Interesting......usually I see low level players are complaining that a v16 is ripping through the mobs before they can any xp. To answer your question no, I certainly don't care if you tag along, at v16 we get no XP anyhow. You can hang in the back with my pet goatjk good luck on your quests/delves, I haven't done once since 1.5.
Interesting......usually I see low level players are complaining that a v16 is ripping through the mobs before they can any xp. To answer your question no, I certainly don't care if you tag along, at v16 we get no XP anyhow. You can hang in the back with my pet goatjk good luck on your quests/delves, I haven't done once since 1.5.
crazyflump wrote: »tbh i learn alot off the hlev by watching the way u fight and stand, also it makes me very happy when i've been trying to complete the same quest 10 times and hlev comes along helps me,
Be careful on that, I backslide into all my bad habits when I am in a delve I am overleveled for, meaning I usually just stand there and spam an ability or two rather than use my rotations and positioning like I would with a challenging boss on level. Don't learn my bad habits is all I am saying.
Are you surprised? It's totally what I would expect from him. The nice thing is that his post is so far the only one in this thread espousing such an anti-social attitude..
Lovely attitude there...
Caius Drusus Imperial DK (DC) Bragg Ironhand Orc Temp (DC) Neesha Stalks-Shadows Argonian NB (EP) Falidir Altmer Sorcr (AD) J'zharka Khajiit NB (AD) |
Isabeau Runeseer Breton Sorc (DC) Fevassa Dunmer DK (EP) Manut Redguard Temp (AD) Tylera the Summoner Altmer Sorc (EP) Svari Snake-Blood Nord DK (AD) |
Ashlyn D'Elyse Breton NB (EP) Filindria Bosmer Temp (DC) Vigbjorn the Wanderer Nord Warden (EP) Hrokki Winterborn Breton Warden (DC) Basks-in-the-Sunshine Argonian Temp |
crazyflump wrote: »Just wanted to know if higher levels mind the lower levels following them around a delve, dungeon etc. I've had a few really kind guys that have helped me and i really appreciate it, just wanted to know from your side
WitchyWarrior wrote: »I was following around a few people in one of the new dugeons because they looked like they knew where they were going!
Scyantific wrote: »Every man for himself.
Especially in public dungeons. I see your low level ass following me around I'll just rush the next dungeon boss and stand there and do nothing while you die.
Are you surprised? It's totally what I would expect from him. The nice thing is that his post is so far the only one in this thread espousing such an anti-social attitude.
That happens to me a lot, I like to help low level newbies, I usually surprise them just before we part by crafting them a nice low level blue weapon, I just love to see the "OMG" response lol
Well that's RUDE. Why do you even care?
I wait up and make sure they get a hit on the boss and drop a heal if need be etc.
You get the same loot and everything so it makes no difference.
So glad you're not DC.
ShadowMage wrote: »I wouldn't mind helping out and grouping with people, but everyone I come across always seems to be in such a hurry...
Sadly he is not on EU as far as I know, I would love to duel him, but dare say it would not be much of a challenge, killing arrogant pups is not honourable, but on his case, I would make a exception, his post and others are clear indicators of people we do not want in the game at all.
Come see me in EU Azura sometime @Scyantific if you have a issue with my truthful words,
crazyflump wrote: »Just wanted to know if higher levels mind the lower levels following them around a delve, dungeon etc. I've had a few really kind guys that have helped me and i really appreciate it, just wanted to know from your side
Yeah I noticed after the fact that he's not even EU. I was gonna say wanna meet me in IC and I'll show you every man for him(her)self....bring 10k Telvani with you - just to pay me for my time. :P xD
I enjoy clearing places for the lowbies from time to time.
So long has your not following to steal chests its not a problem for me, have only had one lowbie follow me around to steal chests and sadly he didn't like it, poped my hide ability shadow cloak and and the mob aoed and went after him.
yeah I do not need any of the junk in Lowbie Dungeon Chests etc. lol I don't care - I usually Jump near them or pew pew the chest with my staff to give them the hint to take it.
Scyantific wrote: »Every man for himself.
Especially in public dungeons. I see your low level ass following me around I'll just rush the next dungeon boss and stand there and do nothing while you die.