Keeping in mind that was a crit, with Molag Kenna proced and a high spell power build. What's the issue? I have seen a lot of abilities do this while heavily buffed, from all classes.
EDIT- I don't use it, so I have no vested interest in defending the skill. It's a pain in the arse to use.
Keeping in mind that was a crit, with Molag Kenna proced and a high spell power build. What's the issue? I have seen a lot of abilities do this while heavily buffed, from all classes.
EDIT- I don't use it, so I have no vested interest in defending the skill. It's a pain in the arse to use.
Nerf the damage, increase the number of attacks to proc, whatever, but PLEASE make the projectile reset the buff timer. Double tapping this skill is sooo clunky.
IxSTALKERxI wrote: »It's not as simple as doing 4 light attacks and hitting a button to do 23k damage. After the 4 light attacks 2 of which being consecutive with molag kena you need Aggressive warhorn/ soul harvest + entropy + shadowy disguise, without being CC'd or forced on the defensive by the enemy. Without all those buffs you will only hit 10-12k. Also a dk can reflect it back in your face to add another 35% on to that. Or you can dodge roll/ block.
I thought that number looked familiar... coincidence? haha
Not sure this needs a nerf, in this case it was probably setup pretty thoroughly with molag kena active, might of the guild and a crit after shadowy disguise. If anything, nerf molag kena.
And see, the uninformed laughed at me. I am only quoting you so people can see what I meant by a "High spell power build, heavily buffed"
It's astounding how many people refuse to think outside the box, and then point and laugh when you tell them some things are possible. However I wasn't going to hold their hands while they figured it out, you are nicer than I am Mojar.
mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »
You guys don't get it do you? It's not the 24k damage of the example per se. If you can get 24k will all these buffs you can get probably get 15k crits with a bursty build + entropy + cloak/cloudswarm, no probs.
That is still an invisible/undodgeable projectile hitting for 3/4 of peoples health at a time when healing is pretty much a joke.
The whole point of the Battle Spirit change was to reduce incidents of severe burst. If such burst is still happening considering the current state of healing we have a bigger problem than the 15k-20k snipes/frags/proxies on current live. At least on live if you survive the burst you can heal back up pretty quickly.
RollDodger wrote: »
Don't nerf the damage.
Reincrease the amount of light attacks needed to 7.
Increase the buff duration to 30 seconds.
trimsic_ESO wrote: »Obviously, this must be fixed before update 7 is released. This update tries to increase the ttk so people can react to incoming burst damage.
What do you want to fix at it? Someone could do the same with many other skills if you stack it that high with buffs..
Probably a bit less damage, but most abilities don't need to be casted twice and build up.