My in-game name/account is Eptackt. Today I experienced a lot of frustration and I just wanted to share it with you Zenimax Online Studios, because it may help your project and a lot of players out there. I've been playing since the BETA and excepting three months I've been paying monthly fee. Just saying it because I really expect an answer from you because this matter has bothered me highly.
Maelstrom arena is amazing, and amazingly hard. I'm totally up for that, hard content, takes hours to complete and skill/gear to do so. That's how I've experienced it:
- Yesterday, after 8 hours straight of doing the arena i got to the final boss, but I was so sick that I couldn't really continue, after three tries i had to go to bed. Lost all progress.
- Next morning (5.30am) I go online, reaching 8th arena after only 3 hours, I was so tired that I decided to make a break. I was trying to keep pressing the mouse button to attack so i don't get AFK, but felt sleep (wasn't feeling well still) and i lost all progress again.
- Same morning I wake up later, I decide to restart, but when I get to 5th arena i get a sudden loading screen getting to character screen and when I get in-game again i'm in Craglorn Wayshrine. Lost all progress.
- Same day I keep going getting to the last boss in 3 hours, obviously improving. After 50-75 tries on him i just got a sudden loading screen again, getting to Craglorn again, loosing all the progress again.
I can't keep going on like this, knowing I can suddenly, without reason, loose hours of progress. This was supposed to be my Maelstrom arena weekend, normally I don't have a free weekend like that, as most people do I work and have stuff to do. A weekend that should've been enjoyable was not. Don't get me wrong, I loved the arenas, but can't you guess my frustration after all this? I can't just stop thinking the following: WHY AREN'T WE ABLE TO SAVE PROGRESS.
- Best players will still be on the top.
- Players who can't go for 9h straight will have a chance to enjoy the hardcore content.
I mean it's pretty dumb in my opinion that people has to go 9 hours straight without any rest because 15min AFK and you get disconected how's people supposed to enjoy this. Maelstrom arena is not a Gold Key. And same would go for Trials. Why can't we have progress saved from Monday to Monday? Like only one week? For all the content? Waiting for your answer, I really expect some clever answer because I hope there's a real reason, wich my brain wasn't able to process, I really hope so.
Also, on the 3rd arena there's this plants that pull you. It's all fine except they're in Dragonstar arena and they've been bugged since then. Why are you adding a broken mechanic into new content? Like i'm not even asking for a fix there. Seriously, those plants are pulling you, then you're pulled back sometimes, it has been like this since Veteran Dragonstar arena a long time ago, and you're using them again? May I ask why? Didn't you know this bug existed?
And last, for things affecting Maelstrom arena that is, this stupid bug where, randomly, you're unable to use any abilities for 10 seconds more or less, wich is a secured wipe sometimes when you're doing a good job.
Well the thing wich has more concern to me is the saving the progress part because it would make everything else less noticeable and everything more enjoyable. And I would also ask you something. Would you please teleport me to the last boss even if it's without entering the leaderboards so I can feel I achieved the content? I don't thing I have the nerve to try it again anytime soon, you would make me very happy, because I feel so crushed down right now.
Thank you...
Eptackt - Argonian Templar
Belegrand - Redguard Nightblade