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Do you like the idea of crafting bags for ESO+ Members?

I just saw on today's ESO Live that they are planning on giving ESO+ members crafting bags that "would allow for ESO plus members to carry enormous quantities of crafting materials."

As a massive crafting hoarder that needs to hop between several mules once every one to two days to manage my inventory, I am very excited to hear that they are adding this feature. However, while as a proud ESO+ subscriber this doesn't effect me, but I am sure there will be some who are upset that this will (at least for now) be unavailable to those who are not subscribed. So I wanted to know what everybody thinks of this feature under the condition that it is only available to + subscribers. Feel free to leave an explanation for your vote below.

Personally, while I like the feature, I also think it should be made available via in-game gold, or at the very least a crown store purchase, but overall I'd rather have the feature be exclusive to ESO+ members than not be available at all.
Edited by ColoursYouHave on August 28, 2015 9:54PM

Do you like the idea of crafting bags for ESO+ Members? 360 votes

NestorinespeloazulwayfarerxGilvothk9mouseShedsHisTailColoursYouHaveXexpoFisshMojmiramantvoulub14_ESOMalkavianqueenbigscoothb14_ESObloodenragedb14_ESOchanzeb14_ESOSurragardIncarnatusBozeldjluchauRelmyna 274 votes
BlackhornetallennNewBlacksmurfDarkWombatErock25BigMBugCollectorsebbanAshanneAnath_Qleo8nardo8Michaelbullard22ub17_ESOmiklawceb17_ESONerouynQuinz128ub17_ESOArwen_7Seantsubakiprb18_ESOczarJa50nXtengri 86 votes
  • Gilvoth
    im a subscriber and i want the matterials bagg, if you want it then just subscribe, is only $14.99 month
    Edited by Gilvoth on August 28, 2015 10:19PM
  • Blackhorne
    You don't need crafting bags. You just need to not be a hoarder.
  • Mansome
    Its not worth the sub for the extra space. But a bag for purchase at the store I would go for that. I have been saying the space in this game has been stupidly low for the amount of materials we can get. So far on at the crown store I have seen zero items that I would want to use the crowns for. A bag for purchase is a better option but only if its something like 100 extra space per character or something and its no more than 3000 crowns.
  • SedoUmbra
    im a subscriber and i want the matterials bagg, if you want it then just subscribe, is only $14.99 month

    That's a considerable amount of money that some people don't have to waste on a game.
  • SedoUmbra
    I'm fine with cosmetics and consumables being purchasable in the crown store, or available with ESO+ but anything that is stat/gameplay changing I am against.
  • BenevolentBowd
    Mansome wrote: »
    Its not worth the sub for the extra space. But a bag for purchase at the store I would go for that. I have been saying the space in this game has been stupidly low for the amount of materials we can get. So far on at the crown store I have seen zero items that I would want to use the crowns for. A bag for purchase is a better option but only if its something like 100 extra space per character or something and its no more than 3000 crowns.

    They didn't elaborate on how the bag would work: would the space only be available if the account is an ESO Plus member?

    I'd prefer to buy a similar bag using crowns.

    In my opinion, the ESO plus membership needs more perks because the existing model tends to discourage membership at end game. For the most part, I'm an ESO member for the research timer perk and essentially buying DLC on lay-away until it's available with my crown stipend included with ESO plus. I buy very few cosmetic items.

    For example, once players are at max level and have researched all the crafting traits, the only real benefit is a modest 10% on gold. While there is the crown stipend included in the membership, one could save $80 ($15 x 12mo - 100DLC) a year by just buying the DLC (assuming cost $50 x 2 per year).
    Edited by BenevolentBowd on August 28, 2015 11:18PM
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  • BabeestorGor
    Rather than crafting bags I'd like the shared bank account to be more expandable and have better sorting options (it gets quite tedious looking through a long list of materials for 6 crafts when you want just the alchemy items for example). That and having some storage in houses if they arrive eventually would satisfy me.

    Crafting bags would be a 2nd best option but I could live with it, preferably available for ingame gold perhaps with an option to buy in the crown store as well.

    Just for ESO+ members would be very much a 3rd best option. We all pay for the game one way or another and whilst I'm fine with the ESO+ members getting perks they shouldn't be getting game essentials like storage when others can't.
    Babeester Gor is the Axe Goddess, the Implacable Anger, the Avenging Daughter and the Earth Guardian.
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    Pippi Longhorn, Nightblade, Ne'er-do-well, and "Tribute" character
    EU PC.
  • marco.cuevas.ventob14_ESO
    I just saw on today's ESO Live that they are planning on giving ESO+ members crafting bags that "would allow for ESO plus members to carry enormous quantities of crafting materials."

    As a massive crafting hoarder that needs to hop between several mules once every one to two days to manage my inventory, I am very excited to hear that they are adding this feature. However, while as a proud ESO+ subscriber this doesn't effect me, but I am sure there will be some who are upset that this will (at least for now) be unavailable to those who are not subscribed. So I wanted to know what everybody thinks of this feature under the condition that it is only available to + subscribers. Feel free to leave an explanation for your vote below.

    Personally, while I like the feature, I also think it should be made available via in-game gold, or at the very least a crown store purchase, but overall I'd rather have the feature be exclusive to ESO+ members than not be available at all.

    sorry but this is a useless poll want me to become a + member?

    Fix the game
    Balance PVP
    Fix CP points

    keyword: FIX
  • psychojudge
    I am not a eso+ member but if they do this then i will become one :smiley:
  • failkiwib16_ESO
    I really like ESO but I would like them to offer paying costumers with more advantages. Basically make it worth paying the sub each month!
  • ColoursYouHave

    I just saw on today's ESO Live that they are planning on giving ESO+ members crafting bags that "would allow for ESO plus members to carry enormous quantities of crafting materials."

    As a massive crafting hoarder that needs to hop between several mules once every one to two days to manage my inventory, I am very excited to hear that they are adding this feature. However, while as a proud ESO+ subscriber this doesn't effect me, but I am sure there will be some who are upset that this will (at least for now) be unavailable to those who are not subscribed. So I wanted to know what everybody thinks of this feature under the condition that it is only available to + subscribers. Feel free to leave an explanation for your vote below.

    Personally, while I like the feature, I also think it should be made available via in-game gold, or at the very least a crown store purchase, but overall I'd rather have the feature be exclusive to ESO+ members than not be available at all.

    sorry but this is a useless poll want me to become a + member?

    Fix the game
    Balance PVP
    Fix CP points

    keyword: FIX

    How is this a useless poll? I asked if people like the idea of a crafting bag exclusive to ESO+ members, not what it would take to make you subscribe. Don't blame the poll just because you choose to answer a completely different question ;).
  • Inactive Account
    Inactive Account
    This would be a nice thing to see happen.

    A return for the support many of us, who have been sub'd since the start, is appreciated.
  • Auricle
    Yes, please. This is something I've been wanting since launch.

    My hoarding shall reach new, and more epic proportions muahaha!
  • Seantsubakiprb18_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    humm .. maybe they should let non-sub player to be able to buy it with crown points.
  • Ysne58
    All that does is allow you to max out bag and bank space faster. It is in the crown store, so you have to pay crowns for it. Some people will really love those as a matter of convenience in managing inventory.
  • Tholian1
    I guess it depends on how much of my inventory space it actually would free up. But I also don't want to feel like I am stuck paying for the extra inventory space every month if my life interferes with me playing the game for long stretches at a time. I would rather purchase inventory space in the crown store.
    PS4 Pro NA
  • CGPsaint
    I would be more open to a one-time fee for this item to be used in-game, account wide. I would not however be willing to pay a monthly fee for the perk. That aside, what happens to all of the materials in that bag when someone decides not to renew their sub fee?
  • ColoursYouHave
    Ysne58 wrote: »
    All that does is allow you to max out bag and bank space faster. It is in the crown store, so you have to pay crowns for it. Some people will really love those as a matter of convenience in managing inventory.

    You're thinking of crown bag and bank upgrades. This is something completely different. This is a separate bag only for crafting materials. How many crafting materials, nobody outside of ZoS knows.

  • AlmightyGoldfish
    I personally would love it to be brought in or a cheaper alternative like WOW with creating the bags yourself. I find it really tedious having to earn the gold for just one upgrade Bank or Bag to wipe all my gold. I would be willing to pay crowns if it was willing to cross via other toons unlike how it is now. They do it with mounts, Pets and costumes so why not bag space.
    FYI with gaming you meet a lot of different people
    Today you have met the best saltiest person there can be.
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  • Morimizo
    This is a very appealing feature, but also would like to see other ways for folks to obtain it;

    *Reward for a difficult quest (ideal); or

    *One-time Crown Store purchase (not-so-much); or

    *Reward for reaching a certain threshold of achievement points, i.e. obtaining ALL the Crafting achievements;

    But, if you happen to be an ESO+ member, you can choose to have it immediately (or still get in in-game). Seems most fair.
    Edited by Morimizo on August 31, 2015 2:31AM
  • Arwen_7
    I voted No. Simply cause I pre-ordered the game, played it pretty much solidly until it changed to "Tamriel Unlimited". During that time I had all sorts of issues with it crashing and being unplayable and maxed out my bag and bank spaces.
    I subbed to ESO+ for a while, but saw no benefits to it for me.
    I craft pretty much everything. I have been asking for a crafting items solution since beta, and if it now appears and is only available for a monthly sub then it is a massive kick in the teeth,

    Make it available through a quest would be my preference. Maybe something like helping out caravans or something.
    Or for a gold cost, or possibly a crown cost and I would buy it. But making everything buyable is what I did not want from this game. TES has always been about stories, TESO is beinging like many other games where you simplay earn gold and buy everything you want. It's boring and more of a grindfest than a challenge.
    I will not however pay for it by the month. That is a definite no.
  • ChibiMechaX78
    I didn't vote no because it would add more perks to being a plus member. The people saying no for this reason disregard that there is more to being a plus member than more inventory space so it's not like inventory space is the only perk at this point in time.

    however I would only agree to this if there was also a separate purchaseable for it on the store so people can buy it separately.

    The reason I voted yes is because we really need more carrying capacity for the amount of items we get. Not just more bank space. I have to clear my inventory too often, and I am maxed out.

    It'd be ever sweeter if they had better ways to sort out inventories. Being PS4 this is a nightmare. Closeable tabs for armor, weapons etc would be awesome.
    Edited by ChibiMechaX78 on August 31, 2015 1:07PM
  • Calidus1
    I am an ESO subscriber and master crafter but I still don't want this. Part of crafting is being able to manage inventory, its what sets serious crafters apart. This will also hurt the market, allowing non-crafter to hoard materials instead of selling them. Prices for materials will go up, prices for our sold items will go down. Finally, it hurts believeability and immersion.
  • Rikal
    I'm a member so of course I want it. IMO members are not getting great value for their money at this point.
    Rikal on NA-PC (aka Rhaulikko)
  • TheLastNabeel
    I think it's a great idea since it isn't a stat boost or something that can classify the game as "pay to win" but rather a convenience that makes ESO plus more attractive.
    "Those who cannot be artists become critics instead."
  • Wreuntzylla
    I prefer crafting bank space.
  • Siniztor
    Great idea people a reason that means some thing to be plus..other games you can only make so many charters until your a plus subscriber..i know where ya can only have 2,000 cash on you any thing else goes into escro and you have to buy tickets from the crown store to get it game limits the bag space and bank space free players have.

    So yeah give more reason for plus members..rioght now other then the weak xp boost no reason to sub
  • gilbegger
    Those of you that support the game with a monthly $ contribution SHOULD have a perk like this...very usefull.

    I dont ....and I would love to have a crafting bag.

    Lucky dogs.
  • Nerouyn
    Here's why I said no.

    IMO inventory is one of the things ESO got horribly wrong and it makes the game into a terrible chore - particularly if you're crafting. While I would throw money at ZO to make this problem go away, think about the precedent that would set.

    Broken game design. Solution. Make players pay for a fix.

    Not only will that irk a lot of players but it would give the game's detractors fantastic ammunition.

    Some will hate to hear this but I think emulating GW2 is the right way forward:
    1. Give everyone access to this crafting bag with max x number of stacks for each material. Or x number of slots. Or however it will work.
    2. Let players pay more via the crown store to expand that.
    3. If you like, on top of that give subscribers an extra x number of max stacks - and if you unsub you don't lose any of those materials but you can't add more to the bag for materials over your current unsubbed max.
  • Aelthwyn
    Rather than crafting bags I'd like the shared bank account to be more expandable and have better sorting options (it gets quite tedious looking through a long list of materials for 6 crafts when you want just the alchemy items for example).
    The addon Advanced Filters is my best friend. Nolonger do I have to scroll through an endless mixed up list of mats. Though it really does seem like it ought to be part of the game itself.

    Personally I would find it most helpful to have bank space cost less and be able to keep all the materials in the bank so more than one character could craft with them without having to shuffle the mats back and forth between characters. Right now I keep nothing but materials in my bank, but despite several upgrades (which is about all I spend gold on) I'm still a long way from being able to keep all the materials there, especially with mats for several different levels. When starting out saving items to research is also a huge tax on bagspace which obviously wouldn't go into the crafting bag.

    I agree with others that the bag/bank space policy is broken and shouldn't be fixed only for people who pay extra, it should be fixed in the core game. The current system makes you waste so much time on boring sorting of inventory, constantly running back to the bank for another pitstop rather than actually playing, and trapping your alternate characters in the bank instead of actually playing with different builds, as well as causing you to not actually keep a lot of the nifty collectibles/trophies which... there is little point in having in the game if you're not really able to collect them you know. As far as gold-sinks go it's not something that you really WANT to be working towards, it feels like being crippled until you make your game playable by amassing the amount of gold to fully expand your storage. Saving for the fancier mounts is something that feels satisfying, but saving for just 10 more bank slots as the price multiplies just makes me resentful. And for all those who are quick to accuse others of being hoarders - no I gave that up long ago, I keep the mats (one stack) and research items I need and that's it, sadly the things with 'sentimental value' that would add more enjoyment and depth to the roleplaying side of the game - like certain quest rewards, disguises, and trophies just don't make the cut, and that's really a shame if you ask me.
    Edited by Aelthwyn on September 20, 2015 9:27PM
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