The Brotherhood of Blood is Recruiting ( DC - PvE and PvP )

Maintenance for the week of March 10:
• [COMPLETE] PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
Brotherhood of Blood

The Brotherhood of Blood is first and foremost a social supportive gaming community that currently plays exclusively for Elder Scrolls Online. This community currently runs coordinated PVE, PVP, and social events with specialized crafters to assist with outfitting our troops. We fight for High King Emeric of the Daggerfall Covenant and all of our guild events are through the Daggerfall Covenant of the North America server. Current guild events are in Eastern Standard Time, however membership consists of players from all over the world.

Our goal at Brotherhood of Blood is to facilitate your enjoyment of the game in the content you wish to play. We hope to help you find groups to do content with, outfit you in preparation for battle, and gather with other members to relax and have fun. Currently membership includes casual players to active daily members.

Our community in ESO offers a close tight knit community that is comprised of members willing to assist, run content, and outfit each other. We consist of mature, kind, and welcoming people that respect each other and members in the community.

Recruitment for Brotherhood of Blood is always open. We are looking for like-minded individuals who wish to find a community to call home. To become a member of Brotherhood of Blood
you must either complete our application form on our website and submit it or comment your Gamertag below. We recruit highly enthusiastic players who have high-level skills or a willingness to learn. Members participate when they can, understanding that real life comes first. Our members are irreplaceable and we strive to create an environment that treats them as such in order to produce a fun mature environment to play in.

Birth of Brotherhood of Blood:
Brotherhood of Blood was founded August 7, 2015 by a group of adventures from across Tamriel looking to form a close community. Many of us befriended in battles or as members of other groups that have merged into one as many original communities faded out.

Why Brotherhood of Blood
Brotherhood of Blood is defined a group that cannot survive without its members. We may be an army but we are only as strong as all of our soldiers acting together to strengthen the group.

Future Goals of Brotherhood of Blood
Elder Scrolls is a vast universe for which Brotherhood of Blood has only scratched the surface. Future plans of BoB is to expand our own universe to provide more information and events to our members in a magnitude of various ways to improve training and understanding of content and game mechanics. Discussions and forums posts grow daily on our website as we create databases full of information on how each of our members approach content.
Guild events will be held not just in Eastern Standard Time but for other time zones around the world to accommodate our members on their own time no matter the location. It is also our goal to expand into Social Media such as Twitch and Youtube as a way to create how-to videos on builds, content, and the story of Tamriel.

Feel free to come to our website and apply to join!

Guild Ranks

  • Initiate ( Staring Rank )
  • Squire ( Official Member )
  • Knight ( Trusted member )
  • Paladin ( Community helper )
  • Star Paladin ( Guild Officer )
  • Sentinel ( Founding members )
  • Elder ( Guild Master )
Edited by ArchGrizzlyOp on December 6, 2015 7:33AM
Guild Leader for Brotherhood of Blood, North American Server, Xbox one.

Apply to join is today -

"Sheggorath, you are the Skooma Cat, for what is crazier than a cat on skooma?"
-- Fadomai
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