Last Halloween Team Ninja had a contest to design DOA5 Halloween costumes that were released in-game. Below are two of the winners.

As you can see, the submission didn't have to be professional. It was a wonderful way to engage the community in the creation process and to foster community ownership of the game.
ESO could have similar community involvement. ZOS could:
- Collect submissions
- Choose a number of finalists
- Have their artists do mock ups of the finalist's designs
- Offer the finalists up for community voting
- Release one community item
This could be done with motifs, costumes, mounts, or pets. There is an amazing amount of talent that surrounds the TES franchise. It's a shame that ZOS isn't taking advantage of that community.
Some Skyrim Armor Mods:

What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
That's right...
HERE to discuss.
Want more crazy ideas? Check out my
Concept Repository!