leepalmer95 wrote: »Well templars will always be a better healers... they have a skill line dedicated to it.
Uriel_Nocturne wrote: »Why?
They're just ignorant. A "Pure Healer" is a pure healer. Your increased Magicka pool for being a Sorcerer makes you an attractive choice (IMO) just by itself as you'll be able to provide more healing for longer.
If they're worried about you dying, then they're not doing their job in the battles. One of the big things you do in group play like this is: on top of getting the Tanks and DPS guys to put hits on the target, it's their job to keep the aggro so that the beasties never go near the Healer.
It's a mutually beneficial arrangement. As long as they keep the aggro off of you, you are able to keep healing them, which allows them to pour a more-steady stream of damage on the enemies.
But if they're hung up on your Class rather than asking "how accomplished and varied are your healing skills", then you need to start looking for better Groups to join.
Just my opinion.
I know my Guild would be more than happy to have another Pure Healer in the mix.
I sometimes heal with my dunmer vamp dk and never got kicked from a group. Most people don't care about your class as long as you do your job. (At least on PC EU)Try being an Argonian DK healer, then come back to me. Even some of my guildies tell me to get my destro staff out and they will get a real healer. And it will be worse come IC.
I prefer a Templar healer because I don't want to be forced to:
1. Remain in the radius of healing springs if I need to evade something
2. Wait for the healing ward bubble to pop
3. Hope I'm the lowest health target for mutagem to pick me randomly
With that said I don't really care or impose these views on non-temp healers in game and I regularly run with a sorc healer in SO, so there's that. My two cents. Oh and vamp not worth it imho.
MerlinGambino wrote: »I always end up DPS or just kicked once they see I'm a vamp sorc. Even though I can play healer better than most who are Templars. Is it really that big of a disadvantage being a sorc healer? Should I just give up and stick to DPS?
Peel_Ya_Cap_517 wrote: »Bruh I am a Sorc Vamp Healer too and do just fine! Don't let a couple elitist *** tell you that you can't heal properly! Theres still a full skill line for you too heal with!!
I'm a vamp sorc healer and I have never had anybody even take notice to me being anything other than what I am.. a healer.
I'm also on console, so maybe that helps to alleviate the hardcore meta sheep.
All things equal between a sorcerer healer and a templar healer - the templar wins. This is the main "issue" to why people prefer templars. Templars have many support skills and passives, where sorcerers only have egoistic passives and have to compensate with more skill.. A lot of healers are bad at their roles, and for a random pug group it is safest to go with the templar they don't know over the sorcerer.jthack2007ub17_ESO wrote: »Oh man, sounds like you should chat with your healer. I'm a sorc healer too, and worked with my team to better know how they approach situations. Things seem crazy when everyone is running around being chased by MOLTEN DEATH HATE GOLEMS OF MURDER. Once I understood how my team reacts, I can then heal in advance. Early ward, prayer buff. Throw an energy ball out behind me cause I know one guy will run in that direction. Leave an altar in a safe area so someone can run to it and synergize.
Whatever I can do to make my team feel less afraid or pressured, you know? When my dps peeps are comfy, they seem to perform better so it works out for everyone.
The one advantage Templars have over other classes as a support role is shards, which are going to be even more useful for tanks now with the changes to stamina regen while blocking.
Other than that, it's mostly a case of people who are healer-oriented picking Templar over other classes.