bchulettub17_ESO wrote: »You should be happy imo, you're having the handicap removed and you can actually compete on a fair battle level with other end game characters.
KingShocker wrote: »
How are more people not pissed about this?
I think the OP means that while battle leveled their stats were better than at high level, which is probably true. I was wondering.
What's with people wanting to sue ZOS over ridiculous things these days? To be honest, I like battle levelling. There's no way I'd be able to participate properly in PVP as a low level character in BWB, or a VR1 in Vet campaigns. At least battle levelling gives me a chance. Like, have you seen the difference in gear between 10-49 and VR1-VR14?
or better idea I coul just re role and stay battle leveled. in case you missed it earlier I was wrecking v16 with ease before and i'm honestly not even that great of a player. I could get all my skills maxed out and i'll be good to go. what's the point of maxing out a character. so you can be on par with lowbies. right now VR14's are the weakest in pvp by an incredible amountbchulettub17_ESO wrote: »
Ah good point, re-read it. In that case OP, I would recommend looking into getting some new items, especially if you're running level 10 gear. There are tons of builds/guides online to gather ideas from. I for one am rarely satisfied for long with my gear and constantly switch it up.
Artemisshrikes wrote: »ya your raging isn't logical its a good thing what you discovered not a bad thing
Forestd16b14_ESO wrote: »So you're upset that ZOS is trying to encourage low levels and newbi players to join in on PvP ?
Forestd16b14_ESO wrote: »So you're upset that ZOS is trying to encourage low levels and newbi players to join in on PvP ? Cause do keep in mind that low levels are still at that disadvantage of them only having a few skills and weapons such as level 14 and below don't have access to weapon swap yet which means there stuck with there weapon and 5 skills and ulti.
So stat wise yes there the same as end game players but gear and skill wise not so much.
I think the OP means that while battle leveled their stats were better than at high level, which is probably true. I was wondering.
chevalierknight wrote: »
At vet 8 i have every class abilty unlocked and assasult support and my stats are jacked with my gear i have no problem 1v1 vr14s battle level was only needed for nonvets
Op is talking about vets not nonvets
bchulettub17_ESO wrote: »
Ah good point, re-read it. In that case OP, I would recommend looking into getting some new items, especially if you're running level 10 gear. There are tons of builds/guides online to gather ideas from. I for one am rarely satisfied for long with my gear and constantly switch it up.
KingShocker wrote: »
did you see the gap in stats you lose when you hit VR14? that's what i'm upset about. like I said (and it's really hard for allot of you to wrap your minds around, I can tell) your stats should be battle leveled to the stats of the rank you are when you lose the battle level. if they buff y5ou to VR 16 stats then you should be able to keep battle level until you hit VR 16. but since they end at VR13 they should only buff yo5u to the stats of VR 13.
Sallington wrote: »Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"
it actually buffs you to the stats you could have at v14 you actually need to bring your gear to that lvl. the problem from my pov seems to be that it emulates CPs aswell wich newcommers do not have at the ammount the battle-lvl emulates...
Sallington wrote: »Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"
Joy_Division wrote: »If I recall correct, battle leveling did not count most gear /character bonuses to important stuff like spellpower, which would mean v13s have a lot of health but hit like wet noodles.
Battle leveling is a good thing... Just get better gear and stop crying
KingShocker wrote: »again what i'm proposing for this issue is :
1. make the battle level only buff the stats to that of a VR 13 character (which is the last level that you can use it).
2. make you able to use it still up to VR16 where you can turn it of once you feel your stats are high enough to compete.
I'm not saying to get rid of it, I do think it's necessary. it just needs to be fixed.
Repair your gear, buy tristat food, and make sure all your gear is enchanted. The stats you listed for gold VR14 stuff look way too low.
I was decked out at V14 when I entered IC, but I did not notice battle leveled chars to be too strong. I probably had twice as much spell damage and regeneration stats. I know that I had twice as much magicka (35k over 18k). That means my shields were still twice as strong, my damage was close to twice as much, my sustain was much better in magicka and probably quite similar in stamina.
I wouldn't think that battle leveling has changed over the state it was in before. If you look at health/magicka/stamina only, a battle leveled char may have an advantage. Now, with scaling drinks, you can get your regeneration stats up to level as well. There are builds that work really well while battle leveled (there was a Ball of Lightning sorc in Azura EU that was almost unkillable at level 30-something in 2.0) but you had to build exactly for the strengths of it.
In general, I have nothing against battle leveling, since it has the huge constraint of limiting specialization.