point being, no-one seriously wears more than 2 heavy.
there is no benefit to doing so.
there should be.
a tank should be a tank no matter the scene, if i spec for dmg mitigation i know im sacrificing dps, but in pvp this doesnt work, you sacrifice everything by using more than 2 heavy... and going 7/7 heavy, you dps like a wet paper towel which is fine, but you still get bursted down because of nerfs to mitigation... seems @ZOS dont want heavy to be used in pvp.
Because a dps has average between 12-14k penatration. On top of that when you add debuff from skills and you mitigate like maximum 10% damage but you sacrifice a lot because the heavy bonuses are not useful, especially after the stamina regen nerf while blocking.
being a templar my jabs sucks donkey ass with 7/7 heavy, which is fine if i wasnt being torn a new *** because of other passives virtually removing my armor that i chose to use instead of dps.
my solution would be to add extras to the HA passives that only kick in when wearing 5 6 or 7 pieces of heavy, this would discourage medium and cloth users from using them.
dmg reduction is needed.
cap armor pen at 25% for HA users with 5 or more peices.
add in some bonus for using 7/7 HA that allows our sheilds to be more effective both damage and the one you weild, we should be able to absorb damage, and be that cc, interrupt and annoying guy that runs through fights hitting the healers and casters.
timidobserver wrote: »Heavy can work really well on a Templar once you hit the 400+ CP mark.
timidobserver wrote: »Heavy can work really well on a Templar once you hit the 400+ CP mark.
That's what makes it even a bigger issue.
usmcjdking wrote: »Here's the thing:
Everything else is tankier than the classic tank in PVP thanks to the Stamina nerf. ZOS so far has refused to acknowledge this regardless of how many people have mentioned that tanking in PVP is officially dead.
Tanks USED to be very fun in PVP but was a bit over-powered if they could stack a high enough stamina regen. We didn't have this amazing kill potential, but we could run into a fight and set up kills for the glass cannons. A nerf was definitely called for TBH. I was expecting an intelligent nerf designed to make tanking more interesting i.e., block radius is now 180 degrees, block costs increase the longer you hold block.
You know, well thought out, tested and intelligent nerfs.
Now the PVP tank is absolutely garbage. The only thing the PVP tank can do is honestly kill the burst NBs by stacking ridiculously high numbers of health regen.
usmcjdking wrote: »Here's the thing:
Everything else is tankier than the classic tank in PVP thanks to the Stamina nerf. ZOS so far has refused to acknowledge this regardless of how many people have mentioned that tanking in PVP is officially dead.
Tanks USED to be very fun in PVP but was a bit over-powered if they could stack a high enough stamina regen. We didn't have this amazing kill potential, but we could run into a fight and set up kills for the glass cannons. A nerf was definitely called for TBH. I was expecting an intelligent nerf designed to make tanking more interesting i.e., block radius is now 180 degrees, block costs increase the longer you hold block.
You know, well thought out, tested and intelligent nerfs.
Now the PVP tank is absolutely garbage. The only thing the PVP tank can do is honestly kill the burst NBs by stacking ridiculously high numbers of health regen.
Flattedfifth wrote: »Guys wtf are you talking about!? You can have 5 heavy and still get your weapon power to 3.5k. Any more "buffs" and heavy armor would be godlike -_-
Is it really that useless? Isn't it helpful against physical/stamina attacks? Doesn't it complement stamina builds?
As a magicka build I wish I could wear more than 2 heavy pieces and still be effective.