Yes. The dungeons are overpowered.
Let me repeat that. The dungeons are overpowered.
I have lost count of the number of times players have tried to draw attention to this. Each and every time there is someone to come along and shout them down on the forums.
I will not be shouted down.
I AM A VERY GOOD PLAYER. Repeat. Not blazingly exceptional, but a very good, solid, player. So don’t bother trying to put me down – it has nothing to do with what I am going to say. I’m simply not vulnerable to that sort of tactic, and I hope that everyone who was intimated by the type of post I’m talking about will take courage from me and try again to express their experience. In short, snarks need not apply.
There was a time in the game when I was able to complete the dungeons, with the exception of the two we all know were glitched for a very long time.
I am now unable to complete any dungeon on any level. Why is a level 47 boss putting out 58K damage?
Why is this an issue? Why not just be happy with what I can do?
Because I paid money for this game, that’s why. I not only paid for it once, with a vet level pc character, but again with a vet level XboxOne character. I brought over 12 Xbox friends to play the game when it hit XBoxOne. They also paid for the game. Every single person in my guild paid for this game. Many of us have also paid for Crown Store items and DLC. Cold, hard, cash. Some of us, myself included, also pay for ESO Plus membership.
So, yes, we expect ALL aspects of the game to be obtainable, even if we aren’t “elite” players. Elite players are not the only ones who have paid for this game. To be blunt, I don’t care what territory any single player is trying to protect when posting what I would describe as bullying and intimidation tactics in response to other players attempting to communicate frustration with OP bosses.
And it doesn’t change the fact that nothing in the game should be withheld from a cold, hard, cash payer of the game. This is a video game, and it is ultimately in the end a question of economics. The game is intended to generate cash in exchange for entertainment. Where there is cash, there is a consumer base. Consumers are entitled to expectations.
If a player finds a particular aspect of the game to be more than their skill level can conquer, the fact that this game is an MMO means that it is embedded in the game that such a player should be able to seek assistance from other players in order to accomplish a goal. When three Vet players (including a VR16 capable of defeating Wamasu, Welwa, scorpion, and other Craglorn hordes solo) cannot complete a dungeon set to the lower player level in order to assist said player, something is very wrong. The most recent experience my group had with this definitely wasn’t the first but is very possibly the worst experience we have ever had. And we have all been very willing to work harder, try harder, read about builds, gain XP, experiment with strategy. And not one of us has even once seen a legendary reward. The saddest thing for me is that one of our group, who has been with this game since it launched on PC, has lost faith in its development as a result and not returned to it since.
As for that part of the community that wants harder content in the game, there is nothing wrong in that. They have also paid for the game, and their expectations are that it provide a greater challenge to their skill level. What I am saying is unacceptable from any player in an MMO community is the attitude that only their expectations matter.
And yes, MMOs do try to do everything. Because economics dictate they have to, and that's why input from ALL levels is crucial for long-term success.
Again, why is this an issue? Who cares?
Well, let’s try some facts, shall we?
Fully three quarters of my guild no longer plays. I belong to other guilds that are experiencing the same problem. And that’s another, extremely large, reason why it’s a problem.
Where is the long-term sustainability of an MMO that drives players to quit in frustration and walk away feeling ripped off? Where are the DLC profits going to come from? Where are the Crown Store profits going to come from? Where are the numbers of players a successful guild needs to be out there happily grinding items and gear to contribute to their guild(s) and trader(s)? There are ultimately only going to be just so many new players buying the game for the first time before there aren’t enough left to support the sustainability factor in the long term, let alone the expense of new content development.
Derision from any player toward another is alienating and toxic. What makes it even worse is how completely unnecessary it is. Most players don’t care if someone is better than them when that player is generous of attitude. They would rather learn from someone like that, and try to emulate their success. Obtainable success.
So I say let’s work together. Let’s get down to facts, and propose a realistic balance.
Let’s talk about how to structure rewards in a way that doesn’t withhold, because it’s very clear the withholding approach simply isn’t working. It’s patently obvious a noticeably large percentage of players have been pushed further than they’re willing to tolerate and are moving on to other games.
What would work? Adding a third tier to the system? Normal, Veteran, Hardcore level selections when entering a dungeon? What kinds of rewards could be implemented for the Hardcore level that would be satisfying to those players? Leaderboards currently exist, but what about leaderboards that actually mean more than numbers? Leaderboards that serve the function of a round robin, so to speak, leading to a broadcast public tournament competition? Sponsors for cash prizes? And reducing the OP for the Veteran level from where is stands now, actually taking it back down to a level where completion and access to the gold rewards is within the realm of practical achievability again? Not handed out on a platter, but realistically achievable?
Let’s lobby for and build the community up as a whole, and stop nitpicking irrelevancies. I, for one, LIKE this game. A lot. I want it to be around for a long time. I want playing it to continue to feel rewarding, and frankly, right now, it’s lost a lot of its luster for me. I’d like to get that luster back, before I end up quitting too.