Essentially I have gone from battle field manipulator/controller to a milk sucking infant getting spanked by bullies while desperately trying to stay alive.
Band Camp statements: To state "But this one time I saw X doing X... so that justifies X" Refers to the Band camp statement.
Coined by Maxwell
Essentially I have gone from battle field manipulator/controller to a milk sucking infant getting spanked by bullies while desperately trying to stay alive.
Yeah, I respecced my attributes to lean heavily on stamina, though I did leave a percentage in health. Proper allocation in CPs I think will help also. Careful consideration of your abilities and passives, looking to find every ounce of stam regen (Is it true that ultimate generation builds stam?).
For those of us who aspire to tank it's L2P all over again, but that's not necessarily a bad thing because it lends itself to greater knowledge and versatility in the long term.
MaxwellCrystal wrote: »Nah what you truly want to do if you're going tank is to put all your mage CPs into blessed so you can get better benefits out of dragon's blood or any other self heals. You should also spend all points in the thief and put them into magician/warlord for lower cost of magicka/stamina.
I'm a DPS/Tank so I wear all 7 heavy using weapon/crit damage gear e.g. hunding's rage, I have my CP in Mighty, piercing , warlord,magician, (forgot the one that increases heavy armor and increases resistance in elemental,DoT, and magical attacks).
I use 2H sword + 1Hsword/shield and I'm a full on stamina DK. I wreck a lot of players thanks to my rotations but taking on more then 3 at once (at v14) is pretty tough. I've taken 6 players where 2 were v11 and the rest v1-8 before & that was slightly do-able thanks to potions.
Maybe try Heroic Slash to build ultimate, then Corrosive Armor as much as possible.
paulsimonps wrote: »I play a DK Tank just like you and this here is my advice to you, up your max stamina as much as you can while getting as much magicka regen as you can. Using the templars shards, using earthen heart abilites and using synergies in general all give you Stamina that scales of YOUR Max Stamina. So the higher it is the more you get back. My stamina is at the moment around 20k while my HP is at 35K, I want to make it 25K Stam 30K HP, So as it is now Using a shard gives me 5k stamina, using an earthen heart ability gives me 1k and using a synergy gives me 800 stamina. This and heavy attacks that give me rougly 1.2k is what keeps me up. Do note that synergies have a cooldown of around 20sec. I have also noticed that on most Vet dungeons and All normal dungeons with the exception of the new ones you almost never have to block, their heavy attacks and their special abilities? yes. their normal attacks? no. One more thing if you run with a templar healer, make sure they use repentance during group trash encounters, it will keep you up as well. Oh and if you are wondering I use 5 hist bark and 2 engine guardian in a 5h/1m/1l gives more max attributes and the hist bark is wonders for saving stamina, and if you proc engine then if you get HP start heavy attacking, if you get magicka spam igneous shields and if you get stamina then well you get stamina.
Greetings fellow adventurers,
I have ran into some trouble over the course of my adventures and am keen on getting some help. Recently I have noticed that my shield has grown heavier and heavier to hold. I used to be able to take trash packs of 5 or more enemies with ease while keeping a constant lookout on my surroundings and ensuring that the vile creatures of tamriel were perma-cc'ed with my impressive talons of doom. ( + eruption) My squishy friends would shoot lightning bolts of destruction and rain arrows from the sky and I, the tank, would stand my ground and ensure that I held the line. Nothing and no one would get by me. For that is a tank's role I assume.
Lately I have noticed the mere act of holding my shield up drains me of all my strength. God forbid should I need to shake off some CC or evade (dodge roll) a particularly nasty attack coming my way, I end up being so winded it feels like someone kicked me in the nuts whilst naked. Do note, I do not tank naked. I wear 5H/1L/1M. Moreover, I spend more time worrying about being able to hold my shield up and I have less and less time to turn and look around at my surroundings to keep my squishy friends safe. Also I now only choose to block if its absolutely necessary and have started tapping into my magical capabilities such as obsidian shield and GDB to make up for the lack of strength in my shield arm.
I used to think my role as a tank was somewhat like a leader. Controlling the nasty creatures of tamriel and making sure that my squishies could safely perform the insta pew pew WB spam etc. Now my role has somewhat been degraded into an obsidian shield/eruption spammer + templar shard eater + desperately trying to charge up one of my ultimate moves for my shield arm to regain some strength while also rotating from blocking to mist form. Also spending my magicka on non-essential moves such as my burning talons is unacceptable as this would use up my valuable magicka. Essentially I have gone from battle field manipulator/controller to a milk sucking infant getting spanked by bullies while desperately trying to stay alive.
I have been told the wonders of heavy attacks would solve some of my issues but this I find is not a wise move. I find that I am able to swing only when it does not really matter such as when there are fewer then 2 enemies or just one big bad boss hitting me as i can tank them forever. (As a DK my passive stamina regeneration is very impressive with the reduced cost of my vampire bat swarm pew pew ultimate.)
So dear friends, this is the desperate plea of a has-been tank who now needs some help so that his love for tanking can be regained. Most of my friends who were very experienced in the line have now hung their shields up and have started to wear pretty dresses. ( I find this mildly amusing). Also please do not I am not god like with 3600 CP. Being fairly new to the trade I have only amassed a pathetic 64 CP. Any and all advice would be vastly appreciated. Maybe it is time I hung my shield up for a nice big greatsword. I have been told WB spam is very enjoyable.
Looking forward to any advice,
A very old and tired DK tank
willymchilybily wrote: »Dont use bat swarm for tanking its semi bugged, the regen you get from it is far less than another ultimate of the same cost. it pretty much is nerfing your battle roar when you use it. If you can hold out long enough one of the magma armor morphs is brilliant.
I preferred shell morph in case DPS is melee and needs some shield but i only tanked pre-veteran ranks and tis still 1.6 on console. so maybe better in 1.7 particularly with shield damage over spill bug you may want to try corrosive. magama is up just hold heavy attack down it should last 9 seconds at rank 4 so that is easily 3 or more heavy attacks whilst only taking 3% of your max health as damage per any attack.
add to that as you mentioned its earthen heart ability so you get 5% of your stamina returned to you with helping hands passive, and on top its a high cost 200 ult. So with battle roar it returns a lot more resources on use. you will get so much stamina back. The issue is lasting long enough to use it.
as @jkemmery said heroric slash can help a bit. i find heroric slash seems to work better than it advertises (i dont know if tool tip values predate 1.6 but im sure it give a bit more than 4 ultimate over 9 seconds)
im sure others have more useful advice they can give too. Dont know if this is any use to you. to See what your block cost is and what it could be?
paulsimonps wrote: »I play a DK Tank just like you and this here is my advice to you, up your max stamina as much as you can while getting as much magicka regen as you can. Using the templars shards, using earthen heart abilites and using synergies in general all give you Stamina that scales of YOUR Max Stamina. So the higher it is the more you get back. My stamina is at the moment around 20k while my HP is at 35K, I want to make it 25K Stam 30K HP, So as it is now Using a shard gives me 5k stamina, using an earthen heart ability gives me 1k and using a synergy gives me 800 stamina. This and heavy attacks that give me rougly 1.2k is what keeps me up. Do note that synergies have a cooldown of around 20sec. I have also noticed that on most Vet dungeons and All normal dungeons with the exception of the new ones you almost never have to block, their heavy attacks and their special abilities? yes. their normal attacks? no. One more thing if you run with a templar healer, make sure they use repentance during group trash encounters, it will keep you up as well. Oh and if you are wondering I use 5 hist bark and 2 engine guardian in a 5h/1m/1l gives more max attributes and the hist bark is wonders for saving stamina, and if you proc engine then if you get HP start heavy attacking, if you get magicka spam igneous shields and if you get stamina then well you get stamina.
Fellow tank,
I am currently using hist bark 5 pc + seducers 3pc + footman accessories + helm. I currently have unbuffed 25k hp and 21k stamina. I find I am lacking in terms of health so how are you able to get yourself to 35k hp and 20k stamina? I am inclined to think it is due to the gear quality disparity between us. What you have described above is exactly what i am doing now so it seems until i get better gear and achieve better raw stats tanking would feel like getting slapped in the nuts constantly while someone is pinching ur nose.
AhPook_Is_Here wrote: »Greetings fellow adventurers,
I have ran into some trouble over the course of my adventures and am keen on getting some help. Recently I have noticed that my shield has grown heavier and heavier to hold. I used to be able to take trash packs of 5 or more enemies with ease while keeping a constant lookout on my surroundings and ensuring that the vile creatures of tamriel were perma-cc'ed with my impressive talons of doom. ( + eruption) My squishy friends would shoot lightning bolts of destruction and rain arrows from the sky and I, the tank, would stand my ground and ensure that I held the line. Nothing and no one would get by me. For that is a tank's role I assume.
Lately I have noticed the mere act of holding my shield up drains me of all my strength. God forbid should I need to shake off some CC or evade (dodge roll) a particularly nasty attack coming my way, I end up being so winded it feels like someone kicked me in the nuts whilst naked. Do note, I do not tank naked. I wear 5H/1L/1M. Moreover, I spend more time worrying about being able to hold my shield up and I have less and less time to turn and look around at my surroundings to keep my squishy friends safe. Also I now only choose to block if its absolutely necessary and have started tapping into my magical capabilities such as obsidian shield and GDB to make up for the lack of strength in my shield arm.
I used to think my role as a tank was somewhat like a leader. Controlling the nasty creatures of tamriel and making sure that my squishies could safely perform the insta pew pew WB spam etc. Now my role has somewhat been degraded into an obsidian shield/eruption spammer + templar shard eater + desperately trying to charge up one of my ultimate moves for my shield arm to regain some strength while also rotating from blocking to mist form. Also spending my magicka on non-essential moves such as my burning talons is unacceptable as this would use up my valuable magicka. Essentially I have gone from battle field manipulator/controller to a milk sucking infant getting spanked by bullies while desperately trying to stay alive.
I have been told the wonders of heavy attacks would solve some of my issues but this I find is not a wise move. I find that I am able to swing only when it does not really matter such as when there are fewer then 2 enemies or just one big bad boss hitting me as i can tank them forever. (As a DK my passive stamina regeneration is very impressive with the reduced cost of my vampire bat swarm pew pew ultimate.)
So dear friends, this is the desperate plea of a has-been tank who now needs some help so that his love for tanking can be regained. Most of my friends who were very experienced in the line have now hung their shields up and have started to wear pretty dresses. ( I find this mildly amusing). Also please do not I am not god like with 3600 CP. Being fairly new to the trade I have only amassed a pathetic 64 CP. Any and all advice would be vastly appreciated. Maybe it is time I hung my shield up for a nice big greatsword. I have been told WB spam is very enjoyable.
Looking forward to any advice,
A very old and tired DK tank
Don't taunt trash packs, just taunt the boss or the hardest hitting of the trash pack. You can talons or trops or bombard the pack to CC them but leave their agro to the winds, it's not your problem, DPS can deal.
failkiwib16_ESO wrote: »d..ddid I read a tank mentioning using batswarm ..ttank must be .... O.o
failkiwib16_ESO wrote: »d..ddid I read a tank mentioning using batswarm ..ttank must be .... O.o
indeed but fair enough i was not clear. Bat swarm with devouring swarm morph is what i use to boost dps in pvp. Dragon leap with the shield morph is what i use for pve. Or is batswarm not a good choice even in pvp? I try to use batswarm followed by multiple gap closers like shield assualt for more damage =( or is that a bad way to do things?
indeed but fair enough i was not clear. Bat swarm with devouring swarm morph is what i use to boost dps in pvp. Dragon leap with the shield morph is what i use for pve. Or is batswarm not a good choice even in pvp? I try to use batswarm followed by multiple gap closers like shield assualt for more damage =( or is that a bad way to do things?