Account Name: @Revolutioxa
Character Name: Noktus
Region: NA
Alliance: Daggerfall Covenant
Bite: Vampire
PM/Add if you could help!
Did you get a bite yet?
I have not gotten a bite yet unfortunately.
send me an add... my toon's name is Fang of the Wolf ... if by Wednesday you still haven't gotten a bite i can turn u ( checked my main toon last night and still have 5 days left of my cool down )
BretonNightblade ~ Fang of the Wolf ~ (50) | AltmerDragonknight ~ Ðårk Ŵølf ~ (50) | AltmerNecro ~ Ðeåth Ŵølf ~ (50)
(edit) I bought the WW bite from the crown store... any pact players that want a free bite I am now levelled high enough to pass on the lycanthropy. Free bites available.
I was contacted in-game by a very friendly person who not only offered to bite me but also showed me where to go to start the quest.
Thank you very much for this, now I can roam this awesome world as a Werewolf like I did in Skyrim!
I'm more than just interested in the skill line, I very much want to experience the quests so I'm not going to buy it from the Crown Store, as tempting as it is.
I'll be trying to find Vampire NPCs in game to bite me off and on as well, I'll update this note if I end up getting infected.
While I can't compensate people for the bite, I will very much appreciate it and enjoy going through the quests so you'll really be helping someone out that will be very thankful and having a great fun experience because you helped out, if you're into that kind of thing.
*Edit - No longer needed. I was bitten by an NPC, which as hard as it felt to find the rights ones at the right time and get infected, it was far far easier and faster than waiting for a player to help, at least if you're trying to do it the right way.
I didn't want to spam in game, all the while seeing the spammers be the one that got people to actually help turn them. I wasn't going to go against my own principles so I kept trying to do it the right way but that ended up making me watch others get the bites they were looking for by being annoying spammers while I got nothing by sticking to my principles Maybe I was just unlucky as well.
Anyway I at least know how to get myself bit in game by NPCs a little better now and one of the definite places they spawn.
I'm infected but not turned yet, so I can't help anybody else at this time.