They have already added 3 things to increase rarity, compared to V14 materials:
IC DLC ( V16 mats compared to availability of V14 mat availability )
Systems that increase rarity:
*You need 10 times as many mats to craft V16
*Deconstructing items will give you 1 piece only
*Hireling seem to send 1 piece every now and then
*No V16 mat nodes
Systems that decrease rarity:
Crafting writs don't require V16 materials
Orsinium DLC ( V16 mat availability compared to V14 mat availability )
Systems that increase rarity:
*You need 10 times as many mats to craft V16
*Deconstructing items will give you 1 piece only
*Hireling seem to send 1 piece every now and then
*Crafting nodes will now only drop those materials, if you have the passives invested.
*Even if you have the points invested, it isn't guaranteed that higher level materials will drop from nodes in DLC, they also may drop lower level materials
*Writs will now use the new materials(?)
Systems that decrease rarity:
*V16 nodes have been added (but will still result in less mats than V14 node availability )
Is it really necessary to increase the rarity yet again with this DLC?"Do V15/V16 materials still feel rare?" From the above they will be even more rare.I swear if V16 V15 crafting mats end up in the crown store after the above(already got malachite and gold scale incoming) ...I will self combust. I only say this becuase lately, items that have been introduced with more grind than they had before (motifs, style materials) ..seem to end up in the crown store...
Suggestions for improvements
EDIT: I could possibly see that they are introducing scaling in order to reward crafters. However, crafters will still suffer with the rarity increasing exponentially from V14 to V16. If rewarding crafters is the true intention, then I have the following suggestions if the rarity is being increased yet again.
*Increase the amount of V16 that the nodes drop/or increase the amount of nodes.
* Ensure that all nodes in DLC will drop the highest material that crafters can craft. (Ie no chance of low level mats).
*increase the amounts of V16 that hireling send. Current level is pitiful.
*increase the amounts of V16 mats (not style materials or traits) that crafters can get from deconstructing V15/V16 drops. They already have skill points invested into this- however it doesn't seem to affect V15/V16 drops? You only get one piece no matter how many skill points invested into increasing decon loot.
Yes, I was so excited to hear that there would be nodes in Orcinium, but when I see there are less nodes, high level mats only drop if you have passives AND that doesn't even guarantee V16 mats-actually - You only get A CHANCE to get a V16 drop from a node....I've been playing IC since release and the MOST I can craft in V16 is two pieces. If this doesnt increase drastically with the release of Orsinium it will be ridiculous. You will run off those on the fence waiting, hoping they will be able to craft V16 when Orsinium hits. This has me very discouraged, I agree good gear should be hard to get but don't we already have that with the RNG in dungeons? Crafting gear to do the dungeons should not take just as long, if not longer, to make than getting gear from said dungeon.
Callous2208 wrote: »Wait, wait, wait. Isn't it a good thing to need the passives to get the new v16 mats? Won't that prevent everyone from running around picking up mats they can't craft with to sell or horde and trade? Doesn't doing it this way also eliminate people running around, collecting the mats and sending them to alts for crafting? Personally, I will be nabbing all the wood, ore, cloth, and runes I can on my main and crafting up a storm.
I can see your point about dropped gear vs crafted gearCrafted vs dropped gear needs to have a balance in acquisition. BiS for most setups is often a mix of crafted and dropped gear. So while I think 10x mats need for VR16 vs VR15 is a bit much. At the same time, I don't think the mats should be as readily available as VR14 mats are.
Why should max level crafted gear be so much easier to obtain? Particularly when it's often not a starter set to dropped gear, but a companion to it.
Callous2208 wrote: »Wait, wait, wait. Isn't it a good thing to need the passives to get the new v16 mats? Won't that prevent everyone from running around picking up mats they can't craft with to sell or horde and trade? Doesn't doing it this way also eliminate people running around, collecting the mats and sending them to alts for crafting? Personally, I will be nabbing all the wood, ore, cloth, and runes I can on my main and crafting up a storm.
I'm not disagreeing with node scaling(I'm still undecided ), I'm highlighting how rare crafting materials will be. Many people were hoping that Orsinium would alleviate some of the rarity.
To be fair to you, I didn't explicitly state that in my original postCallous2208 wrote: »Callous2208 wrote: »Wait, wait, wait. Isn't it a good thing to need the passives to get the new v16 mats? Won't that prevent everyone from running around picking up mats they can't craft with to sell or horde and trade? Doesn't doing it this way also eliminate people running around, collecting the mats and sending them to alts for crafting? Personally, I will be nabbing all the wood, ore, cloth, and runes I can on my main and crafting up a storm.
I'm not disagreeing with node scaling(I'm still undecided ), I'm highlighting how rare crafting materials will be. Many people were hoping that Orsinium would alleviate some of the rarity.
Ah, gotcha, re-read and now I'm up to speed. Sorry, long day. I'm still trying to bank a bunch of mats from deconning drops myself. The best avenue I've found is to trade the ones I don't need for the ones I do with guildies 1:1. I don't really do alts though, and my main is currently in all heavy. I can imagine the grind is real with multiple toons to gear in multiple styles.
deadlock007 wrote: »
So I went to Wrothgar again today, gathering V15/16 mats just to complete one writ and see whether the rewards are as useless as they are on live. All in all it took me about 3-4 hours of gathering mats. Woodworking writ cannot be completed due to the bristlecone thing that is required and after all the time I spent gathering mats I was still missing 3 refined ore to complete the blacksmith writ (since I'm on a template character I can't just use what I already have). However I was able to complete the clothier writ and if they don't do anything about droprates/number of new nodes I will never ever do one of those writs again...
Here is what I got
So I used about 50 ancestor silk, will get one back from deconning that white item. There's the dreugh wax and let's just forget about the sardonyx.
So at current prices (PC/EU) 50 silk are worth roughly 30-35k gold, dreugh wax is about 2-3k gold. Doing those writs seems like one of the biggest wastes of money available in game. Sure, I could have gotten a survey and gotten some mats back but I wouldn't rely on that. I've been doing writs for a very long time on multiple characters now and the chances of getting surveys are just too low to make it worthwhile. Glass motif fragments are also only worth about 10k anymore so even if one of those had been in there, it would still have been a waste of money.
As a level 50 crafter I don't need the inspiration and 600 gold quest reward is not even close to anything that would feel rewarding.
deadlock007 wrote: »
You'll be interested in this comment from @Hagebutte ( @Hagebutte hope you don't mind me sharing your comment):
So I went to Wrothgar again today, gathering V15/16 mats just to complete one writ and see whether the rewards are as useless as they are on live. All in all it took me about 3-4 hours of gathering mats. Woodworking writ cannot be completed due to the bristlecone thing that is required and after all the time I spent gathering mats I was still missing 3 refined ore to complete the blacksmith writ (since I'm on a template character I can't just use what I already have). However I was able to complete the clothier writ and if they don't do anything about droprates/number of new nodes I will never ever do one of those writs again...
Here is what I got
So I used about 50 ancestor silk, will get one back from deconning that white item. There's the dreugh wax and let's just forget about the sardonyx.
So at current prices (PC/EU) 50 silk are worth roughly 30-35k gold, dreugh wax is about 2-3k gold. Doing those writs seems like one of the biggest wastes of money available in game. Sure, I could have gotten a survey and gotten some mats back but I wouldn't rely on that. I've been doing writs for a very long time on multiple characters now and the chances of getting surveys are just too low to make it worthwhile. Glass motif fragments are also only worth about 10k anymore so even if one of those had been in there, it would still have been a waste of money.
As a level 50 crafter I don't need the inspiration and 600 gold quest reward is not even close to anything that would feel rewarding.
I'm sorrydeadlock007 wrote: »deadlock007 wrote: »
You'll be interested in this comment from @Hagebutte ( @Hagebutte hope you don't mind me sharing your comment):
So I went to Wrothgar again today, gathering V15/16 mats just to complete one writ and see whether the rewards are as useless as they are on live. All in all it took me about 3-4 hours of gathering mats. Woodworking writ cannot be completed due to the bristlecone thing that is required and after all the time I spent gathering mats I was still missing 3 refined ore to complete the blacksmith writ (since I'm on a template character I can't just use what I already have). However I was able to complete the clothier writ and if they don't do anything about droprates/number of new nodes I will never ever do one of those writs again...
Here is what I got
So I used about 50 ancestor silk, will get one back from deconning that white item. There's the dreugh wax and let's just forget about the sardonyx.
So at current prices (PC/EU) 50 silk are worth roughly 30-35k gold, dreugh wax is about 2-3k gold. Doing those writs seems like one of the biggest wastes of money available in game. Sure, I could have gotten a survey and gotten some mats back but I wouldn't rely on that. I've been doing writs for a very long time on multiple characters now and the chances of getting surveys are just too low to make it worthwhile. Glass motif fragments are also only worth about 10k anymore so even if one of those had been in there, it would still have been a waste of money.
As a level 50 crafter I don't need the inspiration and 600 gold quest reward is not even close to anything that would feel rewarding.
Well now.....thats just sad
Same hereTequilaFire wrote: »As someone who has crafted his own gear sets since the beginning all I can say is this has become quite tiring.
And when a game becomes tiring...
Orsinium is another place of supply for those Vr15-16 mats so with time when the market is more full with them it should be easier
In the german forums @ZOS_KaiSchober answered questions about the node scaling/number :ZOS_KaiSchober wrote: »Ja, es ist Absicht, da die Handwerk9-Materialien noch für die Dailies gebraucht werden, Das Verhältnis dürfte bei ca. 4:1 zu Gunsten der VR10-14 Mats liegen.Ist es eigentlich beasichtigt das man, bei ausgelevelten Handwerksfähigkeiten, auch die V10 - V14 Materialien findetet oder sollte man nur die neuen Materialen finden?
Konnte dies in den Patchnotes dies bezüglich nichts genaueres finden!
Habe bis jetzt nämlich nur das Glück gehabt die die V14 Materialien zu finden bis auf 2 Rohe Ahnenseidevorkommen.
Roughly translated, he says that you still find V10-14 mats because they are still needed for dailies. The ratio should supposedly be 4(old):1(new).
I asked which dailies he's referring to, since the writs definitely require the new mats. Moreover the ratio is far from 4:1 in my experience.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't understandI'll quote myself from the thread @angelyn mentioned concerning topic:In the german forums @ZOS_KaiSchober answered questions about the node scaling/number :ZOS_KaiSchober wrote: »Ja, es ist Absicht, da die Handwerk9-Materialien noch für die Dailies gebraucht werden, Das Verhältnis dürfte bei ca. 4:1 zu Gunsten der VR10-14 Mats liegen.Ist es eigentlich beasichtigt das man, bei ausgelevelten Handwerksfähigkeiten, auch die V10 - V14 Materialien findetet oder sollte man nur die neuen Materialen finden?
Konnte dies in den Patchnotes dies bezüglich nichts genaueres finden!
Habe bis jetzt nämlich nur das Glück gehabt die die V14 Materialien zu finden bis auf 2 Rohe Ahnenseidevorkommen.
Roughly translated, he says that you still find V10-14 mats because they are still needed for dailies. The ratio should supposedly be 4(old):1(new).
I asked which dailies he's referring to, since the writs definitely require the new mats. Moreover the ratio is far from 4:1 in my experience.
I hope Kai responds soon. Somehow it feels like they never tested the system themselves.
Enemy-of-Coldharbour wrote: »No one will be able to do daily max level writs. Would would need thousands of refined mats just for one day.
Well, from what I understand I'm not sure it's exactly RNG , but pretty darn close.(I know that you are probably fully aware of this as I've seen you comment in the PTS threadnimander99 wrote: »So ZoS is now adding RNG to crafting nodes... I'm not happy about this.
Is RNG like the dev lazy design or what? Can't figure out a creative way to make something difficult to obtain so we'll slap it behind an RNG-Wall(TM).
Orsinium is another place of supply for those Vr15-16 mats so with time when the market is more full with them it should be easier
It's a very poor supply. You only have a chance of encountering the new mats. Only about 1 in 7 nodes are the new mat level, in my personal experience.
Thank youGood thread.
Maybe some of you can offer your opinion as I'm a bit bewildered and have limited mats:
If I plan to NOT buy Orsinium...
Is it better to make a VR16 set (Kagrenac's Hope) now, or should I just settle for VR15, and wait for Orsinium craftable sets?
If I don't run dungeons, is my only option to get a new gear set to find a crafter to make it for me?
That is true , V15 can probably be used for writs. However, even obtaining enough to make V15 stuff, will be a task,based on some people's feedback( @Vandercat & @Sordidfairytale hope you don't mind me quoting you to illustrate this point):Scyantific wrote: »You do realize that you can get away with crafting the lowest possible level for an item in that material, right?Enemy-of-Coldharbour wrote: »No one will be able to do daily max level writs. Would would need thousands of refined mats just for one day.
Or have you been crafting v14 stuff this whole time
[*] Is it clear that crafting nodes are scaling to the passive, and do you find that more enjoyable that scaling to your level?
Yes, it's clear and I do enjoy it to a point.
[*] Do Veteran Rank 15 and above materials still feel rare?
Too rare. I harvested almost 300 Voidstone ore and less than 10 Rubidite (?) ore. I found 1 Ruby Ash node, no Ancestor Silk and it seemed like I harvested plenty Rubedo, but it was gone from my inventory when I went to refine it. More VR14 Potency runes than I know what to do with and no VR15/16 runes.
I did get a very few mats from my hirelings, but at the rate they arrive there I will be able to complete 1 crafting writ a month.
[*] Do you feel you could obtain the Ancient Orc and Akiviri chapters and style items fairly reasonably?
No. Spent 3 hours in one of the areas and didn't get a single page. Still none of the style mats. Haven't had a chance to check out the Akaviri.
Sordidfairytale wrote: »ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »This is the official feedback thread for crafting node scaling found in Orsinium. Specific feedback the team is looking for includes:
- Is it clear that crafting nodes are scaling to the passive, and do you find that more enjoyable that scaling to your level?
- Do Veteran Rank 15 and above materials still feel rare?
After a little over 3 hours this is my initial observation.
- I prefer it scaling to my crafting passive, and it is clear.
- Too rare. Only located 2 Silk nodes out of 123 nodes night one and one wood node 88 out of nodes on night two. This is while I was on a blacksmith/wood/clothing maxed crafter with all passives maxed.
Scyantific wrote: »Enemy-of-Coldharbour wrote: »No one will be able to do daily max level writs. Would would need thousands of refined mats just for one day.
You do realize that you can get away with crafting the lowest possible level for an item in that material, right?
Or have you been crafting v14 stuff this whole time
Sallington wrote: »Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"
Thank you