Witches' Festival Crown Store Items: An Issue With Timing

  • Forestd16b14_ESO
    Timeing aside I'm just glad ZOS is following lore screw real life holidays TES holidays are much more fun.
  • Gidorick
    Blackhorne wrote: »
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Blackhorne wrote: »
    ...and the creatures created or summoned there may plague Tamriel for eons.

    So they are summoned on the 13th of Frostfall, and you just happen to run into them later. Problem solved.

    As I said previously in the thread... if they make these creatures killable NPCs on the 13th the problem is solved, I agree.

    Otherwise, no... it is not. I am only willing to go so far with flimsy justifications for this sort of thing.

    If they are summoned on the 13th of frost fall... why do I go 8 days without seeing them? Why do they suddenly pop up 8 days later in great quantity?

    I really don't think I'm being unreasonable in asking that ZOS respect the lore. I'll go as far as accepting these creatures existence as summoned creatures.

    I was trying to avoid the patently obvious assumption you're making, but here it is:
    It is not possible to line up the calendars in the way you're attempting. They're defined differently, time flows differently, the ESO:TU calendar is not fully defined, no correlation point has been identified.

    Your obsession with October 13, 2015 has absolutely no bearing on the flexibility of the ESO:TU calendar. Any diurnal period in-game could be 13th Frostfall. Why not the first such period which happens to correlate with October 22, 2015?

    And here's the final kicker: the choice is not yours to make. Nor is it mine. The only entity in a position to define when 13th Frostfall is is ZOS. Based on the evidence, they've chosen to make it correlate with October 22, 2015. There's no reason why that could not be the case, so your argument that it should be October 13 has no merit.

    You further undermine your argument by allowing them to show up before your arbitrary cut-off date, on October 8th. If 13th Frostfall has not happened, how is it that you suddenly start seeing them on what you define as 8th Frostfall?

    Going 8 days without seeing something which exists (even something very common) is not unheard of. I have an oak tree outside my house in which squirrels live. Yet I sometimes go for a week or more without seeing those squirrels.

    Seeing something 5 days before it can exist is much more unreasonable.
    Most of what you have to say has been previously responded to. So I'm not going to bother with those parts.

    As for the release date. I initially considered asking that the release date be adjusted to the 13th but thought asking that they release off-schedule (not on a Thursday) would be kind of unreasonable... so I simply ask that they be available to us on the day of the witches festival, October 13th.

    And again, if ZOS wanted to establish a calendar for ESO that made the witches festival take place on some day other than October 13th.... I'd welcome that too. :wink:
    Edited by Gidorick on October 3, 2015 5:29PM
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  • Ghrimn
    Except they're not. Just because they're calling it Witches Festival, it doesn't mean they're following the lore. Witches Festival has nothing to do with pumpkin monsters, and it's celebrated on Frost Fall 13th, not Frost Fall 22nd to Sun's Dusk 2nd. They're obviously trying to pass a RL holiday off as a Tamrielic one.
  • Elsonso
    @Gidorick ... lol

    Nice try. We all know that the entire purpose of these things is to capitalize on Halloween. The link to the Tamrielic holiday is just to give people some lore to go on due to complaints already posted in the forum. The real reason, the only reason, that ZOS is doing this is Halloween, and you cannot (absolutely CANNOT) end your exclusive Halloween sale before Halloween. Most of the masses would never understand why the Tamrielic holiday is not at the same time as Halloween.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

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  • Soulshine
    Gidorick wrote: »
    So much for in-game events. More crown store nonsense(I know, I know, development needs funding). /yawn

    One would HOPE that a bunch of monsters spawn on Frostfall the 13th all across Tamriel for us to fight. That would be fitting the lore.

    Too bad there are no Avanc envelopes to release in this game, that would be preferable to crown store Halloween gimmicks in my mind... but keep at it. I am sure if you drum up enough support, they will be only too happy to comply. More time = more money.
  • Zavus
    but but the [SNIP] lore m8

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Cursing & Profanity]
    Edited by ZOS_Racheal on October 24, 2015 10:24PM
    Zavus - Worst NB NA / First NB RANK 50
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  • Kuroinu
    Zavus wrote: »
    but but the [SNIP] lore m8

    Create in-game events with meaning to flow with TES lore? U WOT M8

    [Moderator Note: Edited quote to match moderated version]
    Edited by ZOS_Racheal on October 24, 2015 10:23PM
  • Aelthwyn
    Ug, while I get the whole 'this is a business' aspect, I so do not want to see real life holiday stuff in game. Is that why we're here? because we can't get enough jackolanterns or candycanes in real life? I don't think so. And personally I'm going to want cool stuff whenever it's available, not just because it's the season for seeing a ton of pumpkins everywhere I look, or whatever. Scarecrows are a dime a dozen now anyways, while the mind-shriven stuff is cool and unique. There's plenty of creepy stuff in Tamriel already and if they really have to try to cash in on outside world holidays, fine sell draugr and necromancer and zombie gear, but pumpkin heads? Seriously? There's no need for scraping up flimsy excuses to add clichés that weren't already integrated.

    Personally I think playing up the actual lore in a way that will draw the fans into the 'nerddom' is one thing that helps form a stronger, loyal community. When you get people actually excited about the world you've created, rather than just trying to mooch off real world culture, it adds more depth and quality. I'd love to see them get people excited about events that are unique to this game, this world. Not copying popular culture gives fans a sense of being part of something exclusive or special which cultivates a feeling of patriotism for it, in a sense, creates a bond with other people who are in the know. I think cultivating that kind of community will capture the people who are going to be most long-term, and willing to weather some of the other issues because they love Tamriel, it's not just a game to pass the time in real life, it becomes 'home'. Well that's my geeky take on this sort of thing anyways....
    Edited by Aelthwyn on October 3, 2015 11:05PM
  • Shadesofkin
    Hey if you're going to play in the world of Tamriel, you gotta get it right.

    This is why I never run games in Forgotten Realms, I have players who will call me on my mistakes.
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  • tengri
    Makes me wonder with which "festival" they'll come up with in... uhm... 2 months or so to sell their new red-nosed reindeer mount...
  • Elsonso
    tengri wrote: »
    Makes me wonder with which "festival" they'll come up with in... uhm... 2 months or so to sell their new red-nosed reindeer mount...

    The New Life festival. They do not even have to change the date. In the 2nd Era, it was popular to dress up in red outfits with red fur caps and ride around in sleighs pulled by deer while delivering gifts. They used trees decorated by lights and other finery to tell people where to put the gifts. By the 3rd Era, this tradition had changed quite a bit.

    Y'all have fun with that. I will not be participating.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
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  • Korah_Eaglecry
    Ghrimn wrote: »
    Except they're not. Just because they're calling it Witches Festival, it doesn't mean they're following the lore. Witches Festival has nothing to do with pumpkin monsters, and it's celebrated on Frost Fall 13th, not Frost Fall 22nd to Sun's Dusk 2nd. They're obviously trying to pass a RL holiday off as a Tamrielic one.

    Which is what a lot of MMOs do. At least in this case they arent blatantly calling it Halloween. Do expect this to occur in December too with some sort of Festivities probably revolving around the Aedra and good tidings.
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  • Acrolas
    I'm looking forward to the mount they'll release for Gardtide (Rain's Hand 1st).

    signing off
  • Gidorick
    @Gidorick ... lol

    Nice try. We all know that the entire purpose of these things is to capitalize on Halloween. The link to the Tamrielic holiday is just to give people some lore to go on due to complaints already posted in the forum. The real reason, the only reason, that ZOS is doing this is Halloween, and you cannot (absolutely CANNOT) end your exclusive Halloween sale before Halloween. Most of the masses would never understand why the Tamrielic holiday is not at the same time as Halloween.

    Where did I suggest that they end the sale prior to Halloween @lordrichter? October 8th-November 2nd would be fine.
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  • Gidorick
    tengri wrote: »
    Makes me wonder with which "festival" they'll come up with in... uhm... 2 months or so to sell their new red-nosed reindeer mount...

    The New Life festival. They do not even have to change the date. In the 2nd Era, it was popular to dress up in red outfits with red fur caps and ride around in sleighs pulled by deer while delivering gifts. They used trees decorated by lights and other finery to tell people where to put the gifts. By the 3rd Era, this tradition had changed quite a bit.

    Y'all have fun with that. I will not be participating.

    Yep! The specific holiday you're thinking of is Saturalia. The New Life festival comes a few days early in Wayrest with Saturalia, traditionally held on the 25th of Evening Star. Originally a holiday for a long forgotten god of debauchery, it has become a time of gift giving, parties, and parading. Visitors are encouraged to participate.

    So yea... Expect gifts... expect very VERY "Christmasy" items.
    Edited by Gidorick on October 4, 2015 6:15AM
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  • Robo_Hobo
    I'm surprised they made it witch's festival orientated in the first place, but I greatly appreciate that they did.

    As for the date however, that's not much a problem with me, I think it's a bad idea to compare ESO's days with the real world's days since ESO days go a lot faster. Plus, if they did, that'd mean the year would have to change as well, and that could get problematic with references to the year we play in. And books, journals with dates, etc.

    I'd rather appreciate what they did go out of their way for to make it fit the lore than be snobby about it and make the next holiday release ignore it completely.

  • Cinbri
    Yay, mind-shriven finally
  • Rosveen
    Let me try a different angle. If a guild decides to celebrate the Witches' Festival and send monsters out into the world, they cannot do so. The polymorphs aren't available on day of the festival. All they can do is gather on Halloween and do what they planned - but that's not what they're RPing.

    Would it kill ZOS to make these two available a week earlier?
  • Stravokov
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Dear ZOS Creative Team (so... @ZOS_RichLambert ):

    According to your Crown Store Showcase The Pumpkin Specter and Scarecrow polymorphs are summons for WItches' Festival. Firstly, I applaud you for finding a way to kind of justify this using lore. The description of the Witches' Festival is as follows:

    "Today is the 13th of Frostfall, known throughout Tamriel as the Witches' Festival when the forces of sorcery and religion clash. The Mages Guild gets most of the business since weapons and items are evaluated for their mystic potential free of charge and magic spells are one half their usual price. Demonologists, conjurors, lamias, warlocks, and thaumaturgists meet in the wilderness outside (the city), and the creatures created or summoned there may plague Tamriel for eons. Most wise men choose not to wander this night. In Daggerfall, this is the Summoning Day for Mephala."

    Only the most stubborn among us could scoff at the idea that these two polymorphs could never be summoned in the wilderness to frighten others. Well done.

    Now for the issue... These polymorphs will be available October 22nd. Frostfall is the Tamrielic month of October. As stated above the Witches Festival is on the 13th. These polymorphs will COMPLETELY MISS the Witches' Festival. Are you actively trying to dismiss, ignore, and shrug off lore? The other items in the showcase are being released on October 8th... which is in time for the Witches' Festival.

    Either the timing was blatantly and knowingly ignored, or just overlooked... I'm not sure which is worse. Way to go out of your way to prove to your playerbase that these are HALLOWEEN releases... and not for The Witches Festival... which they completely miss.

    There is a really easy fix here. Release them on October 8th with the other items... Release them on October 8th and you are guaranteed to sell at least one more of each polymorph. :wink:

    Another fix would be if there were Mobs of these two polymorphs that we could battle from like October 12th to Halloween.... that would make an in-game event AND it would satisfy these items being in game during the witches festival. Of course, I doubt that work has been done... and if it hasn't, there isn't enough time to make this happen at this point.


  • Gidorick
    Rosveen wrote: »
    Let me try a different angle. If a guild decides to celebrate the Witches' Festival and send monsters out into the world, they cannot do so. The polymorphs aren't available on day of the festival. All they can do is gather on Halloween and do what they planned - but that's not what they're RPing.

    Would it kill ZOS to make these two available a week earlier?

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  • Gidorick
    Stravokov wrote: »
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Dear ZOS Creative Team (so... @ZOS_RichLambert ):

    According to your Crown Store Showcase The Pumpkin Specter and Scarecrow polymorphs are summons for WItches' Festival. Firstly, I applaud you for finding a way to kind of justify this using lore. The description of the Witches' Festival is as follows:

    "Today is the 13th of Frostfall, known throughout Tamriel as the Witches' Festival when the forces of sorcery and religion clash. The Mages Guild gets most of the business since weapons and items are evaluated for their mystic potential free of charge and magic spells are one half their usual price. Demonologists, conjurors, lamias, warlocks, and thaumaturgists meet in the wilderness outside (the city), and the creatures created or summoned there may plague Tamriel for eons. Most wise men choose not to wander this night. In Daggerfall, this is the Summoning Day for Mephala."

    Only the most stubborn among us could scoff at the idea that these two polymorphs could never be summoned in the wilderness to frighten others. Well done.

    Now for the issue... These polymorphs will be available October 22nd. Frostfall is the Tamrielic month of October. As stated above the Witches Festival is on the 13th. These polymorphs will COMPLETELY MISS the Witches' Festival. Are you actively trying to dismiss, ignore, and shrug off lore? The other items in the showcase are being released on October 8th... which is in time for the Witches' Festival.

    Either the timing was blatantly and knowingly ignored, or just overlooked... I'm not sure which is worse. Way to go out of your way to prove to your playerbase that these are HALLOWEEN releases... and not for The Witches Festival... which they completely miss.

    There is a really easy fix here. Release them on October 8th with the other items... Release them on October 8th and you are guaranteed to sell at least one more of each polymorph. :wink:

    Another fix would be if there were Mobs of these two polymorphs that we could battle from like October 12th to Halloween.... that would make an in-game event AND it would satisfy these items being in game during the witches festival. Of course, I doubt that work has been done... and if it hasn't, there isn't enough time to make this happen at this point.


    Exactly! :wink:
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  • Elsonso
    Gidorick wrote: »
    @Gidorick ... lol

    Nice try. We all know that the entire purpose of these things is to capitalize on Halloween. The link to the Tamrielic holiday is just to give people some lore to go on due to complaints already posted in the forum. The real reason, the only reason, that ZOS is doing this is Halloween, and you cannot (absolutely CANNOT) end your exclusive Halloween sale before Halloween. Most of the masses would never understand why the Tamrielic holiday is not at the same time as Halloween.

    Where did I suggest that they end the sale prior to Halloween @lordrichter? October 8th-November 2nd would be fine.

    You didn't... the ... uh... people at ZOS did.

    Like I said... nice try. Meaning, you wasted your time even posting this because it will not do any good.
    Edited by Elsonso on October 5, 2015 12:33AM
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

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  • Gidorick
    Gidorick wrote: »
    @Gidorick ... lol

    Nice try. We all know that the entire purpose of these things is to capitalize on Halloween. The link to the Tamrielic holiday is just to give people some lore to go on due to complaints already posted in the forum. The real reason, the only reason, that ZOS is doing this is Halloween, and you cannot (absolutely CANNOT) end your exclusive Halloween sale before Halloween. Most of the masses would never understand why the Tamrielic holiday is not at the same time as Halloween.

    Where did I suggest that they end the sale prior to Halloween @lordrichter? October 8th-November 2nd would be fine.

    You didn't... the ... uh... people at ZOS did.

    Like I said... nice try. Meaning, you wasted your time even posting this because it will not do any good.

    Lol the same can be said for about 99% of my posts. The only post that actually make a difference are probably the bug reports. At this point its almost comical when considering how many posts I've had and how many threads I've started.
    Edited by Gidorick on October 5, 2015 3:09AM
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  • Robo_Hobo
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Gidorick wrote: »
    @Gidorick ... lol

    Nice try. We all know that the entire purpose of these things is to capitalize on Halloween. The link to the Tamrielic holiday is just to give people some lore to go on due to complaints already posted in the forum. The real reason, the only reason, that ZOS is doing this is Halloween, and you cannot (absolutely CANNOT) end your exclusive Halloween sale before Halloween. Most of the masses would never understand why the Tamrielic holiday is not at the same time as Halloween.

    Where did I suggest that they end the sale prior to Halloween @lordrichter? October 8th-November 2nd would be fine.

    You didn't... the ... uh... people at ZOS did.

    Like I said... nice try. Meaning, you wasted your time even posting this because it will not do any good.

    Lol the same can be said for about 99% of my posts. The only post that actually make a difference are probably the bug reports. At this point its almost comical when considering how many posts I've had and how many threads I've started.

    I'm sure they like reading them even if they don't end up posting, a lot of them are great and intuitive ideas and could do a lot of good for the game if they took some pages from them. Plus, any thread that focuses on betterment of the game via creative ideas rather than just ranting about overpowered abilties and classes, or nerfed abilities and classes, is always something to be appreciated.

    Besides, time enjoyed isn't time wasted, so in the end if was at least fun to create them, there's always that.
  • Gidorick
    Robo_Hobo wrote: »
    Besides, time enjoyed isn't time wasted, so in the end if was at least fun to create them, there's always that.

    Thanks for the perspective @Robo_Hobo. This is pretty much how I feel. I genuinely enjoy making my silly little posts. And I think there's a certain amount of "seed planting" that happens with some of the concepts. I don't expect responses but do hope the ideas are taken into consideration during the creative brainstorming process.
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  • Noerknhar
    wtf did I just read
  • Gidorick
    Noerknhar wrote: »
    wtf did I just read

    It's ok. Comprehension is hard sometimes. It'll be alright. :wink:

    I see you're somewhat new to the forums... there are those of us who feel the lore is kind of sacred and that while yes, the lore should serve the game, the game should respect the lore.
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  • Enodoc
    Most of the masses would never understand why the Tamrielic holiday is not at the same time as Halloween.
    To be fair, I don't understand that either. Saturalia is on the 25th of Evening Star, the New Life Festival is on 1st Morning Star. There's no denying that those Tamrielic holidays were created to line up with real-world ones, so why does the Witches' Festival not line up with Halloween?
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  • Gidorick
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Most of the masses would never understand why the Tamrielic holiday is not at the same time as Halloween.
    To be fair, I don't understand that either. Saturalia is on the 25th of Evening Star, the New Life Festival is on 1st Morning Star. There's no denying that those Tamrielic holidays were created to line up with real-world ones, so why does the Witches' Festival not line up with Halloween?

    hmm... You have a point. It is interesting that the original writer of the Witches' festival didn't just make it Frostfall the 31st...
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
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  • Kuroinu
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Most of the masses would never understand why the Tamrielic holiday is not at the same time as Halloween.
    To be fair, I don't understand that either. Saturalia is on the 25th of Evening Star, the New Life Festival is on 1st Morning Star. There's no denying that those Tamrielic holidays were created to line up with real-world ones, so why does the Witches' Festival not line up with Halloween?

    hmm... You have a point. It is interesting that the original writer of the Witches' festival didn't just make it Frostfall the 31st...

    Maybe it was originally a typo, but they just kept it. 13, 31, whoopsies. "Well, the number 13 has usually been thought of as a sinister number.". Or it was just a miscommunication because of this and they shrugged it off.
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