Didn't read most of the wall of text, but...
I think they keep quiet because the couldn't please us enough. If they would want to please us, they would need to add enough to make us totally OP.
Because even know, while we are getting weapon power, stam regeneration and a new stamina morph, all on the forum will say "NOT ENOUGH! NOT ENOUGH! NOT ENOUGH!" like a chor.
So here is why I think stam sorc is just fine (And yes, I have one):
1. Self heal+Protection
This is, in fact, better than most other classes. Rally+Surge and Vigor if things get difficult. That stuff adds up fast. And well, the new stamina morph of our armor gives a bunch of resistance as well.
2. Ressource Management.
Ritual gives back a bunch of stamina, and we sorcs get a stamregen bonus. We aren't quite even with nightblades, but can keep up with dragonknights and templars.
3. Singletarget Damage
We have overload, one of the greatest singletarget ultis in the game. Additionally, we get a new weapon power bonus, a new stamina dot and well, we already have extrastam from a toggle skill.
4. AoE Damage
In addition to self heal and ressource management, with our new dot, we get more damage rolling than any steelspamming sorc, dk or templar. Just like other stamclasses, we need to get ourselfes some caltrops, of course.
So I don't really understand what more we stamsorcs could be asking for, without making us stronger than any other stamina class.
And with that single sentence at the beginning, I have stopped you from writing anything significant against my arguements, and you have instead stepped back to pointing out that I am a ***
With you becoming personal instead of staying objective, serious discussion with you has become almost impossible and pretty unnecessary, so I, just as any other serious player, can now ignore this thread.
Thank you for your cooperation.
So if I respond to your post, which isn't at all about the point of my thread, will you read my response? I mean, it's hard to have discussion when one party doesn't read the other's posts.
What if my response gets too long? Can I get a word limit on what you will and won't read in order that we may facilitate this discussion which is clearly going in a productive direction?
You have it wrong : the vendetta is against the Stamina Heavy Amor Melee DK in PVP!
The "psychopharmacological company" behind PVP balance though may be real :
- Population is split between NB and Sorcs (Magicka only ? not sure)
- Templar (except Jesus Beam, but now it is slightly fixed) and DK
We may indeed be in a Case Study, did not think about it
Yolokin_Swagonborn wrote: »Theory #3 is close but there is more to it.
The order to kill off the spellswords came in the last days of patch 1.5. "Execute Order 67!" the shadowy puppetmasters said and spellswords fell by the thousands. This time, they didn't have to assassinate anyone, just remove softcaps. Once softcaps were removed, hybrid builds become very impractical if not impossible. Of all classes, this change hit sorcerers the hardest. It's important to note that most "Stamina Sorcerers" at the time were actually hybrid builds (Because sorcerers lack any class based stamina DPS) and those who tried to maintain a hybrid build after 1.6 died quickly to weapon damage stacking NBs/DKs (who actually had class based stamina DPS skills in their toolbars) and to other spell damage stacking sorcerers.
The publishers almost got what they wanted. Stamina sorcerer populations plummeted in PvP after 1.6. The great and mighty Sabre Ali gave up his stam sorc and rolled DK/NB. This pleased the publishers greatly. Skaffa did the same, also rolled DK. The Swagonborn saw the writing on the wall, and with hot tears full of swag streaming down his chiseled face, he cast his Argonian greatsword in the dust, and regrettably donned the shameful dress of the magicka sorc, and slotted the same 12 skills as every other magicka sorcerer. These were dark times. But you do what you have to do to survive.
But there was one who resisted. One flaw in their plan. Using an almost pure stamina build devoid of any sorcerer skills other than two UTILITY spells, the Lord FENGRUSH rose up in defiance. The word UTILITY is highlighted because it is important later in the story. The word FENGRUSH is also highlighted because I am still not sure why.
As we all know, the evil empire hates resistance, especially small and dedicated resistance. When FENGRUSH caused further insult by becoming emperor with this build, something had to change.
You see shadowy puppet masters don't mind stamina builds, they just hate sorcerer stamina builds. They couldn't stop FENGRUSH directly. They had to devise a way to remove those that two pesky sorserer skills remaining on his skillbar. If they could make both those skills so terrible that FENGRUSH would unslot them, then he would be playing a PURE stamina build, technically not a stamina sorcerer at all. A technicality granted, but it was enough.
In order to thwart FENGRUSH, the publishers pressured Eric to change a vital Sorcerer UTILITY spell (and magicka dump) into an awkward stam based DOT to ensure that FENGRUSH would never slot the skill again in the new patch.
But there was one skill remaining. Streak. We all know what happened to streak. Many praised this change but they didn't see the true reason, while regen and magicka stacking sorcerers could still use streak even with the 50% stacking penalty, this would make the skill way too expensive for stamina sorcerers without some sort of cooldown reset if streak causes damage or a melee attack is made.
This is all of the story I know so far. Many questions have yet to be answered.
- Will the evil publishers get their way and deter @FENGRUSH from using any sorcerer skills the new patch?
- Will Stamina sorcerers ever get a spammable melee DPS skill like every other class?
- Will the development team ever understand the best stamina builds use stamina for DPS and magicka for UTILITY. (I have a full post explaining it HERE - Sorcerer Stamina Builds vs the stamina builds of other classes: Why Sorcerer doesn't match up.)
We will find out.
TL;DR: Lightning form is a Utility and Magicka dump NOT a DPS skill!!!!. Click on the link above to see what the Evil Empire fears the most.
You have it wrong : the vendetta is against the Stamina Heavy Amor Melee DK in PVP!
The "psychopharmacological company" behind PVP balance though may be real :
- Population is split between NB and Sorcs (Magicka only ? not sure)
- Templar (except Jesus Beam, but now it is slightly fixed) and DK
We may indeed be in a Case Study, did not think about it
Interesting. This might be bigger than I ever imagined! Are we already in too deep?Yolokin_Swagonborn wrote: »Theory #3 is close but there is more to it.
The order to kill off the spellswords came in the last days of patch 1.5. "Execute Order 67!" the shadowy puppetmasters said and spellswords fell by the thousands. This time, they didn't have to assassinate anyone, just remove softcaps. Once softcaps were removed, hybrid builds become very impractical if not impossible. Of all classes, this change hit sorcerers the hardest. It's important to note that most "Stamina Sorcerers" at the time were actually hybrid builds (Because sorcerers lack any class based stamina DPS) and those who tried to maintain a hybrid build after 1.6 died quickly to weapon damage stacking NBs/DKs (who actually had class based stamina DPS skills in their toolbars) and to other spell damage stacking sorcerers.
The publishers almost got what they wanted. Stamina sorcerer populations plummeted in PvP after 1.6. The great and mighty Sabre Ali gave up his stam sorc and rolled DK/NB. This pleased the publishers greatly. Skaffa did the same, also rolled DK. The Swagonborn saw the writing on the wall, and with hot tears full of swag streaming down his chiseled face, he cast his Argonian greatsword in the dust, and regrettably donned the shameful dress of the magicka sorc, and slotted the same 12 skills as every other magicka sorcerer. These were dark times. But you do what you have to do to survive.
But there was one who resisted. One flaw in their plan. Using an almost pure stamina build devoid of any sorcerer skills other than two UTILITY spells, the Lord FENGRUSH rose up in defiance. The word UTILITY is highlighted because it is important later in the story. The word FENGRUSH is also highlighted because I am still not sure why.
As we all know, the evil empire hates resistance, especially small and dedicated resistance. When FENGRUSH caused further insult by becoming emperor with this build, something had to change.
You see shadowy puppet masters don't mind stamina builds, they just hate sorcerer stamina builds. They couldn't stop FENGRUSH directly. They had to devise a way to remove those that two pesky sorserer skills remaining on his skillbar. If they could make both those skills so terrible that FENGRUSH would unslot them, then he would be playing a PURE stamina build, technically not a stamina sorcerer at all. A technicality granted, but it was enough.
In order to thwart FENGRUSH, the publishers pressured Eric to change a vital Sorcerer UTILITY spell (and magicka dump) into an awkward stam based DOT to ensure that FENGRUSH would never slot the skill again in the new patch.
But there was one skill remaining. Streak. We all know what happened to streak. Many praised this change but they didn't see the true reason, while regen and magicka stacking sorcerers could still use streak even with the 50% stacking penalty, this would make the skill way too expensive for stamina sorcerers without some sort of cooldown reset if streak causes damage or a melee attack is made.
This is all of the story I know so far. Many questions have yet to be answered.
- Will the evil publishers get their way and deter @FENGRUSH from using any sorcerer skills the new patch?
- Will Stamina sorcerers ever get a spammable melee DPS skill like every other class?
- Will the development team ever understand the best stamina builds use stamina for DPS and magicka for UTILITY. (I have a full post explaining it HERE - Sorcerer Stamina Builds vs the stamina builds of other classes: Why Sorcerer doesn't match up.)
We will find out.
TL;DR: Lightning form is a Utility and Magicka dump NOT a DPS skill!!!!. Click on the link above to see what the Evil Empire fears the most.
omg I hope you're posting this from a safe place on an encrypted line.
I wonder what the headline will be once this delicious nut of conspiracy cracks open.
GreyRanger wrote: »Mostly I wish the Devs would simply weigh in and share where they are going with Stam Sorcs.
timidobserver wrote: »I have no sympathy for you. They literally make active Templar threads stop going to the first page when there is a new post in order to kill them. No other class has gotten that kind of treatment.
Go make a post in this thread: http://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/comment/2146915/#Comment_2146915
It will stay on page 37.
The argument that sorcs are magicka only is atrocious. No one goes into magicka night blade topics and says that they shouldn't exist either.
The bottom line for why stam sorcs are still upset is that Eric Wrobel refuses to listen to feedback. I've literally been waiting for over 6 months for stam sorc update that was promised to us from Gina and I'm shocked at how little they listened to our feedback. Wrobel has no idea how stam sorcs work. He took the most used sorc skill in a stam sorcs repertoire and decided to add a stamina morph to it. It's totally ridiculous and shows that instead of reading feedback he just picked a skill out of a hat. The buffs to daedric protection passive are also illogical because it forces stamsorcs to use armaments to access that passive.
I knew we were in for disappointment when dark deal was the first thing they discussed buffing, which actually wasn't a buff at all. We provided months of feedback and ZOS did not listen and because of that, they have officially lost me as a customer.
The guy in charge of combat balance seems rather aloof and silly TBH, if only based on the interviews/streams we've seen. Maybe he's just nervous on camera, but I'd rather see a hard nosed numbers guy in charge of this stuff. Nothing against Wrobel personally.
Stamina sorc has the best passives out of any stamina class in 2.1.. What are you people complaining about?
Stamina sorc has the best passives out of any stamina class in 2.1.. What are you people complaining about?