nordickittyhawk wrote: »Malestrom arena...
- Stranglers will now pull anyone who is blocking and immovable.
Zos come on... this is just .... no... come on... really ... Alright here we go:
Zenimax online Stuidos you keep doing this thing where you make a skill or a potion that says you are immune to something and just throw in a Mob that just counters this completly. I get it you want to make Malestrom arena hard for players to complete i get that... but you can not make these mechanics where you say this mob can break through this because "reasons". If your skill says you are immovable then you should be immovable and lets behonest the skill immovable costs alot and doesnt even last that long 5 secs+, same with the potion its a waste of a slot and it doesnt even last long at all. So zos please stop doing stuff like this your actually killing skills/potions and builds...
Your loosing players ... try not to loose more please.
nordickittyhawk wrote: »Malestrom arena...
- Stranglers will now pull anyone who is blocking and immovable.
Zos come on... this is just .... no... come on... really ... Alright here we go:
Zenimax online Stuidos you keep doing this thing where you make a skill or a potion that says you are immune to something and just throw in a Mob that just counters this completly. I get it you want to make Malestrom arena hard for players to complete i get that... but you can not make these mechanics where you say this mob can break through this because "reasons". If your skill says you are immovable then you should be immovable and lets behonest the skill immovable costs alot and doesnt even last that long 5 secs+, same with the potion its a waste of a slot and it doesnt even last long at all. So zos please stop doing stuff like this your actually killing skills/potions and builds...
Your loosing players ... try not to loose more please.
Where all the loose players at? I'm trying to party.
SleepyTroll wrote: »Yet no one cares when this happens to cloak...(except obviously it shouldn't work on bosses)
asneakybanana wrote: »TBH its better than nothing, were still going to have the weird warping issues from over acceleration when being pulled at max range but at least now we wont be stunned in place for the boss to whack on us over and over again.
nordickittyhawk wrote: »Malestrom arena...
- Stranglers will now pull anyone who is blocking and immovable.
Zos come on... this is just .... no... come on... really ... Alright here we go:
Zenimax online Stuidos you keep doing this thing where you make a skill or a potion that says you are immune to something and just throw in a Mob that just counters this completly. I get it you want to make Malestrom arena hard for players to complete i get that... but you can not make these mechanics where you say this mob can break through this because "reasons". If your skill says you are immovable then you should be immovable and lets behonest the skill immovable costs alot and doesnt even last that long 5 secs+, same with the potion its a waste of a slot and it doesnt even last long at all. So zos please stop doing stuff like this your actually killing skills/potions and builds...
Your loosing players ... try not to loose more please.
omfgitsbatman wrote: »nordickittyhawk wrote: »Malestrom arena...
- Stranglers will now pull anyone who is blocking and immovable.
Zos come on... this is just .... no... come on... really ... Alright here we go:
Zenimax online Stuidos you keep doing this thing where you make a skill or a potion that says you are immune to something and just throw in a Mob that just counters this completly. I get it you want to make Malestrom arena hard for players to complete i get that... but you can not make these mechanics where you say this mob can break through this because "reasons". If your skill says you are immovable then you should be immovable and lets behonest the skill immovable costs alot and doesnt even last that long 5 secs+, same with the potion its a waste of a slot and it doesnt even last long at all. So zos please stop doing stuff like this your actually killing skills/potions and builds...
Your loosing players ... try not to loose more please.
"Bro... I've got this brilliant Idea for a level!!! We electrify the water right... and then we put plants in the water that pull you into it... and then we make that pull unavoidable so they have to get in the water... but let's make the water hit for like 75% of their health the instant they get pulled into it."
"But wait, can't they just kill the plants?"
"Bro, they are gonna respawn so quick... Cuz reasons and stuff... They won't be able to keep them down for more than a few seconds... also, they have unlimited range."
"Bro... Why do you hate them?"
"Bro... I dunno... Cuz reasons.
"Bro... I think you need to hit this..."
"Bro... I've been hitting it all morning, how do you think I though of flowers that can live in electrified water?"
anitajoneb17_ESO wrote: »I'll join the complaints this time. It's ennoying to have effects, being from skills, potions, sets or passives, that don't work (on purpose) whenever you need them most.
That contributes to people not investing in any of them and sticking to standard buffs such as more base stat, more regen or more damage.
Why do you offer such buffs and effects if you don't mean them to work when we need them ?
kkordasb14_ESO wrote: »Psssshaw! Do Maelstrom naked, no food buffs or potions! That's the REAL test of skill.
(Warning: This is a joke.)
They can't come up with challenges that can beat your skills, so the skills are suspended to force you to use other abilities/strategies.nordickittyhawk wrote: »@Mursa Your going have to explain why this decsion is made and when you keep introducing mechanics like this; what is wrong with immovable its 5 seconds long and costs alot and same with the potion why is this such a bad thing for guys. You made the skill.. are you going to keep making these skill useless and not only that your giving ONE OPTION for the that arena round instead of multiple options! and might i add that when have stranglers ever worked? from rubber banding to stopping u blocking and getting hit by a range attacked which follows you. Now tell me why you think one option is good instead of optional? please and thank you..
tinythinker wrote: »They can't come up with challenges that can beat your skills, so the skills are suspended to force you to use other abilities/strategies.nordickittyhawk wrote: »@Mursa Your going have to explain why this decsion is made and when you keep introducing mechanics like this; what is wrong with immovable its 5 seconds long and costs alot and same with the potion why is this such a bad thing for guys. You made the skill.. are you going to keep making these skill useless and not only that your giving ONE OPTION for the that arena round instead of multiple options! and might i add that when have stranglers ever worked? from rubber banding to stopping u blocking and getting hit by a range attacked which follows you. Now tell me why you think one option is good instead of optional? please and thank you..
Hello everyone,
With the Strangler Pull, internally we had many of the same complaints about the Pull feeling cheap, so we tried allowing you to stop it by blocking or using player abilities like Immovable. However, over time in our internal playtests and watching streams of Maelstrom Arena, the dominant player behavior became to either use an ability to ignore the Stranglers, or just ignore them all together because they took so long to kill.
We weren’t hitting the desired play experience that we expect from an Arena Trap with the Stranglers. An Arena Trap should challenge you to have more situational awareness; it should make you think about the Arena as something more than just waves of monsters.
So, with that in mind we went back to making the Pull completely unavoidable. However, we also greatly reduced the Stranglers health on both Normal and Veteran Mode. Now, when you are Pulled by a Strangler, you can turn around and quickly kill it. Or if you pay attention to the edges of the playable space, you can easily kill Stranglers before they even get a Pull off. This change makes the arena much easier than it was before – regardless of your build, everyone can now deal with the Stranglers if you choose to focus on them.