HebrewHatchet wrote: »I roll with a reinforced cuirass and a ring with a purple high level fire resist enchantment. Also, I r redistributed my attribute points into health until I had 15-16 k health unbuffed and then put the rest into magicka. The rest of my armor has either divines or infused with magicka enchantments ( to make up for the attribute points. I also wear medium shoulders in anticipation of getting undaunted mettel.
Don't forget that the cuirass provides way more armor than any other piece, so making it reinforced is a natural way to mitigate physical damage. Also, many things put out 14-16k damage in one hit, that's why you might want so much health. I'm writing this in my phone, so please excuse any spelling or grammar mistakes.
BTW I'm also a vampire sorcerer and this has worked well for me.
DRXHarbinger wrote: »Or possibly sweat out PVP until you hit rank 6 for support and gain Barrier ultimate, I only just unlocked it last night and can safely say you'll sponge pretty much any attack, final boss in Fungal Grotto cannot even kill you or your team with this on, currently sponging 33k damage alone plus Hardened ward @ 8K and Thundering presence gives huge resistance you won't need to worry about health that much.
Artfuldodger wrote: »Prolonged spell casting is not a problem health is, I seem to lose it quite quickly.
I have two words for you, Hardened Ward.
Keep that up and you will never lose health. You can also stack different kinds of shields for even more protection, but anything over 20K is overkill in most situations. I tend to add in Boundless Storm but I tank my Sorc, and I like the extra damage it does along with the movement speed.
(looks around)Artfuldodger wrote: »Just wanted to know what other Sorcerers do to counteract this...
Wards are your best friend. Also you don't need "prolonged spell casting" if you get your spell damage higher. I'd be surprised if your spell damage was even 1k with that setup. The top sorcs are exceeding 3k spell damage now.Artfuldodger wrote: »V1 Sorcerer with the Seducer set, aside from 2 items that are of a different make, 2 heavy armour five light. Vampire.
Prolonged spell casting is not a problem health is, I seem to lose it quite quickly. This happens mainly with bosses and when facing 3 or more enemies. I can kill one or too quickly which enables me to avoid taking too much damage, I understand fire will affect me more so, plus having light armour. Just wanted to know what other Sorcerers do to counteract this, if any have similar issues aside from using shields that is.
Evidently the Sorcerer is going to be nerfed in the next patch, I'm on console, to what extent is it going to be? Concerned it will not be playable.
Artfuldodger wrote: »
Artfuldodger wrote: »@Violynne Yes I will have to start provisioning, keep forgetting to eat which does not help thank you for the reply.
@eventide03b14a_ESO I have every skill, every passive. Really dont know how there getting 3k spell damage.
I have now combined Seducer armour with Warlock armour and jewellery, which has made a huge difference.
Thanks all.
Artfuldodger wrote: »@eventide03b14a_ESO Every video I have watched, every post on these forums I have read all suggest that the Seducer and Warlock sets are the best for Sorcerers. I have never read of or seen alternative armour that can be used.
Artfuldodger wrote: »Traits vary, infused or training are pretty good. Too heavy pieces and five light. Heavy being chest and legs.
Its better to go 5 light, 1 medium and 1 heavy. This will let you take advantage of the Undaunted Passive - Undaunted Mettle.
If you're curious, this is what I'm currently using:
To make the most out of both of your suggestions, I'm guessing I should roll Heavy Chest, Medium Legs, and the rest Light Armor. Perhaps Impenetrable for the Chest and Legs, and Infused for the other pieces? That being said, as long as I'm using one piece of each armor, I'm assuming that I can take advantage of passives from each of those skill lines?
eventide03b14a_ESO wrote: »If you're curious, this is what I'm currently using:
Helm Martial Knowledge Light
Shoulder Martial Knowledge Light
Chest Torug's Pact Heavy
Arm Martial Knowledge Light
Waist Adroitness Light
Legs Torug's Pact Medium
Boots Martial Knowledge Light
Neck Adroitness
Ring 1 Cyrodiil's Light
Ring 2 Cyrodiil's Light
Weapon 1 Torug's Pact - Lightning
Weapon 2 Master's - Restoration
To make the most out of both of your suggestions, I'm guessing I should roll Heavy Chest, Medium Legs, and the rest Light Armor. Perhaps Impenetrable for the Chest and Legs, and Infused for the other pieces? That being said, as long as I'm using one piece of each armor, I'm assuming that I can take advantage of passives from each of those skill lines?
I'm going to have to bookmark this for when I get to that point! My Sorcerer is still a lowly level 11, but I want to make sure that I'm bringing this toon up right!
Noted. I should have all research completed for all armor by the time I hit level 50 on my Sorcerer, so I'll be ready to craft the necessary armor with the proper traits at that time.
Many of the Armor passives require 5 pieces to be worn, so you won't benefit from all of them at once. I would not recommend Impenetrable on any piece, unless you're purely PvP focused, and even then im not sure this is best for a sorc. We use magicka for both offence (more magicka = more damage and sustain) and defence (shields scale from Max magicka, and more magicka means more blinks). This means that you would benefit most from having the Infused trait on major Armor pieces like your chest and legs.
eventide03b14a_ESO wrote: »If you're curious, this is what I'm currently using:
Helm Martial Knowledge Light
Shoulder Martial Knowledge Light
Chest Torug's Pact Heavy
Arm Martial Knowledge Light
Waist Adroitness Light
Legs Torug's Pact Medium
Boots Martial Knowledge Light
Neck Adroitness
Ring 1 Cyrodiil's Light
Ring 2 Cyrodiil's Light
Weapon 1 Torug's Pact - Lightning
Weapon 2 Master's - Restoration