I've finally caught up and got through all the normal group dungeons, so I decided to start doing gold pledges. I was in a group scaled to V6, out group consisted of a V6 healer, V14 DPS, V14 DPS, and a V10 tank. Got to the titan at the end, and we just got wrecked, over and over. I watched a YouTube video of someone else doing it and tried to get the group to mimic some of their tactics, but it was a cluster.
I don't have any sort of addon to show me damage output, but I know I do around 8k to 12k damage regularly, and sometimes jump a little higher with a weapon damage pot. Just curious if this boss is just bananas or if it was just poor tactics. I figured it being scaled to V6, we'd have a chance even with poor tactics. I tried dodge rolling the flames, I tried taking out the nova/shadow as fast as I could. I ran around rezzing people. We'd never get it under 75% health though.