PC/Mac NA & EU - Seeking/Offering Vampire or Werewolf Bite

  • Unseelie
    Looking for Vamp, currently hanging out at the Bangkorai Shrine and will for the time being.
    Thank you!
    Character name Snik'r Snak
    PC NA

    All set
    Edited by Unseelie on January 30, 2020 9:49AM
  • shtakz
    Soul Shriven
    khajiit , shtakz

    Looking for WW bite

    PC EU
  • rcheetah
    Soul Shriven
    I’m looking for a werewolf bite :)

    username: rcheetah
    character name: Matuk gro-Osh
    PC EU

    Thanks in advance!

    Edit: I just went to the shrine and someone was there who bit me. Nice :)
    Edited by rcheetah on February 16, 2020 9:11PM
  • Eolan
    Soul Shriven
    Hi there, I'm looking for a werewolf bite.

    PC EU
    character : Eolan Runt, an orc presently in Bangkorai

    Thanks in advance

    Edit: got my bite yesterday.
    Edited by Eolan on April 8, 2020 3:23PM
  • Valskar
    Soul Shriven
    I'm looking for a vampire bite.

    PC EU
    Character : Val'skar, faction daggerfall (Bangkorai shrine)

    Thanks in advance ! :smile:

    Edit: got bite by npc
    Edited by Valskar on April 13, 2020 10:17PM
  • nachhilfe.aminib16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Nord - @joshuan_85

    Looking for WW bite

    PC EU
  • Josh0nFire
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for a werewolf bite.
    US server
    Account Josh0nFire17 (second o is a zero)
    Faction: Aldmeri
    Edited by Josh0nFire on June 2, 2020 3:47PM
  • Mayrael
    PC EU. Offering multiple vamp bites totally for free.

    Best way is to mail me in game @Mayrael
    Edited by Mayrael on June 9, 2020 9:47AM
    Say no to Toxic Casuals!
    I am doing my best, but I am not a native speaker, sorry.

    "Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game." - @AlexanderDeLarge
  • GeekyPokez
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for werewolf bite
    PC US
    Character: Lynn Vyx
    Faction: Aldmeri Dominion

    got it
    Edited by GeekyPokez on June 17, 2020 3:58AM
  • siverdesh
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for a Vampire bite

    Faction: AD
    Platform: PC
    Server: NA
    Character Name: Idnn
    Contact: @siverdesh

    Edited by siverdesh on June 30, 2020 3:21PM
  • p.greindl93b16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Casual player looking for vampire bite :)

    Faction: DC
    Platform: PC
    Server: EU
    Character Name: Morcas Crow
    Contact @Deadlydog
  • SedoUmbra
    Looking for a werewolf bite

    Faction: AD
    Platform: PC
    Server: EU
    Character Name: Mykryn Vyndgrove
    Contact: @SedoUmbra

    got a bite
    Edited by SedoUmbra on July 15, 2020 1:15AM
  • MatchooW
    Soul Shriven
    LF Werewolf bite, please. :)

    Faction: DC
    Platform: PC
    Server: EU
    Character Name: Booboodoodoo
    Contact: @MatchooW
    Edited by MatchooW on September 30, 2020 8:44AM
  • Tordinrak
    Soul Shriven
    Hi there,

    Looking for a vampire bite please

    Faction: EP
    Platform: PC
    Server: NA
    Character Name: Sirrion
    Contact: @Tordinrak

    Thank you very much!

    All set, thanks!
    Edited by Tordinrak on August 14, 2020 1:37PM
  • Valodec
    Soul Shriven
    Hello fellow friends,

    LF Vamp bite please :)

    Faction: DC
    Platform: PC
    Server: EU
    Character Name: Valodec
    Contact: @Valodec
  • Autumnraven
    Hey everyone, I'm actually looking for 2 vampire bites atm!

    Faction: EP (Does this still actually matter?)
    Platform: PC
    Server: NA
    Character Name: Maven Grey / Varanis Drax
    Contact: @Jaedraven

    Thanks, you are awesome!
    Edited by Autumnraven on September 29, 2020 11:49PM
  • vtchemeb14_ESO
    Looking for a vampire bite

    Platform: PC
    Server: NA
    Character Name: Cafael
    Contact: @Kesnit

    Got bit by a bloodfiend
    Edited by vtchemeb14_ESO on October 12, 2020 10:21PM
  • mmuse
    Soul Shriven
    All set!
    Edited by mmuse on December 13, 2020 10:51PM
  • Nilus_Frost
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for a vampire willing to nibble me a little

    Platform: PC
    Server: EU
    Character Name: Smoke Nirnroot Everyday
    Contact: @Nilus_Frost
  • blamethewolf
    Soul Shriven
    Offering werewolf bites (if not given away ingame already for that week) :)

    Platform: PC
    Server: EU
    Character Name: Naeyala
    Contact: @blamethewolf
  • Rogue_WolfESO
    Offering werewolf or vampire bites to any who want one. I have 4 werewolf and 1 vampire character I can use per week.

    Platform: PC/NA
    Message @Rogue_Wolf204 in game normally on Mon-Fri 5pm-11pm CST
    Sat/Sun 12:00pm-12:00am CST
  • Marplot
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for a vampire bite

    Platform: PC
    Server: NA
    Character Name: Vladimir Narn
    Contact: @Marplot
    Edited by Marplot on June 27, 2021 2:12AM
  • ProditioFinis
    Soul Shriven
    Account name: @ProditioFinis

    Server: NA

    Type: Looking for Vampire bite!

    I'm in the Daggerfall Covenant. Please pm me if you have one ready. or you can email me at proditiofinis@gmail.com as I'm likely to see that faster.

    Got bit, for people wanting to get bit and not getting a reply my best advice is just to wait outside a vampire shrine and ask people who enter.
    Edited by ProditioFinis on August 17, 2021 5:09AM
  • Tyzermaro_mp3
    Soul Shriven
    Any werewolf players on Steam that can meet me in-game and bite me? My in-game character name is Tyzermaro.mp3.
  • TheSonic_Arrow01
    Soul Shriven
    Character name: Kje'r
    Account name: thesonic_arrow01
    Server: NA
    Looking for Vampire bite, if you are willing to bite me, please pm me, it would be greatly appreciated. I do have to warn you I have classes on Tuesday and Thursday from 8:30-11:00, but don't get home until about noon-thirty.
  • Djennku
    Account Name: @Djennku
    Platform: PC NA

    Offering Vamp and WW bites (I have one WW toon and over 10 vamps able to bite)
    Shoot me a message if you need one. I will try to get to you if available. Mail might help if I am offline or busy. Please let me know when contacting me what bite you need adn that you are indeed messaging me for a bite. ^^
    @Djennku, PCNA.

    Grand Master crafter, all styles and all furnishing plans known pre U41.
    Vamp and WW bites available for players.
    Shoot me an in-game mail if you need anything, happy to help!
  • fall0athboy
    Character Name: Fall Oath Boy
    Account Name: falloathboy
    Server: PC-NA

    Looking for a Vampire bite so I can get the lorebook and level the skill.
  • fall0athboy
    Djennku wrote: »
    Account Name: @Djennku
    Platform: PC NA

    Offering Vamp and WW bites (I have one WW toon and over 10 vamps able to bite)
    Shoot me a message if you need one. I will try to get to you if available. Mail might help if I am offline or busy. Please let me know when contacting me what bite you need adn that you are indeed messaging me for a bite. ^^

    Any chance I could get a werewolf bite?
  • itslenh
    Looking for a Vampire bite, EU, @itslenh
    Edited by itslenh on January 22, 2025 4:55PM
    If you have questions, contact me via discord or ingame (PC-EU).
    Discord: itslenh
    UserID: itslenh
  • itslenh
    Got the bite.
    PS: I have rank10 WW and other Vamp, so I can share those gifts if anyone want to get it! (EU only)
    If you have questions, contact me via discord or ingame (PC-EU).
    Discord: itslenh
    UserID: itslenh
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