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Are sorcs always going to be Op ?????

I hope in the next patch they fix this it's ridiculous,

Can't understand why a class that should only be alowed to wear cloth can take so much damage its ridiculous....
There impenetrable even at low levels.

Then there's the noobs sitting in the back spamming focused aim. That's all I get hit by!!! Oh and the stupid meteor. I refuse to use any and class all people that use these a total noob!
The biggest annoyance for me is the fact that every player in Cyrildil can turn invisible giving focused aim spammers the head start lol!! Ridiculous seriously !!
It makes me chuckle how the game works

I mean my class is a Templar and look at it this way... There's a guy standing in front of me. I blast him with nova... That basically pulls down a piece of the sun to kill anything... So it says.... So then you watch this piece of sun hit him with no health taken off him. So then he fires a focused aim arrow ( a wooden arrow ) that hits me and does 17k damage.... Seriously ? 1 hit kill.... I'm about to quit ps4 for good

The only class that should be able to go invisible is a night blade, until this is changed the game will just constantly annoy me until I quit playing altogether and trade my ps4 in for a PC to play WoW again.

Where melee class like dragon nights - warrior / death nights should be able to wear all types of armor because of there strength, sorcs should be limited to just cloth as you never everrrrrr see in any other game a sorc wearing heavy armor, it would break there back???

As for night blades they should be limited to medium or cloth, they need to move fast but still be armored.
The game is so frustrating I mean there's people running around and been v14 a month ?????? How the hell is that possible I pay for subscription and play 5-7 hours a day and only just hit v8.
Do these kind of people even have a bath or eat ???
I see people in Cyrildil with what I believe is an elastic band round there control pad keeping there player running round in circles while there not even on there ps4 but elsewhere. Meaning they won't get kicked but still receive alliance points.

Sorry but i paid £45 for this game and I'm also paying for a subscription and nothing being done to stop these type of people. I report them soon as I see it happening. And then I message them explaining to them I've reported them and they'll just laugh because nothing gets done about it, you cannot have a mmorpg while ever there are shortcuts to abuse the levelling currency system, don't just fix the problems ban the people that keep looking for the cheap ways to level. Otherwise some little dweebs going to keep constantly finding ways to get around it.

Oh and another thing... Why is there classes anyways ? I mean I picked a Templar so I could be a healer in pve and pvp. But yet the game just doesn't work this way, in a dungeon in world of Warcraft I'm use to having a healer in the back a tank upfront (with the ability to hold agro) and 2-3 dps (warlock for aoe and crowd control and rogue for single target dps or anything that could cause damage. I mean in eso your gave the option to tick which roles you can fit, NUMBER 1 a sorc shouldn't be able to heal or tank !!! , NUMBER 2 a dragon night shouldn't be able to heal, I get into groups where people think they can do everything, you know why ? Because the game lets you, you how annoying it is when I finally get a tank for a dungeon and they say yeah I'm a tank but I can heal aswell.......... Wtf

I give this game another month or two for big changes and if all this I've spoke about isn't changed I'm off back to PC because I'm struggling to find a game on ps4 that's not made for 12 year olds seriously.

I will continue to subscribe and play for a further to months.

Anybody else agree or disagree let me know ?
Am I missing something here like an ability to rebound focused aim !!! ?? Explain

Just remember in most mmorpgs arrows are merely there to pull groups of mobs, that's all. Not to one hit everything they hit.
  • Alucardo
    I tried playing sorc with only relying on Healing Ward. I lasted 10 seconds. They are extremely squishy without shields and lack that self healing you'll find in other classes. My Nightblade just uses Healing Ward, but he can tank for ages because of the siphoning abilities and cloaking. Every class has their own way of protection and/or healing. Give them Breath of Life, then we'll talk about removing shields.
  • Septimus_Magna
    PVP build for Templars

    Templar class has great benefits towards healing, sorc class is mainly focused on burst damage (which makes them so strong in pvp). You can still do good damage as a templar or be a good healer as a sorc but it just takes more player skill.
    PC - EU (AD)
    Septimus Mezar - Altmer Sorcerer
    Septimus Rulanir - Orsimer Templar
    Septimus Desmoru - Khajiit Necromancer
    Septimus Iroh - Dunmer Dragon Knight
    Septimus Thragar - Dunmer Nightblade
    Septimus Jah'zar - Khajiit Nightblade
    Septimus Nerox - Redguard Warden
    Septimus Ozurk - Orsimer Sorcerer
  • Reznique

    Are you even serious about this thread?

    Everyone has paid money for this game and its nobody's fault that you get killed. but yours. Watch some youtube videos or spend a minute on any informative ESO website before you make an angry thread like this.

    Please think before you write- people like you ( those that can only play for a short time per day) cannot objectively judge the game's balance. We already have a 50% dmg reduction in Cyro because people couldn't differ their lack of skill from Z's balance issues.

    There are balance issues, but not because you can't kill a sorc by dropping.... a Nova onto him. Wooden arrows...Sun... Do not mix up game mechanics and roleplaying aspect of the game.

    Edited by Reznique on September 4, 2015 9:13AM
  • I3irchy
    There's already 15% reduction in healing soon as you enter pvp healing is already dead in pvp, you think breath of life is op lol ? It kills magika and when my characters based fully on magika I'm either left to heal till I die or run and die !
  • I3irchy
    And a nightblade as a tank seriously ?? Who thought up of these ideas there making my blood boil, why a single target stealthy character a bloody tank set..... I'm confused please please plesseeeee let blizzard take over this game wth is going on, it's the only mmorpg like wow on ps4 so that's why I play so much.
  • Alucardo
    OLIVI3R wrote: »
    game's balance. We already have a 50% dmg reduction in Cyro

    I think you mean Cyril*
  • Alucardo
    I3irchy wrote: »
    And a nightblade as a tank seriously ??
    If you don't like the idea of multiple play styles per class, you're playing the wrong game. Based on the contents of your post I can see that's already true
    Edited by Alucardo on September 4, 2015 9:30AM
  • Leandor
    9/10, would read again and forward to friends. Good choice of appropriate expletives and spelling errors. Very good display of mechanics ignorance. Nice side jab to other game. All in all a bit lengthy for a full blown 10, but getting real close.

    Oh wait, this was not a comedy post?

    As a side note, some constructive input:
    • You can go stealth as well.
    • You can use shields as well.
    • Snipe to the face is quite easy to interrupt. Slot toppling charge.
    • You can block as well. It reduces damage by 50%.
    • Meteor can be blocked to prevent snare and (again) 50% less damage.
    • You can dodge roll as well.
    • You should look into a game that has tons of restrictions to develop you character, it seems that you are a bit out of sorts with the flexibility of this one.
  • I3irchy

    Number 1 : 5-7 hours a day isn't short.
    Number 2 : my build is from researched builds from the PC version as it's been out longer.
    Number 3 : you probably play as a sorc lol get nurfed bro your a ranged dps with more protection than a tank. It's noobs running around with protection, and this protection is invisible because I never see any bubbles or anything shield like over a sorc, you only realise this after I've hit them with all my magika has to offer,

    Sorry but the invincible sorc build and the fact everybody can crouch for invisablity oh and focused aim need eradicating to keep eso alive.
  • I3irchy
    Oh yeah also Oliver it must be my fault a cold harbour siege weapon can wipe you out leave you dead without you even knowing it, and before you ask about my internet strength its at a nice 50-60mbs so wth, maybe I am playing the wrong game I need a game that works right ?
  • I3irchy
    @Leandor I can only imagine you playing dc universe

    Do you have some sort of radar telling you your gunna be hit by these things ? Please send it me
  • qpviper1qp
    My mind is still trying to compute why the heck heavy armor would break a sorcs back? The ability has nothing to do with their ability to wear armor. That would be like saying a dk would float into the sky if they wore light armor. Lol.
  • Leandor
    I3irchy wrote: »
    @Leandor I can only imagine you playing dc universe

    Do you have some sort of radar telling you your gunna be hit by these things ? Please send it me
    No, I don't. Sometimes I see them, sometimes I don't. Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose.

    I have yet to get hit by a 17k snipe in IC. Even on my squishy as hell nightblade that does not use cloak efficiently (I am apparently too inept to get use from this totally OP class skill) I can survive three people hammering on me, at least for a couple of seconds. No I don't kill them. I am not build for that and not good enough for that.

    The main difference between us? I know that there are better players than me and I know that I won't win every fight. I am happy with winning 50%.

    EDIT: While I think I remember that I once heard of a game in the DC universe, I have certainly never play it, let alone currently play it. I am a one game guy. I play ESO and nothing else.
    Edited by Leandor on September 4, 2015 10:16AM
  • Brrrofski
    Coldharbour will be fixed within a fortnight.

    I don't see your issues?

    Things people use annoy you. Things you use probably annoy other people.

    Never heard meteor being called noob either. It's a bit of a grind to get in multiple accounts.

    Also, you're moaning that classes aren't locked into a role. A game gives a choice and it's a bad thing? Yeh, some idiots think they can do it all, but that's because they're idiots. Play with people who know what they're doing and it isn't a problem.
    Edited by Brrrofski on September 4, 2015 10:14AM
  • Reznique

    You are just talking to yourself now :wink:
  • I3irchy
    @leandor I'm not asking to be a one man army, well arenas would be nice and friendly duels but I'll not get into that because my bloods already boiling. I'm merely saying everything is messed up. I'd much rather have a 5 - 10 minute fight in a group or not and the I won't be bothed bout the 20 minute run to get back into the fight

    Like you've just pointed out you'll last a few seconds... A few seconds of fighting isn't worth the long walk back. Jesus Christ lol my left thumb stick will be dead in a couple of months with all this running /walking. As an healer I should be able to heal and heal and have massive amounts of magika regen... In this game it's not possible. My healer feels more like a rogue with a health potion... If you get where I'm coming from, should look up OP paladin healer in WoW on YouTube, now that's fun and that's how Templars should be. They don't have much damage but they can survive almost anything and keep there groups alive. There is no Templar build on eso capable of doing this as far as I know I have the best build for a Templar and its 5 cloth 2 leather. Not going to go into the build anyways it's not the build its the game, sorcs are squishy for a reason ... Because they do lots of damage, you either dps like mad and kill before they squish you or you teleport away.... That's enough... Making a sorc not squishy and keeping the dps is ridiculous, not only can they destroy you but they can now tank about 20 players, pathetic
  • Leandor
    I3irchy wrote: »
    ...as far as I know I have the best build for a Templar and its 5 cloth 2 leather...
    There we go. Pick something up that some guy has called "the best templar build ever" and wonder why it doesn't work for you. Come on. Read the tooltips or test the skills you have. Identify what kills you and put a counter in your bar. Stop thinking that the game is bad because you are not as efficient with a googled build as its original creator.
  • OhhKillerZxD
    Soul Shriven
    Eso gives freedom to choose how you play. That can be a little annoying as I never know what build to play but I would much rather have freedom than 4 classes with 1 way to play them like temp healer or DK tank
  • Emma_Overload
    I3irchy wrote: »
    I mean my class is a Templar...

    That's all you needed to say.

    Templars are weak as **** because healing is weak as **** in ESO. Sorcerers can Ward for 100% health on demand. How much can your Templar heal for? THAT'S THE PROBLEM, not Sorcerers.

    Please petition ZOS to buff your class instead of nerfing mine. Thank you.
  • Allyhoo811
    I do not mean this in a bad way, so please don't take it as such...But this game really doesn't sound like it is for you, and it isn't going to change into the game you want in the next two months...If the game mechanics truly bother you this much now, then you would be better off with your plan to return to playing WoW on your PC.

    This game just isn't WoW. They were never designed to be anything alike (other than the fact that they are both MMORPGs). Understanding this is the first step to appreciating ESO. If you want WoW, ESO isn't your game. ESO was designed to be very much like the single player games as far as character creation and builds are concerned. The tag line for the game was "play as you want". Classes are only jumping off points in this game, they aren't like the classes in WoW with role restrictions. Heck, you can play the game without using a single class ability if you want and still be incredibly effective. This is good thing to most of us who play the game; it's why we are here (that and a love for ES lore).

    To be honest, classes are actually much more balanced here than in most MMOs (and I've played many), but your build is a more personal thing because of the diversity and there is no BEST build for a class. You can google good builds, sure, but it might not be a good build for you or how you like to play. You also have to be very careful when searching for builds on the internet because much of the info is out-of-date. A lot of changes have occurred since PC launch that have drastically altered game mechanics...You could be running with a build that simply isn't efficient anymore.

    Significant changes will be hitting console soon that will alter builds even further (they are already active here on PC). You can read the PC patch notes to preview the upcoming changes, but don't expect any of them to alter the game to what it seems you really want.

    There isn't anything wrong with wanting to play a game like WoW...But you are going to drive yourself crazy if you try to insist that every game be like it. WoW does WoW best...ESO can't compete in that department. But ESO is very good for the type of game it is. It isn't perfect and a lot could certainly be improved on, but it shouldn't be made more WoW-like or less flexible in class structure, because that is what makes it ESO -- and is a large part of why the current players are here.

    A lot of people have tried this game and realized it's not for them for various reasons...That's okay. Let WoW be WoW and ESO be ESO. Then everyone has a game they can enjoy :)

    P.S. For what it's worth, my main is a Templar who primarily heals and I don't feel Sorcs are terribly overpowered.
    Edited by Allyhoo811 on September 4, 2015 5:47PM
  • CrunchyBeanz
    No need for a lengthy and nice reply to your post. I will keep it simple...Stop being a nerdy little baby. There's more to life than this game. Take a walk outside and smell the fresh air.
  • Brrrofski
    So you moan about sorcs being op then went a templar like the parading on wow who can heal itself and others through everything?

    Pot and kettle
  • failkiwib16_ESO
    Funny thing, I recently heard a couple of sorcerers complain about having low dps and survivability and templars being so OP. ^^
  • corrosivechains
    I3irchy wrote: »
    I hope in the next patch they fix this it's ridiculous,

    Can't understand why a class that should only be alowed to wear cloth can take so much damage its ridiculous....
    There impenetrable even at low levels.

    I kind of stopped reading after this. Sorcerers were always a medium to heavy armor wearing class in Elder Scrolls games.

    as you can see, in Arena and Daggerfall their armor were Leather and Chain. In Morrowind and Oblivion, Heavy armor becomes a class skill.
    "Could you post me a link to the official MMO rule book please." - clayandaudrey_ESO
  • Flaminir
    I remember back when the forums were really good.. .then we see posts like this one <sigh>

    Again... trying to be constructive here...... it sounds like you have issues with your build/knowledge of counters & other classes.... this game is extremely flexible on the whole. I suggest watching a few of the streamers and see some of their builds and how to PvP / counter the other classes.

    Or even better rolla couple of the other classes to learn & understand them better. This is what I did... I did very badly to start with and then when I learned the other classes strengths & weaknesses everything improved :)

    I play most classes, and sorcs are generally not hard to kill. It's all just a game of rock/paper/scissors depending on your build.
    GM of the Unholy Legacy
    Sorcerer Flaminir (Magicka) / Staminir (Stamina)
    Templar Elixiia (Magicka/Healer) / Lotti Velooni (Magicka)
    DragonKnight Xalora Flaminar (Tank) / Unholy-Dragon-Toad (Tank)
    Nightblade Aimee Owlious (Magicka) / Myttens (Stamina)
    Warden: Frosti-Tute (Magicka/Healer) Boops-Many-Snoots (Stamina/Tank)
  • one_man_riot87
    Calling people noobs for killing you in a way you don't agree with is a noob move. Also announcing that your about to quit something is like telling everyone your about to leave a night club. No one cares. I see so much complaining on these forums about everything. Just enjoy the game with its flaws or stop playing it. lol. End rant.
  • Violynne
    I don't think sorcs are OP, but rather their skill tree has some serious "rain from the sky" damage which keeps them distanced from enemies who use weapons.

    I played a NB to VR10 and it was a challenge every step of the way. I died constantly because NBs have to get up close and personal, which puts them at a much higher risk for taking melee damage.

    Now playing sorc (VR3) and because my skills keep me distanced (especially as I knock them back), I don't seem to be depleting soul gems or visiting wayshrines as often. If it weren't for those skills, I'd stick to playing NB, as a sorc's base power blows chunks.
  • Bats0828
    @I3irchy, hey man i understand your complains about the game. but honestly being able to play multiple possibilities with you character or your class like a sorcerer being able to heal, or even a nightblade can even heal himself if he uses resto staff or any other class, makes this game awesome.. Why did I say that? Because your character is not just limited to one ability. You can do a lot of combinations. I have a Khajiit nightblade and I've been playing pvp for the last 2 weeks and enjoying it. I do get killed 1 hit by focus aim, proximity detonation and say what? one hit? but i don't complain about it. Because most of the people that has the ability to 1 hit you are the Vet 14. That still depends on your build and level. If you have so much invested in your health then most likely you won't get killed by just 1 hit. My character in PVP is a Khajiit nightblade and I must say I use the lethal arrow a lot, as in maybe you called it spamming. But for me that's how i get most of my big damage. It can be annoying to other people but for me if you don't wanna get killed that way or hate being killed by others spamming their skillls, then don't play pvp. If you play pvp you have to always watch your back, play smart. I was able to kill vet 14 playing them solo. That's because I played them smart and maybe because their build is not the same as other vet 14 who sometimes takes 4-5 people to kill them. It still depends on your build, the armor set you have, the champion points. There are vet 14 that are easier to kill and there are vet 14 that are really hard to kill.With regards to others reaching vet 14 in just short time, those people really grinds so hard for them to reach vet 14 in such a short time. you say you play 5-7 hours, other people play sometimes 15 hours, they use xp potions, they have experience buff, they grind killing ads or mobs sometimes for 5 hours straight to level fast. that's why they reach max level in just few weeks or days... don't get discouraged in playing the game just because sometimes you are killed by 1 hit or other people spamming their skills. that's how they play. that's their play style. so i hope you still find the game really enjoying and awesome because i really love playing this game. last night i got killed by just daedric mines hitting me for 18k damage, my nigthblade is vet 5, and the one that killed me is vet 14, which i understand because i know vet 14 have their characters almost complete and they really do high damage. hope this helps...
    Edited by Bats0828 on September 7, 2015 6:00AM
  • Jitterbug
    Leandor wrote: »
    9/10, would read again and forward to friends. Good choice of appropriate expletives and spelling errors. Very good display of mechanics ignorance. Nice side jab to other game. All in all a bit lengthy for a full blown 10, but getting real close.


    I think I love you
  • BrassRazoo
    You complain about almost every class and everything else, yet still the thread title is "Are sorcs always going to be Op ?????"
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