LvL 50 - Dragon Knight DC [PC-EU] = Khal-Bladez = (Mag DK)
    LvL 50 - Dragon Knight DC [PC-EU] = Tenakha Khan = (Stam DK)
    LvL 50 - Templar DC [PC-EU]] = Blades The Disgruntled = (Stamplar)
    LvL 50 - Night Blade DC [PC-EU] = Ghost Blades = (Assassin)
    LvL 50 - Night Blade DC [PC-EU] = Malekith The Shadow = (Mag NB)
    LvL 50 - Warden DC [PC-EU] = Crimson Blades = (Stamden)

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  • Islyn
    Belidos wrote: »

    That happens to me a lot, I like to help low level newbies, I usually surprise them just before we part by crafting them a nice low level blue weapon, I just love to see the "OMG" response lol

    Same here xD
    Islyn wrote: »

    Well that's RUDE. Why do you even care?

    I wait up and make sure they get a hit on the boss and drop a heal if need be etc.

    You get the same loot and everything so it makes no difference.

    So glad you're not DC.

    Sadly he is not on EU as far as I know, I would love to duel him, but dare say it would not be much of a challenge, killing arrogant pups is not honourable, but on his case, I would make a exception, his post and others are clear indicators of people we do not want in the game at all.

    Come see me in EU Azura sometime @Scyantific if you have a issue with my truthful words,
    Once I was a lamb, playing in a green field. Then the wolves came. Now I am an eagle and I fly in a different universe.

    Been taking heads since TeS 3 Morrowind..

    Been enjoying PvP tears since 2014

    LvL 50 - Dragon Knight EP [PC-EU] = Illuvutar = Ex The Wabbajack = (Stam DK)
    LvL 50 - Night Blade DC [PC-EU] = Legendary Blades = Evil Ninja/Dueller = (StamBlade)
    LvL 50 - Sorcerer DC [PC-EU] = Daemon Lord = (Mag Sorc)
    LvL 50 - Dragon Knight DC [PC-EU] = Khal-Bladez = (Mag DK)
    LvL 50 - Dragon Knight DC [PC-EU] = Tenakha Khan = (Stam DK)
    LvL 50 - Templar DC [PC-EU]] = Blades The Disgruntled = (Stamplar)
    LvL 50 - Night Blade DC [PC-EU] = Ghost Blades = (Assassin)
    LvL 50 - Night Blade DC [PC-EU] = Malekith The Shadow = (Mag NB)
    LvL 50 - Warden DC [PC-EU] = Crimson Blades = (Stamden)

    Guild Master of The Bringers Of The Storm.

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    Been playing since Beta and Early Access

  • Lixiviant
    ShadowMage wrote: »
    I wouldn't mind helping out and grouping with people, but everyone I come across always seems to be in such a hurry...

    Agreed. Group I was with wasn't using mics and there didn't seem to be any communication. We finished the dungeon and I didn't know if they wanted to wander around or move to the next quest/dungeon, couldn't tell if they were in a hurry or what
  • Islyn
    SHADOW2KK wrote: »

    Sadly he is not on EU as far as I know, I would love to duel him, but dare say it would not be much of a challenge, killing arrogant pups is not honourable, but on his case, I would make a exception, his post and others are clear indicators of people we do not want in the game at all.

    Come see me in EU Azura sometime @Scyantific if you have a issue with my truthful words,

    Yeah I noticed after the fact that he's not even EU. I was gonna say wanna meet me in IC and I'll show you every man for him(her)self....bring 10k Telvani with you - just to pay me for my time. :P xD
  • Hateanthem
    If in completing delves and public dungeons that I skipped or missed and see someone lower level in there (especially solo), I'll invite them to the group or wait until they catch up to the boss. Might as well give them a hand instead of ignoring them.
  • RedTalon
    I enjoy clearing places for the lowbies from time to time.

    So long has your not following to steal chests its not a problem for me, have only had one lowbie follow me around to steal chests and sadly he didn't like it, poped my hide ability shadow cloak and and the mob aoed and went after him.

    Edited by RedTalon on November 11, 2015 6:06PM
  • Islyn
    crazyflump wrote: »
    Just wanted to know if higher levels mind the lower levels following them around a delve, dungeon etc. I've had a few really kind guys that have helped me and i really appreciate it, just wanted to know from your side

    Yeah I don't mind either way - if they wanna do it alone I'll tab out and read a sec or whatever and if they appear happy to run together then I'll wait, let them do most the fighting, heal or dps a bit whatever. I never waste the boss/es though without letting anyone running around get their hits in etc.
    Islyn wrote: »

    Yeah I noticed after the fact that he's not even EU. I was gonna say wanna meet me in IC and I'll show you every man for him(her)self....bring 10k Telvani with you - just to pay me for my time. :P xD

    LOL well said lass. I highly doubt he would defeat you, his chances would be bleak against either of us.
    Once I was a lamb, playing in a green field. Then the wolves came. Now I am an eagle and I fly in a different universe.

    Been taking heads since TeS 3 Morrowind..

    Been enjoying PvP tears since 2014

    LvL 50 - Dragon Knight EP [PC-EU] = Illuvutar = Ex The Wabbajack = (Stam DK)
    LvL 50 - Night Blade DC [PC-EU] = Legendary Blades = Evil Ninja/Dueller = (StamBlade)
    LvL 50 - Sorcerer DC [PC-EU] = Daemon Lord = (Mag Sorc)
    LvL 50 - Dragon Knight DC [PC-EU] = Khal-Bladez = (Mag DK)
    LvL 50 - Dragon Knight DC [PC-EU] = Tenakha Khan = (Stam DK)
    LvL 50 - Templar DC [PC-EU]] = Blades The Disgruntled = (Stamplar)
    LvL 50 - Night Blade DC [PC-EU] = Ghost Blades = (Assassin)
    LvL 50 - Night Blade DC [PC-EU] = Malekith The Shadow = (Mag NB)
    LvL 50 - Warden DC [PC-EU] = Crimson Blades = (Stamden)

    Guild Master of The Bringers Of The Storm.

    Member Of The Old Guard
    PC Closed Betas 2013

    PC Mastah Race

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    Been playing since Beta and Early Access

  • Islyn
    RedTalon wrote: »
    I enjoy clearing places for the lowbies from time to time.

    So long has your not following to steal chests its not a problem for me, have only had one lowbie follow me around to steal chests and sadly he didn't like it, poped my hide ability shadow cloak and and the mob aoed and went after him.

    yeah I do not need any of the junk in Lowbie Dungeon Chests etc. lol I don't care - I usually Jump near them or pew pew the chest with my staff to give them the hint to take it.
    Edited by Islyn on November 11, 2015 6:08PM
  • RedTalon
    Islyn wrote: »

    yeah I do not need any of the junk in Lowbie Dungeon Chests etc. lol I don't care - I usually Jump near them or pew pew the chest with my staff to give them the hint to take it.

    More have had lowbies follow me around in higher areas also,.
  • RAGUNAnoOne
    if they can handle themselves and participate then whatever if they only put 1 hit in and run or worse ninja a node then I get pissed
    PS4 NA
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  • CJohnson81
    Scyantific wrote: »
    Every man for himself.

    Especially in public dungeons. I see your low level ass following me around I'll just rush the next dungeon boss and stand there and do nothing while you die.

    Haha man, I get it, but last night I was running on my way to a quest and I passed a higher level fighting some creature out in the world. So I put a single arrow on it as I passed and kept on going. Not far from that, I was getting a little beat up fighting two or three orcs out in the open. They were my level but I mismanaged my attacks. So they got the better of me and I was close to death. I beat the ones in front of me, then realized I was still being hit from behind by a new Orc that was aggro'd without me knowing. I turned around, practically dead and see the Vet I has just passed standing there, watching me. I don't know if it was payback or something, but I barely made it out alive. I thought that was a bit of a jerk move on his part.
    Huor Melwasul - Archdemon, The Demons of Light - Warlock, Hufflepuff House - ADXB1 - NA
    I'm only updating this because we're commenting on a thread about signatures. Give me awesomes!
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