DisgracefulMind wrote: »First, they need to add a non-CP campaign, let players try it and then see where the PvP community's opinion lies afterwards.
Second, I do agree with a catch-up mechanic being implemented; however, that mechanic cannot allow a newer player, or a player who has not dedicated the time to catch up to a player who has been in-game longer OR has dedicated more time to their CP trees.
Third, the first CP cap needs to be a large one. We are 6+ months into the CP system already. When the cap is added, there is a need to not make the cap underwhelming. It will drive players away. No reason that players should be punished for having played the game.
All I see the forums focused on lately is making it so that new players get handouts. What about loyal players that have been here for a long time and have invested the time and energy into all aspects of this game. Why should we get pushed away?
People who lose will always find something to complain about or blame... once cp gets nerfed it will be some other thing to wine about until it gets nerfed. The good players will continue to find a way to win while the winners will find another reason to wine about why they lost or its unfair... Cycle of the game.
TalonShina wrote: »Yolokin_Swagonborn wrote: »Just remove the damn things from PvP and I couldn't care less what you did with them.
Exactly I don't think the issue is PVE I think for PVE they are fine. From observation the issue is with the hardcore or PVP only crowd and I think a campaign no CPs is the way to solve it maybe even make all the campaigns CP free instead of just a few
so wath about leaderbords in PVE?
Lord Xanhorn wrote: »The mechanic of CP is supposed to already have a built in soft cap but the people at ZOS don't understand diminishing returns.
The max strength of a skill line should have been 10% rather than 25%, and the first point should have offered 1% and the last .001%. This would have made the power curve a lot more manageable.
TalonShina wrote: »
PS: to say I have limited experience while yes is true it's also a lame argument if you can read you clearly can see the issue with the CP you don't have them to know who wants a HARD CAP that doesn't progress till the next DLC. As someone above you said the system isn't broke it's people's views because THEY MUST BE THE TOP instantly
That's why I even bothered writing you back. See, there are tons of threads about that topic from people far more experienced but I wrote in this specific thread BECAUSE you only know from reading what others say and didnt make own experiences.
See, if you read something in the forums about 2 different opinions, you eventually have to stick to one side in case you cant verify/test/experience it for yourself.
You happend to stick to the side that doesnt share my opinion and while I value "the other side of the coin" in any conversation, I just wanted to show you my perspective as a long time PvE competitor.
If you think CP should stay in PvE or not is your choice. There are pros and cons for any "side". I think I made my point and nowhere did I say or imply your opinion is less meaningful because you are less experienced.
But reading about a topic and being involved is not the same, to be perfectly honest.
TalonShina wrote: »
however maybe there could be trial campaigns like pvp campaigns so that you can have different levels.
Because we should reward all the scrubs in their mothers basement with 25% more regen and damage on top of -25% skill cost and damage taken, because they can kill NPCs all day with EXP pots.
Lol get rekt.
AlphaCrucis wrote: »Yep totally agree, but that's the risk i have to take when entering Cyrodil. When i come in with my 13 CP & come across someone like yourself with 500 CP & you smash me I'll just respwn & get over it. Next time i see someone that is v4 or higher I'll try to avoid them.
I just think if people are concerned about having low CP then spend some time to build them up
TalonShina wrote: »AlphaCrucis wrote: »Yep totally agree, but that's the risk i have to take when entering Cyrodil. When i come in with my 13 CP & come across someone like yourself with 500 CP & you smash me I'll just respwn & get over it. Next time i see someone that is v4 or higher I'll try to avoid them.
I just think if people are concerned about having low CP then spend some time to build them up
I agree with you
AlphaCrucis wrote: »Yep totally agree, but that's the risk i have to take when entering Cyrodil. When i come in with my 13 CP & come across someone like yourself with 500 CP & you smash me I'll just respwn & get over it. Next time i see someone that is v4 or higher I'll try to avoid them.
I just think if people are concerned about having low CP then spend some time to build them up
TalonShina wrote: »capping it they way it seems like they are leaning towards won't solve the issue
TalonShina wrote: »The Cp system isn't perfect of course but I don't think a hard cap needs to be made. A re-evaluation of the system is in need capping it they way it seems like they are leaning towards won't solve the issue
1. if you can still gain CP and not use it until the next cap raise people will still grind it out and spend all points instantly and likely again have an advantage.
2. Is Cp causing issues sure I can agree there but I think there are other ways around the issues other than hard capping the way they are saying
a.skelton92 wrote: »I think the hard cap is stupid aswell.. I am yet to get past even 40 CP's but why the *** people want a ceiling on progression I will never understand.. As long as the cap is like 1000 or something.. If you all want to be equal, bugger off back to whatever FPS you came from.
Seriously, anyone who has blatantly spent more time playing than you SHOULD have more CPs. Why wouldnt they? Why should someone thats played continuously and commited more time, be equal to some guy that only logs in once a week. Even in life people, that do 'x' more frequently will be better at it than those that do not do it as often. Why should it be any different in a game.
Whats with this illogical sense of entitlement nowadays?
For people who want to play competitively but have actual real life responsibilities the CP system is complete garbage. This applies to both PvE and PvP. Having a progression based system is fine and it gets people to play the game more/longer but there should be a reasonable limit to the advantages of having tons of CP over having only a few CP.
Lord Xanhorn wrote: »The mechanic of CP is supposed to already have a built in soft cap but the people at ZOS don't understand diminishing returns.
The max strength of a skill line should have been 10% rather than 25%, and the first point should have offered 1% and the last .001%. This would have made the power curve a lot more manageable.
nimander99 September 26
Hey /lurk if you are reading this and it's the weekend, take a break buddy... but if it's Monday then I have a simple question.
Why won't you just create a campaign that disables CP's? Instead of capping or changing major functions/systems of the game?
This seems the more elegant solution, as opposed to the collateral damage from really getting invasive.
ZOS_RichLambert September 26
We are. Wheeler already announced that awhile ago.