PC/Mac NA & EU - Seeking/Offering Vampire or Werewolf Bite

  • OnyxProphet
    Looking for a werewolf bite. I roamed around for hours to find an NPC to no avail. Happy to pay.

    Server - PC/NA
    Alliance: DC
    Account Name: @OnyxProphet
    Location: Will travel
  • W0lf_z13
    Looking for a werewolf bite. I roamed around for hours to find an NPC to no avail. Happy to pay.

    Server - PC/NA
    Alliance: DC
    Account Name: @OnyxProphet
    Location: Will travel

    did u get ur bite?
    Breton Nightblade ~ Fang of the Wolf ~ (50)   |   Altmer Dragonknight ~ Ðårk Ŵølf ~ (50)   |   Altmer Necro ~ Ðeåth Ŵølf ~ (50)

    ☣☣☣   |     Alliance ~Daggerfall Covenant~     |     Server ~NA PC~     |     CP's ~2156~     |     ☣☣☣
  • OnyxProphet
    W0lf_z13 wrote: »

    did u get ur bite?

    I did, thank you!
  • DedMorozzz
    Server: PC-EU
    Character name: DedMoros
    Bite: Vampire
    Game account name: @Ded_Morozzz

    PS: done
    Edited by DedMorozzz on October 23, 2016 6:25PM
  • SilentDaunt
    Looking for a WW bite, would be much appreciated!

    Server: NA PC
    Account name: @SilentDaunt
    Character name: Kor'sarro
    Alliance: EB
  • altemriel
    This one is now a mighty vampire, you know. These one has sharp fangs and sharper claws. This one likes to sap the crimson milk from her foes.
    This one offering to do the Blood ritual to anyone who needs to become her kind. Just message me here or in the game @altemriel
    PC EU, GMT+2

    Edited by altemriel on October 23, 2016 2:06PM
  • Companion
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for a werewolf bite please!

    Server: NA PC
    Account name: @Companion
    Character name: Ragnvuld

    EDIT: Got my bite :)
    Edited by Companion on October 23, 2016 9:21PM
  • Malconvoker
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for both a vampire and a werewolf bite (yes, on separate characters, I'm not dumb).

    Server: EU PC
    Account name: @Malconvoker
    Wannabe vampire: Eniel Feanturi
    Wannabe werewolf: Arethem

    Got both bites :)
    Edited by Malconvoker on October 31, 2016 9:07PM
  • chakigel
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for a vampire bite.

    Server: NA
    Account: setantacuchulainn
    Character: Arlænna

    Got it.
    Edited by chakigel on November 3, 2016 4:49PM
  • Greg
    Lf Vampire Bite
    PC NA
    ign Argonian1607
    Spider Kisser(character)
  • gestep
    LF Vampire bite
    Server = PC NA
    Faction = AD
    User ID =@gestep
    Char = Tessie Syndale
  • Azzazzello
    Looking for a vampire (AD) and werewolf (EP) bites.
    PC NA

    Edited by Azzazzello on November 6, 2016 9:21PM
  • Agrelis
    Soul Shriven
    looking for vampire and werewolf bite


    char: meretome
    Edited by Agrelis on November 16, 2016 5:51PM
  • CheverTheShrimp
    I'm looking for a werewolf bite, will offer vamp bite in return (in 3 days however due to cooldown from recent bite). Send me a pm if you feel like offering a bite. Ps, I have eastern Australian time so timezones might be strange.

    Server: EU
    User ID: @chevertheshrimp
    Character name: Z'ahzun-Fa the Tiny
    Bite: werewolf
    Location: Glenumbra (will need to teleport to player)

    Edited by CheverTheShrimp on November 27, 2016 8:47AM
    ~ Vvaelud | Dark Elf | Scorcerer | EP | Vampire | Lv 50 ~
    ~ Z'ahzun-Fa the Tiny | Khajiit | Dragonknight | DC | Werewolf | Lv 22~
    ~ Fryyn the Red | Wood Elf | Nightblade | AD | Werewolf | Lv 13~
    ~ Sir Chever the Mad | Dark Elf | Nightblade | EP | Vampire | Lv 17 ~
    ~ Ilvana Tesaani | Dark Elf | Templar | EP| Werewolf| Lv 12 ~
    CP - 144

    Priests of Hircine
    PC EU Free werewolf bite guild
    Get your free bite today
    Guild Subreddit | Forum Thread

    Aussie Player
  • Ravanex
    Soul Shriven

    I'm looking for a Werewolf bite.

    Server: PC EU

    User ID: @Ravanex

    Character name: Ravanex

    Faction: Daggerfall Covenant

    Got it.
    Edited by Ravanex on November 18, 2016 9:29PM
  • Dizception
    Soul Shriven

    I'm looking for a Werewolf bite

    Server: PC EU (GMT)

    User ID: @Dizception

    Character name: Rutitsi

    Faction: Aldmeri Dominion

    Still looking if anyone happens to offer :smile:
    Edited by Dizception on November 30, 2016 7:15PM
  • pdxry
    It's about 7:30pm Saturday night in Oregon and this cat would love a WEREWOLF bite!
    depending on when u see this i might be on an alt but you can find me as "@pdxry"

    some random guy visited me at the shrine and I got it.
    thanks anyways :)
    Edited by pdxry on November 20, 2016 8:17AM
  • Nevellen
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for a vampire bite

    Server - PC/NA
    Alliance: EB
    UserID: @ryokairin
    Character Name: Nevellen

    Guy in chat turned me,
    ty anyways
    Edited by Nevellen on November 26, 2016 6:09AM
  • xaribol
    Soul Shriven
    Edited by xaribol on April 20, 2017 10:05PM
  • EvilHag
    Soul Shriven

    I'm @DulceDeLeche and my character name is Dulce Dulce. I'm on the PC/NA server, Ebonheart Pact.

    I'm looking for a vampire bite for my baby Templar, level 16 at the moment. I'm not sure if it's too early to get a bite, but I really love the look of the Vampire skills and I can't wait to try them out. :smile:

    Don't let the two year old forum account fool you, my level 16 is my highest level and I just started playing again around the free weekend. Resubbed, now hopelessly addicted!

    Thanks for reading!
    Edited by EvilHag on November 27, 2016 8:16AM
  • CheverTheShrimp
    I am offering up free vamp bites! Send me a message on here or on eso itself (faster)! Make sure it's in a pm, I might miss it in chat.

    Server: EU PC
    UserID: @CheverTheShrimp
    Character: lvl 47 Vampire Darke Elf "Vvaelud"
    Location: Usually in the Rift but willing to travel to other locations
    Time: Easterm Australian Time, on almost every day.
    ~ Vvaelud | Dark Elf | Scorcerer | EP | Vampire | Lv 50 ~
    ~ Z'ahzun-Fa the Tiny | Khajiit | Dragonknight | DC | Werewolf | Lv 22~
    ~ Fryyn the Red | Wood Elf | Nightblade | AD | Werewolf | Lv 13~
    ~ Sir Chever the Mad | Dark Elf | Nightblade | EP | Vampire | Lv 17 ~
    ~ Ilvana Tesaani | Dark Elf | Templar | EP| Werewolf| Lv 12 ~
    CP - 144

    Priests of Hircine
    PC EU Free werewolf bite guild
    Get your free bite today
    Guild Subreddit | Forum Thread

    Aussie Player
  • Lazmarr
    Soul Shriven
    I am offering up free vamp bites! Send me a message on here or on eso itself (faster)! Make sure it's in a pm, I might miss it in chat.

    Server: EU PC
    UserID: @CheverTheShrimp
    Character: lvl 47 Vampire Darke Elf "Vvaelud"
    Location: Usually in the Rift but willing to travel to other locations
    Time: Easterm Australian Time, on almost every day.

    Server: EU PC
    UserID: @Lazmarr
    Character: Approximately level 15 Argonian (also named Lazmarr)
    Location: Currently in Auridon, and would expect to be here for some time longer
    Time: GMT
  • CheverTheShrimp
    Sorry, I was just about to update my post to say I just gave out a bite and have a timer, but I'm putting you straight up as the first th\i get mynext bit
    Lazmarr wrote: »

    Server: EU PC
    UserID: @Lazmarr
    Character: Approximately level 15 Argonian (also named Lazmarr)
    Location: Currently in Auridon, and would expect to be here for some time longer
    Time: GMT

    Sorry!! I was just about to update my post to say I just gave out a bite and have a timer, but I'm putting you straight up as the first to get my next bite once the buff is gone!
    ~ Vvaelud | Dark Elf | Scorcerer | EP | Vampire | Lv 50 ~
    ~ Z'ahzun-Fa the Tiny | Khajiit | Dragonknight | DC | Werewolf | Lv 22~
    ~ Fryyn the Red | Wood Elf | Nightblade | AD | Werewolf | Lv 13~
    ~ Sir Chever the Mad | Dark Elf | Nightblade | EP | Vampire | Lv 17 ~
    ~ Ilvana Tesaani | Dark Elf | Templar | EP| Werewolf| Lv 12 ~
    CP - 144

    Priests of Hircine
    PC EU Free werewolf bite guild
    Get your free bite today
    Guild Subreddit | Forum Thread

    Aussie Player
  • Masterofbait
    Soul Shriven
    Hi I'm looking to become the hunter in the night A.K.A a vampire for the first time

    Server: NA PC
    UserID: @Masterofbait
    Character :Khajit "No Soul"

    Please send me a message in the forum or in game
    Have a nice day
  • Rakkis
    Soul Shriven
    PC NA - @rakkis - looking for Vampire Bite
    Please send whisper in game

    thank you so very much.
  • altemriel
    Offering both vamp and WW bite (2 characters)

    PC EU
  • ComingOfEpsilon
    Soul Shriven
    On PC looking for a vampire bite NA server name in game is Narsi'l.
  • Lazyturle66
    Soul Shriven

    I´m looking for a werewolf bite.

    Server: PC-EU
    Alliance: EB
    UserID: Lazyturtle66
    Character name: Danyth

    A kind evil soul has given me a werewolf bite
    Edited by Lazyturle66 on December 5, 2016 10:29AM
  • DjBorsch
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for a vampire bite on EU! Character name's Seëya on AD and the ID's @djborsh.
    I'm seriously digging that pale skin tone.
  • cimtex
    Soul Shriven
    looking for a vampire bite na pc @cimtex thanks in advance
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