Pretty sure he made his point, though. His stats were almost double yours. So you're complaining about battle levelling based on your half-baked character with substandard statistics for your level.
ok just for you in a step by step description of how does battlelvling work:
1. the buff checks if your gear is apropriate for your lvl if so every thing is fine full stat bonis if not the values will be reduced
2. the buff deletes/ignores all stats your gear provides and ovewrite it with its previously calculated stats -> no weapon/spelldmg, no reg values, no 5 piece setbonis if they are not procs
3. you now have insanely high base stats but nothing else
what does that mean once you are out of the battlelvl area?
as spell/weapon dmg is 10-11x as effective dmg wise as base stats so one spell/weapondmg set bonus equals ~10k points of your stamina or magica
instead of 500-800 regen you are now able to achieve 2k-6k making you alot more duarable (defensive abilities) and able to deliver dmg for alonger time than battlelvled
and it allows you to distribute your points as you like you do not need 15k++ of your tertiery resource or 31k+ health allowing you to significantly increase your primary dmg stat.
Actually, they are. But I can see that you chose to ignore the post. And good luck trying the grammar/wording thing on me, mate. I don't give a ship on those attempts, since English is actually not my native language.KingShocker wrote: »
Substandard statistics would be saying "twice as much " over and over again. His stats are double everyone's he has "twice as much" stats.
Merlin13KAGL wrote: »Two Three things:I turned it of as of level 48 (when you only got leveled to 50 at the time), as it also made my stats go down, not up.
- Lose the "I'm gonna sue" threat. It's asinine and holds no weight.
- How to fix this, hmmmm...Turn Battle Leveling Off, maybe?
- If you're getting your butt handed to you now, it's not due to lower level characters being battle leveled, I guarantee it.
Battle leveling averages you out to a norm - nothing says you have to be content with it.
Heathenpride wrote: »Thought I would read this thread and have a quiet informative lurk, by the start of page 2 it was obvious that wasn't happening.
OP, you have ripped out numerous double posts and at least one triple post.
If it was just one then I'd be guilty of mini-modding but enough is enough... OP, STOP IT. Every forum on the internet has the same rule: Don't double post, use the multi quote or edit functionality
The forum has rules, respect them. The beauty of a forum like this is you have the freedom to vent/rant/congratulate/opine/postulate as much as you like but you have to do it whilst sticking to the rules, it's not rocket science.
KingShocker wrote: »
Sorry I guess. I'm doing this all from my phone maybe that has something to do with it.
KingShocker wrote: »I had 2.7 k stam regen battle leveled so something here isn't right. Also the fifth part of five piece bonus does work battle leveled not just sets that proc. and where did you get this info. Post links.
When I get home I'll test and screen shot all these things on my Templar since he's still vr9. I recommend you do the same. And it probably wouldn't hurt if you turned down the arrogant elitist *** down a bit.
Sallington wrote: »Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"
@KingShockerKingShocker wrote: »
1. Who are you quoting? I asked if it was something I could sue them for i didn't say "I'm gonna sue" and it was a statement I made out of anger ( which was explained in the OP)
2. I can't turn battle leveling off of everyone else. And I can't turn it back on now.
3. I still do actually pretty good but I took a major cut in stats. I'm just a fraction of what I used to be.
That's the spirit, that'll really make 'em want to come join the fight.ItsRejectz wrote: »F*÷k New players, they should feel weaker the someone who has been playing over a year
KingShocker wrote: »
ya it's good but it's insanely to powerful. and it ends at vr 14 then you will get wrecked by everything. whats the point of continueing on this character when I should just make a new one and live up the battle leveling life.
They just need to decrease the battle leveling a little. The buff is too much. They are shooting for the "average" VR14 but they should really be scaling it to the below average VR14. It would still give the lower levels a reason to opt in for it, but would also give the VR14's a reason to be there.
Heeeeeeeerr nope. I mean, nope.
Like, nope. I mean, they said they'd scale it to an average v14, but the health, stam and magicka pools havent' budged an inch since 1.6. If anything, battle-leveled chars should get increased stam and magicka, even at the cost of slightly lower health.
Or do you feel like playing a "below average v14" against a fully geared v16?
You deal half their damage, have less than half their resource pool, and they still have pretty much the same health.
ItsRejectz wrote: »F*÷k New players, they should feel weaker the someone who has been playing over a year
Waffennacht wrote: »Console doesn't have this yet right? In vet Cyrodiil
Sallington wrote: »Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"
Duelkiller wrote: »wont let me disable it on console either for some reason
they shoud of left battle lvl with 10-50 not vet rank its more fulfilling when i killing vet 14s at vet 1 without battle lvl
with a disadvantage it made me into a better player
Well, you're an idiot.
It's actually helpful for Veterans grinding new alts that hate PVE. They can get straight into the PVP without dying from a 1 hit frag.
Now the choice of nickname makes sense...ItsRejectz wrote: »Meh, f#@k alts to