Right now there is a lot of controversy over this new set that grant's damage mitigration.
With this set you can obtain 100% damage mitigation regardless of the cryodil de-buff. I will show you how to do this and how to counter this. This make's Tank's completely viable and add's much more to Pvp.
How to achieve this.
-Wear Heavy Armour (Self explanatory)
-Reactive Armour Set (35% mitigation while CC'd)
-Champion point's for more Armour/Resist
Class Ultimate's for damage reduction
-Standard of Might (30% Mitigation on caster)
-Bolstering Darkness (60% Mitigation on caster / 30% On allies) [Needed for any other class to achieve i think]
-Cryodil Damage Debuff (The real problem)
The Cyrodil debuff "should not matter". If you have 0% damage reducing from the Cryodil debuff, you can still achieve 100% damage mitigation with this Armour set/champion point's/heavy Armour passive's and bolstering darkness.
With the 50% damage mitigation debuff in pts, it will defiantly feel like you do mediocre damage against the Reactive Armour Set / Heavy Armour and champion point's without the ultimate's while they are stunned. It is with the ultimate's that make this setup shine.
However, if the cryodil de-buff is being added with all of your other damage mitigation percentage's, then the way value's are added is broken! Not the set! The way damage mitigation value's are being added with the cryodil de-buff should not happen.
I don't want to see a bunch of Youtuber's/Streamer's claim this is OP when they are using CC/Burst heavy build's. This set counter's them and is a great addition into the game. If there is an issue with the value's for damage mitigation being added with the cryodil de-buff, this is the problem. Not the set but the way the value's are totaled.
Currently it is only possible to have 100% damage mitigation as a nightblade with bolstering darkness
solo. However the nb
need's to be CC'd to achieve this.
If a NB and DK teamed as a Duo they both could achieve 100% damage mitigation if they both use there Ult's at the same time. (While CC'D!)
This is only achievable during the duration of these Ultimate's (while CC'd) , especially Bolstering Darkness for other classes (team oriented mitigation buff). This is load's of fun and bring's life into Pvp.
It is only under these special circumstance's that this is possible, this add's a layer of mechanic's required to make combat more interesting. A layer player's will have to take into consideration when fighting a Tank player who has this build setup.
Two tank's should be rewarded by utilizing both ultimate's together with good coordination. "A great defense is a good offence". Read below if you need counter's.
How to counter this for all you burst build's who cannot kill them.
2: Wait for the Ultimate to Expire OR Back up! Make them walk out of there Ultimate.
2: Heavy single Target Damage with no CC attached / DoT's
-This build the tank's are using is pretty weak damage wise. You could ignore them and kill the dps. ( If you don't want to ignore then, read over 1 2 and 3 )
The 100% mitigation is only possible if they are CC'd and Inside those 2 specific Ultimate's (Bolstering Darkness if Solo and stunned work's as well).
Change's i would make to the set:
-Remove all CC's from the set that still allow you to attack.
You could potentially gain 100% damage mitigation if you are rooted by Talon's (DK skill) while under Bolstering Darkness and still attack. This is to much power. I'm fine with 100% damage mitigation but rendered un-able to do anything as the trade off.
This make's Tank's so fun to play! So what they are hard to kill, LEARN TO PLAY. You gotta change your play style's. Learn new tactic's.
@ZOS_RichLambert ,
-Please show Eric, this set allow's tank's to be tank's. On the other side you still die very often. This set is hardly overpowered. You can sustain yes but this doesn't mean you can kill. This ruin's 1vX but i don't think that is what Eso Pvp is about. Playing with friend's/group's and utilizing your role to the fullest (tank/dps/healer).
Please do not change this set. You have done something well, just because it counter's certain 1vX build's does not mean it should be nerfed.
It come's to my intention it is not the set that is broken but rather the way damage mitigation value's are being added in the pts. Once the cryodil De-buff is kicked out of the equation this build is completely viable.