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I am a great healer but ever since I've hit vet nobody will pick me up cause I'm not a Templar

I always end up DPS or just kicked once they see I'm a vamp sorc. Even though I can play healer better than most who are Templars. Is it really that big of a disadvantage being a sorc healer? Should I just give up and stick to DPS?
  • Uriel_Nocturne

    They're just ignorant. A "Pure Healer" is a pure healer. Your increased Magicka pool for being a Sorcerer makes you an attractive choice (IMO) just by itself as you'll be able to provide more healing for longer.

    If they're worried about you dying, then they're not doing their job in the battles. One of the big things you do in group play like this is: on top of getting the Tanks and DPS guys to put hits on the target, it's their job to keep the aggro so that the beasties never go near the Healer.

    It's a mutually beneficial arrangement. As long as they keep the aggro off of you, you are able to keep healing them, which allows them to pour a more-steady stream of damage on the enemies.

    But if they're hung up on your Class rather than asking "how accomplished and varied are your healing skills", then you need to start looking for better Groups to join.

    Just my opinion.

    I know my Guild would be more than happy to have another Pure Healer in the mix.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say no to Crown Crates!

  • leepalmer95
    Well templars will always be a better healers... they have a skill line dedicated to it.

    Sorc do have more magicka though yes.

    Being a vamp may be the issue vamps are really squishy espically in end game dungeons, in city of ash or dsa you'll easily be 1 hit.
    PS4 EU DC

    Current CP : 756+

    I have every character level 50, both a magicka and stamina version.

    RIP my effort to get 5x v16 characters...
  • Pyro117
    PC or PS4 or Xbox? Which alliance?

    Seriously, the guys that I do PvP with don't care what Guild you are in as long as you can play and willing to help out the team. You just need to some new friends...

    BTW, PS4 - NA Server - Daggerfall. If this matches you, send me a PM and I will get you an invite to up to 3 different GUILDS that would all love a healer such as yourself. If you are PS4 - NA Server - Ebonheart Pack, then I can get you a different Guild invite.
  • nordsavage
    Templars healing passives cannot be outmatched and the Breath of life heals three allies at range in any direction plus several heal. Stick healing is less effective and require more effort by far. Sorry to say it but you should have rolled a Templar if you wanted to be a healer. Classes have inherent roles. You do not pick a Dragon Knight and expect to out stealth a Night blade.
    I didn't choose tank life, tank life chose me.
  • myrrrorb14_ESO
    Find a good guild and do dungeons with them. Sorcs make good healers. Templars are potentially better, but a good sorc healer can handle just about anything.
  • paulsimonps
    Its mainly because templars have their main healing skill line as well as they got Nova which is a must have ulti for Trials, that or the NB's Veil. Thing is all classes have something that increases the healing they do, all except Sorcs. DK's have their Shield that gives 40% healing done and NB's have their siphons. Sorcs are lacking in that, but technically you can do all engame content as a sorc healer, just got to have the dps's drop the mitigation ulties for trials. In vet dungeons though it doesnt matter one bit
  • Zsymon
    Sorcs are getting 8% extra healing done with the new update, but imo that is not enough. We need help with Trial healing.
  • yodased
    all classes can heal just as effectively as the next.

    Sorcs have great sustain, mobility and magic pool
    Nightblades have healing + dps + mobilty
    DKs have shields, buffs and survivability
    Templars have healing passives, BOL and survivability

    Every class can heal tank and dps effectively in PvE, the people that say they can't are just closed minded nincompoops.

    also, penguins.
    Tl;dr really weigh the fun you have in game vs the business practices you are supporting.
  • Ranique
    Well templars will always be a better healers... they have a skill line dedicated to it.

    You can only heal with one skill at the same time. They all use magicka. more options doesn't make them better! It is bout average hprs (healthpoints restored per second) , and there is very lil difference there between resto-staff heals and restoring light heals.

    Through me you pass into the city of woe:
    Through me you pass into eternal pain:
    Through me among the people lost for aye.

    PC player - EU
  • Peel_Ya_Cap_517
    Bruh I am a Sorc Vamp Healer too and do just fine! Don't let a couple elitist *** tell you that you can't heal properly! Theres still a full skill line for you too heal with!!

    N64 NA EP
  • Surragard
    I think you're just the victim of people being elitest and deciding its easier to play with a Templar than a Sorc. I agree that being a vampire can make you squishy and that may be an issue as well. Tanks have to both put a hit on the target and also hold the agro and sometimes that can be difficult. Eliminating the squishiest member is just about making their job easier. Not necessarily what you want to hear but sometimes people are lazy.
    I don't always drink Skooma, but when I do I go to the Southwall Corner Club. May you walk on warm sands my friends.
  • jthack2007ub17_ESO
    Yeah you're just facing some ignorant people. I play a Sorc healer and hit up to 22k-25k HPS for a four man party. Yeah, it gets spooky when everyone breaks apart, mutagen and healing ward cover for that fairly well. I can heal for what seems like forever and sorcs have cool CCs to bring to the party. Not to mention hardened ward can be used to soak up big damage. Like Bogdan jumps, so you don't have to focus on healing yourself, just the team.

    Don't forget about energy ball either. Heals allies for a lot and if your tank can synergize with it it, that's magika, stamina, and hp it'll give. I got so much magicka I can spam that all day.

    There's challenges, pros and cons of course. But none of them are strong enough to warrant templars as the only healers.
    Edited by jthack2007ub17_ESO on August 12, 2015 8:54PM
  • MerlinGambino

    They're just ignorant. A "Pure Healer" is a pure healer. Your increased Magicka pool for being a Sorcerer makes you an attractive choice (IMO) just by itself as you'll be able to provide more healing for longer.

    If they're worried about you dying, then they're not doing their job in the battles. One of the big things you do in group play like this is: on top of getting the Tanks and DPS guys to put hits on the target, it's their job to keep the aggro so that the beasties never go near the Healer.

    It's a mutually beneficial arrangement. As long as they keep the aggro off of you, you are able to keep healing them, which allows them to pour a more-steady stream of damage on the enemies.

    But if they're hung up on your Class rather than asking "how accomplished and varied are your healing skills", then you need to start looking for better Groups to join.

    Just my opinion.

    I know my Guild would be more than happy to have another Pure Healer in the mix.

    I completely agree with this, I'm on Xbox one NA servers and V4 in AD. As long as the group does their job I've always been very effective as a pure healer, it is just natural for me. It's been hard to find a good group to consistently run dungeons with so I've been stuck having to solo a lot.
  • Ranique
    I'll try to explain things from a different perspective, namely the human brain.
    I think many people here have reasoned very well that sorcerer healers are no less as templar healers. So why do people only want templar healers.

    The first reason is "herd-behaviour". Many people just do it cause they don't know better. It's not a good reason (obviously), but it is "only human".

    The main issue is why some people went left in the first place (and the sheep turned left as well) is different.
    The reason for that is that the sorcerer is more versatile. Why would you heal if you are so good in dps??
    Someone going templar must have done it with the purpose of being a healer, while a sorcerer only does it cause they can. so they lack dedication.
    As said. I never said that it is a good or strong argument. However, it is the cause why people think that way. part of it is seasoned by other mmo's (only healer classes are good healers), another part is cause it is true that someone making a templar is more likely doing it to be a healer (like sheep we copy eachother).

    This doesn't change the situation at all. But understanding helps in fighting it. Knowing why people are idiots doesn't make them smarter, but it makes it easier to educate them.
    Through me you pass into the city of woe:
    Through me you pass into eternal pain:
    Through me among the people lost for aye.

    PC player - EU
  • chevalierknight
    They care that you're vampire not that you're not the best healing class a healer that gets oneshot because you got oneshot for 30k fire damage is why most people dont want you drop vampire then theres no problem
    Edited by chevalierknight on August 13, 2015 2:05AM
  • Vusn
    I'm a vamp sorc healer and I have never had anybody even take notice to me being anything other than what I am.. a healer.

    I'm also on console, so maybe that helps to alleviate the hardcore meta sheep.
  • Septimus_Magna
    Inner light, bound aegis and empowered ward should make sorcs pretty decent healers the next update. Its pretty easy to heal vet dungeons with healing springs and healing ward, you can even add rapid regen or combat prayer if needed. Ive done this plenty times for gold key dailies on my sorc while doing half decent dps.

    If you find a group just say you'll keep them alive if they dont do anything stupid. There are plenty bad templar healers and good sorc, NB and DK healers, its not all dictated by the class you play.
    PC - EU (AD)
    Septimus Mezar - Altmer Sorcerer
    Septimus Rulanir - Orsimer Templar
    Septimus Desmoru - Khajiit Necromancer
    Septimus Iroh - Dunmer Dragon Knight
    Septimus Thragar - Dunmer Nightblade
    Septimus Jah'zar - Khajiit Nightblade
    Septimus Nerox - Redguard Warden
    Septimus Ozurk - Orsimer Sorcerer
  • NovaMarx
    Ignorant people be ignorant O_o

    I've played with all types of healers, and I don't judge them before I've actually played with them. Sounds like you've had some bad luck with people who think they know better (hate those types!).

    As long as you've got a ton of magic, so you can spam spell after spell, I don't see the problem.

    And as for them maybe thinking you're weaker as a vamp? Bah, I say! You hopefully have a bunch of fire resistance on your jewelry (and if/when you're a vet, you can put CP in fire resistance as well). Besides, it's the rest of the teams job to keep the mobs away from the healer. Tanks, in particular, should have a "taunt" ability to keep the worst of the mobs away from the healer (and any other teammate in need), so that the healer can concentrate on their job. Maybe the people you have been grouping with don't know what their roles actually entail.
    "Feet are for walking. Hands are for hitting. Or shaking. Or waving. Sometimes for clapping."
    - M'aiq the Liar
  • failkiwib16_ESO
    Fire resistance enchants are nerfed into Oblivion. It is much better to just put on reduction glyphs on jewelry. Vampirism is only viable in pvp. For pve group content vampirism only comprimize you.

    You can play as you want, being a sorcerer healer is very viable, being a vampire sorcerer healer is doable... but people don't owe you their time and trust. You may be a god vampire sorcerer healer, able to stay out of red and block fire attacks, but random pugs you meet don't know that.

    Get friends, and get into friendly guilds - stick to doing dungeons with at least 1 friend or guildie who trusts you, let the other 2 be pugs it won't make much of a difference, if you already got the trust of one group member.

  • Darlgon
    Try being an Argonian DK healer, then come back to me. Even some of my guildies tell me to get my destro staff out and they will get a real healer. And it will be worse come IC.
    Edited by Darlgon on August 14, 2015 2:05PM
    Power level to CP160 in a week:
    Where is the end game? You just played it.
    Why don't I have 300+ skill points? Because you skipped content along the way.
    Where is new content? Sigh.
  • lolo_01b16_ESO
    The problem is probably that people are used to templar healers.
    Darlgon wrote: »
    Try being an Argonian DK healer, then come back to me. Even some of my guildies tell me to get my destro staff out and they will get a real healer. And it will be worse come IC.
    I sometimes heal with my dunmer vamp dk and never got kicked from a group. Most people don't care about your class as long as you do your job. (At least on PC EU)
    As I have healed with all classes there have been some funny moments when people asked me how I can heal them without being a templar.
  • rb2001
    NB healer here.

    It is just too much fun to keep everyone alive as an NB, while doing decent damage at the same time.

    I haven't had any issues with anyone. In fact, all I've gotten are "so you're healing as an NB?" type-of remarks, which I take as compliments.

    I tell people all that the time that class and playstyle are not really bound here in ESO. ZOS actually did a pretty great job making whatever you want to do with any class viable.

    Some routes may be harder to pull off, and some less or more effective than others, but if you want to make it work, there is a way where there is a will.
  • timidobserver
    Templar healers have an easier time bailing out bad players, but anyone can heal a solid group.
    V16 Uriel Stormblessed EP Magicka Templar(main)
    V16 Derelict Vagabond EP Stamina DK
    V16 Redacted Ep Stam Sorc
    V16 Insolent EP Magicka Sorc(retired)
    V16 Jed I Nyte EP Stamina NB(retired)

  • Cuyler
    I prefer a Templar healer because I don't want to be forced to:

    1. Remain in the radius of healing springs if I need to evade something
    2. Wait for the healing ward bubble to pop
    3. Hope I'm the lowest health target for mutagem to pick me randomly

    With that said I don't really care or impose these views on non-temp healers in game and I regularly run with a sorc healer in SO, so there's that. My two cents. Oh and vamp not worth it imho.
    Edited by Cuyler on August 14, 2015 3:46PM
    Guild: STACK n BURN (gm) PC - NA
    CP 810 18 Maxed Characters:
    "How hard can u guar?" - Rafishul[/spoiler]
  • jthack2007ub17_ESO
    Cuyler wrote: »
    I prefer a Templar healer because I don't want to be forced to:

    1. Remain in the radius of healing springs if I need to evade something
    2. Wait for the healing ward bubble to pop
    3. Hope I'm the lowest health target for mutagem to pick me randomly

    With that said I don't really care or impose these views on non-temp healers in game and I regularly run with a sorc healer in SO, so there's that. My two cents. Oh and vamp not worth it imho.

    Oh man, sounds like you should chat with your healer. I'm a sorc healer too, and worked with my team to better know how they approach situations. Things seem crazy when everyone is running around being chased by MOLTEN DEATH HATE GOLEMS OF MURDER. Once I understood how my team reacts, I can then heal in advance. Early ward, prayer buff. Throw an energy ball out behind me cause I know one guy will run in that direction. Leave an altar in a safe area so someone can run to it and synergize.

    Whatever I can do to make my team feel less afraid or pressured, you know? When my dps peeps are comfy, they seem to perform better so it works out for everyone.
  • AlnilamE
    I always end up DPS or just kicked once they see I'm a vamp sorc. Even though I can play healer better than most who are Templars. Is it really that big of a disadvantage being a sorc healer? Should I just give up and stick to DPS?
    Bruh I am a Sorc Vamp Healer too and do just fine! Don't let a couple elitist *** tell you that you can't heal properly! Theres still a full skill line for you too heal with!!

    Vusn wrote: »
    I'm a vamp sorc healer and I have never had anybody even take notice to me being anything other than what I am.. a healer.

    I'm also on console, so maybe that helps to alleviate the hardcore meta sheep.

    Vamp Sorc Healers Unite!

    Joking aside, my sorc (who happens to be a vamp right now) is my best healer. My NB is a pretty good healer as well, but I tend to use her more as DPS.

    My templar is better as a tank than a healer.

    Funny story: Last week when BC was the gold pledge a friend got a group together and I went as healer because I knew the other player who could also heal had higher DPS than me. We got through the dungeon with no issues, even if our poor tank DCd a couple of times. After we were done, I remarked to my friend that it was funny that the only non-Templar in the group was the healer.

    Same thing happened two days ago (again in BC), with the same friend but two other Templar DPSs.

    It's really one of the things I like about ESO.
    The Moot Councillor
  • failkiwib16_ESO
    Oh man, sounds like you should chat with your healer. I'm a sorc healer too, and worked with my team to better know how they approach situations. Things seem crazy when everyone is running around being chased by MOLTEN DEATH HATE GOLEMS OF MURDER. Once I understood how my team reacts, I can then heal in advance. Early ward, prayer buff. Throw an energy ball out behind me cause I know one guy will run in that direction. Leave an altar in a safe area so someone can run to it and synergize.

    Whatever I can do to make my team feel less afraid or pressured, you know? When my dps peeps are comfy, they seem to perform better so it works out for everyone.
    All things equal between a sorcerer healer and a templar healer - the templar wins. This is the main "issue" to why people prefer templars. Templars have many support skills and passives, where sorcerers only have egoistic passives and have to compensate with more skill.. A lot of healers are bad at their roles, and for a random pug group it is safest to go with the templar they don't know over the sorcerer.

    I am normally a templar healer, and my friend is a sorcerer dps, however we did 2 dungeons the other day, where I was the dps and my friend healed. My friend had to pay much more attention than I ever do, when we do daily pledge runs together in our normal roles.

    Curious question: I haven't seen templars use Combat Prayer since 1.6 patch, but I have seen healers from all other classes do. I don't know why really, because it was almost mandatory back before 1.6 patch for everyone... did some templar passive or skill cancel out Combat Prayer? O.o
  • AlnilamE
    The one advantage Templars have over other classes as a support role is shards, which are going to be even more useful for tanks now with the changes to stamina regen while blocking.

    Other than that, it's mostly a case of people who are healer-oriented picking Templar over other classes.
    The Moot Councillor
  • failkiwib16_ESO
    AlnilamE wrote: »
    The one advantage Templars have over other classes as a support role is shards, which are going to be even more useful for tanks now with the changes to stamina regen while blocking.

    Other than that, it's mostly a case of people who are healer-oriented picking Templar over other classes.

    yeah ...shard

    ..and all the passives that goes toward our teammates instead of ourselves, we can provide minor sorcerery to the whole team, give health and magicka to the whole team in all directions for the cost of 0 resources, boost our healing with 15% within a the range extended ritual, ressurect our teammates 20% faster with 50% more resources... and the list goes on and on...
  • Scyantific
    I don't roll with Vamp healers, especially for stuff like VCoA, VetBC, and VetEH. Too many people don't understand the concept of "you will die to Bogdan when he jumps" as vamps.

    I say this as a Sorc who also runs heals, as I have absolutely no trouble getting a group as a healer.
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