This battle level is an outrage!

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  • Tankqull

    it's gold twice born star and i'm not enjoying significantly lower stats

    now get 2 additional sets providing 5 or 6 further stat bonis on top. and you will be back to battlelvled values...
    spelling and grammar errors are free to be abused

    Sallington wrote: »
    Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"

  • KingShocker
    Tankqull wrote: »

    now get 2 additional sets providing 5 or 6 further stat bonis on top. and you will be back to battlelvled values...

    I got shadow walker jewelry and that undaunted set that spawns a lich crystal and still nope. try again
  • Forumer-in-Prison
    double post
    Edited by Forumer-in-Prison on September 10, 2015 9:20AM

    At a time of chaos and turmoil, children from all across tamriel have been taken by an evil Argonian Thieves guild. They were raised in captivity, forced to learn their captors evil ways and endured the harsh environment of Black Marsh. The intentions of the evil guild is still unknown till this day.

    Amisdt the events surrounding the formation of the Ebonheart Pact, a brave few has escaped their captors and ran off as far away as they can, eventually landing on the shores of khenarthi's roost.

    Armed with the skills and the scars they have endured during their captivity, these brothers and sisters in chains has vowed revenge on their Argonian captors and their allies.

    They kept the names branded to them by the evil reptiles as a reminder of all the pain and torment they have suffered, and have joined the Aldmeri Dominion as a means to an end... Paint Tamriel with Argonian blood.
      [*] Close-to-Prison | Khajiit | Cat of Life
      [*] Sliced-in-Prison | Bosmer | Suction Blade
      [*] Hunk-in-Prison | Breton | Hunky Blade
      [*] Muse-in-Prison | Altmer | Healing Babe
      [*] Hot-in-Prison | Breton | HotBod Killer

    • Forumer-in-Prison

      but with battle level I didn't have to get better, that's the point. and this is my thread I can cry if I want to. and do you even read broh?

      Right there is your problem. Suck it up and start learning how earn money, gear up, and play with no handicap.

      Close thread, on to the next QQ

      Edited by Forumer-in-Prison on September 10, 2015 9:19AM

      At a time of chaos and turmoil, children from all across tamriel have been taken by an evil Argonian Thieves guild. They were raised in captivity, forced to learn their captors evil ways and endured the harsh environment of Black Marsh. The intentions of the evil guild is still unknown till this day.

      Amisdt the events surrounding the formation of the Ebonheart Pact, a brave few has escaped their captors and ran off as far away as they can, eventually landing on the shores of khenarthi's roost.

      Armed with the skills and the scars they have endured during their captivity, these brothers and sisters in chains has vowed revenge on their Argonian captors and their allies.

      They kept the names branded to them by the evil reptiles as a reminder of all the pain and torment they have suffered, and have joined the Aldmeri Dominion as a means to an end... Paint Tamriel with Argonian blood.
        [*] Close-to-Prison | Khajiit | Cat of Life
        [*] Sliced-in-Prison | Bosmer | Suction Blade
        [*] Hunk-in-Prison | Breton | Hunky Blade
        [*] Muse-in-Prison | Altmer | Healing Babe
        [*] Hot-in-Prison | Breton | HotBod Killer

      • Tankqull

        I got shadow walker jewelry and that undaunted set that spawns a lich crystal and still nope. try again

        and there you go you have reg boni you do not have as a battle lvled player you have weapondmg bonis you do not have when battlelvled you do have ather significant incresements by chosing those sets over pure stat sets wich are emulated by the battlelvl buff.
        so either copy the battlelvl buff by using sets comparable to the emulation by that buff or get silent when you refuse to and achieve other gimmiks you completly ignore in your crusade...
        spelling and grammar errors are free to be abused

        Sallington wrote: »
        Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"

      • KingShocker

        Right there is your problem. Suck it up and start learning how earn money, gear up, and play with no handicap.

        Close thread, on to the next QQ

        yes leave please. you clearly have no idea what's going on here cause the point is if I just keep rerolling new charcters I can keep face wiping v16 and so can everyone. where's the incentive to go past v13?
        Edited by KingShocker on September 10, 2015 9:39AM
      • KingShocker
        Tankqull wrote: »

        and there you go you have reg boni you do not have as a battle lvled player you have weapondmg bonis you do not have when battlelvled you do have ather significant incresements by chosing those sets over pure stat sets wich are emulated by the battlelvl buff.
        so either copy the battlelvl buff by using sets comparable to the emulation by that buff or get silent when you refuse to and achieve other gimmiks you completly ignore in your crusade...

        I was actually using five willows path two of the air and advancing yokuda before. I think everythinq was higher but weapon damage
      • Leandor
        You know what? delete your char and restart with a battle leveled one. Now you can enjoy it again.
      • KingShocker
        Leandor wrote: »
        You know what? delete your char and restart with a battle leveled one. Now you can enjoy it again.

        exactly the point. why keep going? v16 used to rarely beat me and I'm sure they were way better than me. there has been no reason for me to say "oh man I can't wait to be v16" specially if it means you get a major gimp at vr14. that's bad game design
      • Leandor
        Mate, that is your opinion. I don't agree and will continue to switch of battle leveling before reaching the cap, since I do value the ability to build for purpose much higher than having a grand health pool.
      • Asmael

        Excuse me, did I read that well?

        With VR16, you can hit absolutely insane weapon damage / spell power. Don't get me wrong, you can kill VR16 with a battle-leveled character (and it is as it should be), but you do get much, MUCH better stats as a VR16 depending on gear.

        Maybe with the exception of your secondary resource pool, but even that isn't true anymore with the prismatic enchants.

        My V10 stam DK gets reduced stamina while being battle-leveled (magicka doesn't matter much), and health takes a nice "oomph", but optimizing gear a little bit, I would have more stats once I hit VR12 without battle-leveling than with it.

        Multiple people I have seen prefer to drop the scaling before you're forced to rely on your gear, simply because it actually reduces their stats.

        This is definitely a gear issue. Just try to get 40K magicka as a battle-leveled magicka build, or 40K stamina as a stam build.
        PC EU - Zahraji of the Void, aka "Kitty", the fluffiest salmon genocider in town.
        Poke @AsmaeI (last letter is uppercase "i") on PC EU or Asmael#9325 on Discord and receive a meow today.
      • KingShocker
        Leandor wrote: »
        Mate, that is your opinion. I don't agree and will continue to switch of battle leveling before reaching the cap, since I do value the ability to build for purpose much higher than having a grand health pool.

        then good for you. my point still stands.
      • Leandor

        then good for you. my point still stands.
        Only in your mind, mate.
        Edited by Leandor on September 10, 2015 9:57AM
      • KingShocker
        Leandor wrote: »
        Only in yout mind, mate.

        nah dawg. I spelled it out barney style and it's pretty obvious. if it's too much for your learning curve and your just gonna talk *** then go elsewhere.
      • KingShocker
        Asmael wrote: »

        Excuse me, did I read that well?

        With VR16, you can hit absolutely insane weapon damage / spell power. Don't get me wrong, you can kill VR16 with a battle-leveled character (and it is as it should be), but you do get much, MUCH better stats as a VR16 depending on gear.

        Maybe with the exception of your secondary resource pool, but even that isn't true anymore with the prismatic enchants.

        My V10 stam DK gets reduced stamina while being battle-leveled (magicka doesn't matter much), and health takes a nice "oomph", but optimizing gear a little bit, I would have more stats once I hit VR12 without battle-leveling than with it.

        Multiple people I have seen prefer to drop the scaling before you're forced to rely on your gear, simply because it actually reduces their stats.

        This is definitely a gear issue. Just try to get 40K magicka as a battle-leveled magicka build, or 40K stamina as a stam build.

        dude, I put the numbers out there. hit vr14, you'll see what i'm talking about
      • Leandor

        nah dawg. I spelled it out barney style and it's pretty obvious. if it's too much for your learning curve and your just gonna talk *** then go elsewhere.
        Here, have a truck.


        I have completely different numbers.
      • Alucardo
        This post reminds me of the one a level 38 made because he couldn't crush level 11s like ants any more. It's like "Oh sh*t.. I have to actually try now? Nah, screw that, I'll make a forum post". I've seen V14 builds with stats much higher than yours, so it's obviously possible to exceed that and give yourself a slight advantage over people who are battle levelled. ZOS would not BL a V1 with stats higher than a V14 can possibly go, because that would just be stupid. So it seems to me you have some work to do, and if you're not willing to put in the effort, then reroll and freeze your next character in the lower vet ranks as long as possible.
      • KingShocker
        Leandor wrote: »
        Here, have a truck.


        I have completely different numbers.

        odd you haven't posted any numbers. go away
      • Leandor

        odd you haven't posted any numbers. go away
        Leandor wrote: »
        I was decked out at V14 when I entered IC, but I did not notice battle leveled chars to be too strong. I probably had twice as much spell damage and regeneration stats. I know that I had twice as much magicka (35k over 18k). That means my shields were still twice as strong, my damage was close to twice as much, my sustain was much better in magicka and probably quite similar in stamina.

        I wouldn't think that battle leveling has changed over the state it was in before. If you look at health/magicka/stamina only, a battle leveled char may have an advantage. Now, with scaling drinks, you can get your regeneration stats up to level as well. There are builds that work really well while battle leveled (there was a Ball of Lightning sorc in Azura EU that was almost unkillable at level 30-something in 2.0) but you had to build exactly for the strengths of it.

        In general, I have nothing against battle leveling, since it has the huge constraint of limiting specialization.

      • zornyan
        All battle leveling does is give you a huge hp pool, regen stats are weak, Stam, magika, armor, weapon damage etc are all significantly weaker.

        My vr7 dk had 20k stam, 2200 weapon damage, 18k hp, and 23k-27k resistances. A battle leveled character would take twice as much damage and probably give out half the damage. Not to mention they can't use set bonuses, or enchants.

        A true vr14 will be far more powerful, there's people with 3-4 regen stats, hell I know a paladin type templar with 32k magika and 28k hp, he could stand infront of several people and just not die.
      • KingShocker
        Leandor wrote: »

        saying "twice as much" over and over again isn't a very compelling break down.
      • KingShocker
        zornyan wrote: »
        All battle leveling does is give you a huge hp pool, regen stats are weak, Stam, magika, armor, weapon damage etc are all significantly weaker.

        My vr7 dk had 20k stam, 2200 weapon damage, 18k hp, and 23k-27k resistances. A battle leveled character would take twice as much damage and probably give out half the damage. Not to mention they can't use set bonuses, or enchants.

        A true vr14 will be far more powerful, there's people with 3-4 regen stats, hell I know a paladin type templar with 32k magika and 28k hp, he could stand infront of several people and just not die.

        yet I had almost 3k stam regen, 2.5 k weapon damage, and 52.7% weapon crit (that I had to give up post battle level) while I was battle leveled
      • Alucardo
        saying "twice as much" over and over again isn't a very compelling break down.

        Pretty sure he made his point, though. His stats were almost double yours. So you're complaining about battle levelling based on your half-baked character with substandard statistics for your level.
      • Alucardo
        zornyan wrote: »
        Not to mention they can't use set bonuses, or enchants.

        Ugh, I found this out the hard way. Had my crafter travel to 3 different set crafting stations, improved it, enchanted it, put it in bank. Reached Cyrodiil and discovered it made no difference at all. The only thing that does affect attributes (that I noticed anyway) was Mundus stones.
      • Tankqull
        ok just for you in a step by step description of how does battlelvling work:

        1. the buff checks if your gear is apropriate for your lvl if so every thing is fine full stat bonis if not the values will be reduced
        2. the buff deletes/ignores all stats your gear provides and ovewrite it with its previously calculated stats -> no weapon/spelldmg, no reg values, no 5 piece setbonis if they are not procs
        3. you now have insanely high base stats but nothing else

        what does that mean once you are out of the battlelvl area?
        as spell/weapon dmg is 10-11x as effective dmg wise as base stats so one spell/weapondmg set bonus equals ~10k points of your stamina or magica
        instead of 500-800 regen you are now able to achieve 2k-6k making you alot more duarable (defensive abilities) and able to deliver dmg for alonger time than battlelvled
        and it allows you to distribute your points as you like you do not need 15k++ of your tertiery resource or 31k+ health allowing you to significantly increase your primary dmg stat.
        Edited by Tankqull on September 10, 2015 10:30AM
        spelling and grammar errors are free to be abused

        Sallington wrote: »
        Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"

      • Alucardo
        Tankqull wrote: »
        ok just for you in a step by step description of how does battlelvling work:

        1. the buff checks if your gear is apropriate for your lvl if so every thing is fine full stat bonis if not the values will be reduced
        2. the buff deletes/ignores all stats your gear provides and ovewrite it with its previously calculated stats -> no weapon/spelldmg, no reg values, no 5 piece setbonis if they are not procs
        3. you now have insanely high base stats but nothing else

        what does that mean once you are out of the battlelvl area?
        as spell/weapon dmg is 10-11x as effective dmg wise as base stats so one spell/weapondmg set bonus equals ~10k points of your stamina or magica
        instead of 500-800 regen you are now able to achieve 2k-6k making you alot more duarable (defensive abilities) and able to deliver dmg for alonger time than battlelvled
        and it allows you to distribute your points as you like you do not need 15k++ of your tertiery resource or 31k+ health allowing you to significantly increase your primary dmg stat.

        Very informative +1
      • ToRelax
        so I have many v14 that I haven't touched since the release of IC because I've been so focused on my stam sorc but I just leveled him to VR14 and I'm pissed.
        from VR1 to VR 13 I had 31k health 17.8k magika 19.2k stam, now I have 19k health 10k magika and 16k stamina. WHAT THE ***. ARE YOU SERIOUS.

        On V14 with 300 cp (like you said you'd have), I had 33k magicka, 22k health and 15.5k stamina. In fact, I don't even see how it's possible to get that low on stats while using purple food (wich is obvious when all resource pools are too low).
        The Covenant is broken. The Enemy has won...

        Elo'dryel - Sorc - AR 50 - Hopesfire - EP EU
      • Leandor
        So, just for ships and giggles, I have used my lunch break to check the stats. This is the battle leveled stats of an imperial (12% health bonus, 10% stamina bonus) vampire, magicka templar, full light armor, with 330 CP, in Cyrodiil:

        H: 35000 / HR: 140
        M: 19500 / MR: 980
        S: 19900 / SR: 740

        SD: 1381 / SC: 32% / SR: 13000

        This is the stats for my Breton (9% magicka bonus) Sorc at V14, full light, vampire, 330 CP:

        H: 21000 / HR: 140
        M: 34900 / MR: 1850
        S: 12000 / SR: 600

        SD: 2500 / SC: 49% / SR: 13000

        Both use level appropriate blue stamina/magicka food. No spells active. Only active buffs are Mundus (both mage), battle spirit, ESO plus and the mentioned food buff. Numbers enough for you? Exactly as I mentioned, two times spell damage, almost two times magicka pool, 1.5 times spell crit, 2 times magicka regen. I was two times as effective without battle leveling at V14 compared to battle leveled stats.

        Can you now please accept that you just don't know how to equip your V14 char to be competitive?
        Edited by Leandor on September 10, 2015 11:05AM
      • Merlin13KAGL
        Two Three things:
        1. Lose the "I'm gonna sue" threat. It's asinine and holds no weight.
        2. How to fix this, hmmmm...Turn Battle Leveling Off, maybe?
        3. If you're getting your butt handed to you now, it's not due to lower level characters being battle leveled, I guarantee it.
        I turned it of as of level 48 (when you only got leveled to 50 at the time), as it also made my stats go down, not up.

        Battle leveling averages you out to a norm - nothing says you have to be content with it.
        Edited by Merlin13KAGL on September 10, 2015 11:10AM
        Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

        Earn it.

        IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
        I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
        Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
      • Heathenpride
        Thought I would read this thread and have a quiet informative lurk, by the start of page 2 it was obvious that wasn't happening.

        OP, you have ripped out numerous double posts and at least one triple post.

        If it was just one then I'd be guilty of mini-modding but enough is enough... OP, STOP IT. Every forum on the internet has the same rule: Don't double post, use the multi quote or edit functionality

        The forum has rules, respect them. The beauty of a forum like this is you have the freedom to vent/rant/congratulate/opine/postulate as much as you like but you have to do it whilst sticking to the rules, it's not rocket science.
        Looking for a good NA PS4 guild that offers a bit of everything? New to the game and lost? Need some guidance and help?
        Look no further, Ebonheart Guild of Shadow has been here since launch and we got you!
        PSN message Heathenpride for an invite.
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