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Do you like the idea of crafting bags for ESO+ Members?

  • I_killed_Vivec
    I'm more worried about "enormous quantities of crafting materials".

    I can craft a complete set (seven armour pieces, two weapons) of VR14 gear with a single stack of 200 materials. Or a maximum of four stacks if I'm mixing heavy, medium and light armours and a shield or staff.

    We've already seen the massive increase in materials required to craft a VR16 set, "enormous quantities" implies to me that it's a trend that's only going to get much worse.

    By the way, what happens if you unsubscribe - do you lose all your "enormous quantities" of materials?

  • myrrrorb14_ESO
    Actually surprised that it wasnt this way from the start.

    Pretty standard for pay stores to add this type of item and I expect to see it in the crown store in about 6 months.
  • Surragard
    I vote yes because there needs to be a greater incentive to sub. It's honestly not that great of a deal right now for most people. I'm sure ZoS will do some testing to figure out how big of a bag to provide so that you're not just storing unlimited resources.
    I don't always drink Skooma, but when I do I go to the Southwall Corner Club. May you walk on warm sands my friends.
  • Jitterbug
    I subbed for a year but don't anymore.

    I support the idea, but wouldn't resub for it, I don't think
  • Czeri
    Hmm, I'd need to know more about how this bag idea is supposed to work before I can vote. As others mentioned, if you have more than one character, you need the crafting materials in the bank so that all characters can add and/or use materials as needed. Therefore a bag (as they are in the game now) seems like the opposite of useful, because you'd have to run back and forth to the bank to transfer materials among toons. If this crafting bag was available to all characters same as a bank, though, I might consider renewing my subscription...
  • Sertith
    I'm both for and against this idea. :pensive:

    I think the bag itself is a great idea, but having to sub to get it sort of irks me. I was a monthly member for a year, when you had to pay to play. In which time I was barely able to play at all, because of internet issues.

    Now that it's "free", it's been really nice not having to pay. I've got new internet and can actually play.

    If you could buy it at the Crown store, I'd be 100% for it. But just paying members? I dunno. Plus, what happens if you can't pay a month? Do you lose it? Do you lose everything in it?
  • BigM
    I really think a better idea would be taking the amount that can stack way up, like from 200 to 600. Make a big difference.
    “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”
    ― Stephen Hawking
  • Aelthwyn
    BigM wrote: »
    I really think a better idea would be taking the amount that can stack way up, like from 200 to 600. Make a big difference.

    It would help some, but that doesn't solve the problem of the sheer number of different crafting materials you need if you want to do every craft and/or be able to craft different level items for other people, or your alts. I believe it would take 205 spaces for one stack of every material.
  • Tommy1979AtWar
    I'm both for and against this, I don't think you should have to sub for it, it's an issue easily solved by upping the stack allowance, profiteering from something which is easily amended, requires no extra server space as it's a parameter change and should have been included from the start is very shady and unethical.
  • terrordactyl1971
    What happens if you cancel your ESO+ Do you lose access to the 500 crafting items in the bag?
  • RiCat
    Soul Shriven
    Trying to force an increase in a failed subscription program by offering a fix for a fundamentally antiquated and broken aspect of the game is anti player. The fact that so many players must use a mule system to meet the storage needs of the game is a clear indicator that the game and it's storage/storage access/storage use design is broken. I say fix the game and make it more player friendly. If they want to encourage subscriptions find some desirable perks that add "icing to the cake".
  • DrizztWulfgar
    I just saw on today's ESO Live that they are planning on giving ESO+ members crafting bags that "would allow for ESO plus members to carry enormous quantities of crafting materials."

    As a massive crafting hoarder that needs to hop between several mules once every one to two days to manage my inventory, I am very excited to hear that they are adding this feature. However, while as a proud ESO+ subscriber this doesn't effect me, but I am sure there will be some who are upset that this will (at least for now) be unavailable to those who are not subscribed. So I wanted to know what everybody thinks of this feature under the condition that it is only available to + subscribers. Feel free to leave an explanation for your vote below.

    Personally, while I like the feature, I also think it should be made available via in-game gold, or at the very least a crown store purchase, but overall I'd rather have the feature be exclusive to ESO+ members than not be available at all.

    sorry but this is a useless poll want me to become a + member?

    Fix the game
    Balance PVP
    Fix CP points

    keyword: FIX

    Then dont play....FIXED
  • Hamfast
    I found it funny, I agreed with most of what Arwen_7 said, I also pre-ordered the game, I have been playing and paying since the 5 pre-release days, I have had issues, been frustrated and even started referring to my main character (Dual Wield NB) as an "Expert Floor Decoration" because there were so many things I just could not kill at level that I could slaughter easily with some of my alts at a far lower level... but it seems better now. I have joined others (perhaps even Arwen_7) in asking for solutions on the shear number of items required for crafting along with several other issues (Vampires, Night Blades and so on...)

    Like Arwen_7, I craft everything, my main has maxed out and spent the points for all of the crafting disciplines, I use the crafted item sets on all of my characters and alts, I do the writ quests, and so on... to put it bluntly, I still have fun.

    I paid the extra for the collectors edition so I got the bonus packs and the "Exclusive" items, yet several months later, those "Exclusive" items were made available to everyone...

    I pay for my account because I know that development does not come cheap, so while I have fun, I will continue to pay.

    Unlike Arwen_7, I voted yes, I would like to see all the ESO+ folks (people paying for a subscription) get this crafting pack free (either as a bank option or on each character) as another "Exclusive" offer, with the full knowledge that in a few months, they will be made available to anyone for crowns or as a reward for becoming a "Grand Master Crafter" (what ever name is given to a character that has maxed out several crafting disciplines) or however it is made available.
    Arwen_7 wrote: »
    I voted No. Simply cause I pre-ordered the game, played it pretty much solidly until it changed to "Tamriel Unlimited". During that time I had all sorts of issues with it crashing and being unplayable and maxed out my bag and bank spaces.
    I subbed to ESO+ for a while, but saw no benefits to it for me.
    I craft pretty much everything. I have been asking for a crafting items solution since beta, and if it now appears and is only available for a monthly sub then it is a massive kick in the teeth,

    Make it available through a quest would be my preference. Maybe something like helping out caravans or something.
    Or for a gold cost, or possibly a crown cost and I would buy it. But making everything buyable is what I did not want from this game. TES has always been about stories, TESO is beinging like many other games where you simplay earn gold and buy everything you want. It's boring and more of a grindfest than a challenge.
    I will not however pay for it by the month. That is a definite no.

    Of all the things I have lost, I miss my mind the most...
  • Furrelito
    I mean who doesn't got an own guild bank nowadays, nuff said.
    M'aiq and Cadwell baes are forever
  • Easily_Lost
    What happens if you cancel your ESO+ Do you lose access to the 500 crafting items in the bag?

    You will not lose what you put in the "crafting bag". You will be able to remove the items that are in there, but not able to add more to the bag.
    PC - NA - AD
    started April 2015
    PVE & Solo only

    Meet the LOST family: CP 1250+
    Easily Lost Crafter - lvl 50 - Sorcerer Orc ( knows all traits and most styles )
    Easily Lost-W - lvl 50 - Warden Imperial
    Forever Lost - lvl 50 Sorcerer

    CROWN CRATES: It doesn't affect gameplay, it's not mandatory, it's cosmetic only. If it helps to support the game and ZOS, I support it! Say YES to crown crates.
  • Islyn
    SedoUmbra wrote: »
    im a subscriber and i want the matterials bagg, if you want it then just subscribe, is only $14.99 month

    That's a considerable amount of money that some people don't have to waste on a game.

    Then you don't get the perks.

    Why do some people expect the work product of others to be free?

    So you have time to waste but would be wasting money? Maybe one has something to do with the other...
  • Mcwoods55
    I can't believe how many people say yes... They have said that the crown store shouldn't have items that would unbalance the game correct? If I have to go to eso + to get those bags then that really is not fair. I do not want to pay $15 a month for that. I feel like that is an injustice to the game. IF they offer it free to the eso+ then they should offer it for purcahse at least to all others in the crown store... Like a DLC you can have it for free if eso+ and if you let it lapse you loose it but you can buy it in the store.
  • POps75p
    YES, ESO members are the bread and butter of this game, anything to keep more people playing and continue as ESO would be very much appreciated.
  • Alorier
    This one is a bit of a no Brainier 100% behind this
  • Jaeysa
    Mcwoods55 wrote: »
    I can't believe how many people say yes... They have said that the crown store shouldn't have items that would unbalance the game correct? If I have to go to eso + to get those bags then that really is not fair. I do not want to pay $15 a month for that. I feel like that is an injustice to the game. IF they offer it free to the eso+ then they should offer it for purcahse at least to all others in the crown store... Like a DLC you can have it for free if eso+ and if you let it lapse you loose it but you can buy it in the store.

    How the heck will this unbalance the game? It just allows people to be hoarders more easily(and trust me, I already am one). It doesn't effect your playstyle, it doesn't give you any extra story content or any sort of combat boost. It just gives you more bagspace for specific types of items.
    PC/NA: Primarily Daggerfall Covenant.

    Lennie: Breton Sorceror. 9-trait crafter on everything, purveyor of useless frippery.
  • Nefas
    Class Representative
    RiCat wrote: »
    Trying to force an increase in a failed subscription program by offering a fix for a fundamentally antiquated and broken aspect of the game is anti player. The fact that so many players must use a mule system to meet the storage needs of the game is a clear indicator that the game and it's storage/storage access/storage use design is broken.

    This. Much like a few other things in game (like tabard, respec for skills and CP) the cost of bag/bank space is nonsensical. I would understand a smaller amount but still...

    I know many people in the game that have, as others mentioned, made entire guild banks to hold stuff and one or two other characters just to hold stuff. While I would ramble on about the incredibly limited guild-related and craft-related options available, I'd just like to say the idea of these bags is nice but it won't really move me and a few others to sub.

    Perhaps make these ESO+ bags unlimited space but make 'smaller' versions available on the Crown Store for everybody else.

    NOT saying they shouldn't give incentives for subscriptions but generally if I'm offered a choice between decent and superior things, I usually go for the superior if they're worth it. Either way, ZOS makes money and most people are somewhat satisfied.
  • Taisynn
    I want this only for ESO+ Members. If you buy the DLC with crowns, your perk is your forever access - even if you choose to stop putting money into the game, you can't lose it.

    ESO+ players pay more for access to DLC and content, and the moment they stop paying - poof. No more access to anything but the base game even though we invested more than the DLC buyers.

    And if you want privacy or the ability to NOT use a credit card, go to your local game shop / gas station / etc and go buy an ESO Plus card. That's what my boyfriend and I do.
    PC - @Taisynn - NA - CP 268
    Shizuko url="]RP Profile[/url - Bosmer - LVL50 - Nightblade 50 Provisioning, 50 Woodworking, 50 Clothing, 50 Alchemy Ebonhart Pact
    Nev'e - Bosmer - LVL 18 - Templar 50 Enchanting Ebonhart Pact

    Proud Member of the Guilds:
    Rusty Old Dragons (Trade) | Children of Skyrim (RP/EP) | Goldleaf Acquisitions (RP/EP)
    Spicy Economics (Trade) | The Jackals (RP/EP)
  • Nefas
    Class Representative
    Taisynn wrote: »
    ESO+ players pay more for access to DLC and content, and the moment they stop paying - poof. No more access to anything but the base game even though we invested more than the DLC buyers.

    True that subs pay monthly but not true people who buy DLCs standalone pay less or everything goes poof because depending on the length of your membership (such as the $12.99/month option) you get quite a lot of Crowns as well besides the DLCs+bonus XP/research time reduction.

    IC and Orsinium were 3000 crowns each ($25) for people who did not sub so technically subbing saves money by subbing & then unsubbing to get those DLCs with the crowns you gained.
  • ShedsHisTail
    As an ESO+ Member, yes, I like the idea. :)
    "As an online discussion of Tamrielic Lore grows longer, the probability of someone blaming a Dragon Break approaches 1." -- Sheds' Law
    Have you seen the Twin Lamps?
  • helediron
    I am maintaining stock of all materials at all levels, all runes, flowers, fungi, food ingredients, styles, everything. I tested it on PTS, and for me the bag is fantastic. No more visiting bank or mule to fetch level x mats when making a leveling gear. Inventory and bank is now for actual gear.
    On hiatus. PC,EU,AD - crafting completionist - @helediron 900+ cp, @helestor 1000+ cp, @helestar 800+ cp, @helester 700+ cp - Dragonborn Z Suomikilta, Harrods, Master Crafter. - Blog - Crafthouse: all stations, all munduses, all dummies, open to everyone
  • Calidus1
    This will crash many markets and cause hyperinflation in others.
  • k9mouse
    I love the new crafting bags and can't wait for DB DLC for them after using them on the PTS. Crafting Bags gives extra value to Subs to ESO+. I sub since early access, so I have no problem with ZOS adding extra value to ESO+
  • C0wrex
    Big plus for those people supporting the game monthly :)
    "We are not now that strength which in old days moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are; One equal temper of heroic hearts, made weak by time and fate, but strong in will, to strive, to seek and not to yield."

    -Tennyson, Ulysses
  • Rohamad_Ali
    Absolutely love it ! Love the fact it doesn't disappear if you unsubscribe after , just can't add more to it . It looks fantastic too .
  • Pensola
    There have been more information about the crafting bag lately, which helped me a lot in my decision. On ESO Live, they said that the Crafting Bag will be able to carry 2,4 BILLION of each item. So 2,4 billion Voidstone Ingots, for example. If you stop your ESO+ subscription, you no longer can put things in the Crafting Bag, but what is in the bag is still available for you to take out.

    Knowing this, I definetely think that the crafting bag as it is now should be for ESO+ members. While I somewhat disagree with those that think the current benefits aren't good enough, I think having such a giant thing will definetely make it worthwhile, and after all, they are a business, so they want to make as many as possible subscribe.

    HOWEVER, I am completely open to a smaller crafting bag available in the Crown Store. It would have to be very much smaller, though, perhaps 2,4 thousand per item? At least I think that would warant a 5'000 crown price, but then again, I make sure I always sell a stack when I reach 1'000 or 600, so I don't know how much others want to keep.

    At any rate, I am satisfied that such a giant and practically unlimited bag is ESO+ only, but I am open to a smaller one being available for non-members in the future, when enough time has passed.
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