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Main Story Is Bad?

  • tplink3r1
    Smepic wrote: »
    tplink3r1 wrote: »
    Please, stop comparing ESO with a game that isn't even a RPG.

    Please tell me this is a joke.
    The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (Polish: Wiedźmin 3: Dziki Gon) is an action role-playing video game set in an open world environment, developed by Polish video game developer CD Projekt RED.


    Also, I am not comparing the games as a whole - which you would know if you read the post thoroughly.
    In the witcher your character already has a backstory, its full of cutscenes and 0 RP freedom inside the game.
    its NOT an RPG, its an action/fantasy game. Just because it is a fantasy game doesn't mean its an RPG(an RPG where you can't even create your own character? LOL).
    Edited by tplink3r1 on August 2, 2015 9:18PM
    VR16 Templar
    VR3 Sorcerer
  • UTG_Zilla
    tplink3r1 wrote: »
    Smepic wrote: »
    tplink3r1 wrote: »
    Please, stop comparing ESO with a game that isn't even a RPG.

    Please tell me this is a joke.
    The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (Polish: Wiedźmin 3: Dziki Gon) is an action role-playing video game set in an open world environment, developed by Polish video game developer CD Projekt RED.


    Also, I am not comparing the games as a whole - which you would know if you read the post thoroughly.
    In the witcher your character already has a backstory, its full of cutscenes and 0 RP freedom inside the game.
    its NOT an RPG, its an action/fantasy game. Just because it is a fantasy game doesn't mean its an RPG(an RPG where you can't even create your own character? LOL).

    What this person said.

    In eso you're the Undaunted, a nameless person who builds their fame from the bottom from a poor no name adventurer to a hero of the pact. In the Witcher, you're a known hero with a settled backstory.

    Also, post about comparing apples:oranges was applying to the quests as well. In eso the main quests are every 5 levels for a reason. If it wasn't then people will just rush the story missions and then you end up with level 30s in Caldwell Silver. Like how there are level 30s who have fighters guild victor/master wizard.

    This is an MMORPG. Some People will try to rush the game to be in end content as fast as they can (I saw a console thread in first month of release and title was more or less 'vr14 on consoles, nothing to do til December?'). So they made the main story quests every 5 levels just to even it out.

    And hey, no one said you have to do them as soon as they're unlocked. I did the majority main story quests at vr1 and finished like 6-7 quests within an hour if not within 40mins and all the reward gear will be vr1.
  • WhiteCoatSyndrome
    My biggest problem with the main quest is that the 'twist' is both obvious and pointless. :\
    OLIVI3R wrote: »
    ZOS please reconsider! I cannot use dragon shouts in Skyrim online!!!

    Actually you CAN. Play a Dragonknight. ;)

  • UTG_Zilla
    My biggest problem with the main quest is that the 'twist' is both obvious and pointless. :\
    OLIVI3R wrote: »
    ZOS please reconsider! I cannot use dragon shouts in Skyrim online!!!

    Actually you CAN. Play a Dragonknight. ;)

    Sorry but this isn't The 6th Sense or Signs, "twists" aren't important at all and often predictable.
  • CapnPhoton
    This is the first MMO I have played that actually has a progressive main story line. For me, EQ2 was the only other one that came close. It was only 3 quests, and an occasional 'do something for the queen' later in other zones. Other than that it is all a bunch of mini side progressions that are specific to the zone.

    I enjoy the zone progressions and side quests as well, and honestly the main quest is just more content. I treat it similarly to when I played Skyrim. The rest of the game is as good if not better than the dragon quest.
    Xbox One NA Aldmeri Dominion
  • NDwarf
    edit- long story short, I agree with OP

    The main story was forgettable. I can't think of anything about the main that stands out and I'll remember for years to come. The final battle with Malog Bal was anti-climatice, to say the least. Starts off as a huge mountain size Deadric Prince and I'm thinking "this is going to be fun." Then *poof* he's bite size and drops in a few hits because Meridia.

    I do have a ton of screenshots on my Ps4 of landscapes and little odd discoveries found while adventuring. I think I have more screenshots of ESO than any other game. They did a fantastic job with the environment (at least in quest zones Cyrodiil is a little lacking).

    Wish there wasn't a "main story line." Just a massive, Elder Scrolls setting where we are nobodies setting off for adventure, treasure, and glory by our own deeds. I really, really hate being the "chosen one" in an mmo surrounded by "chosen ones but not really, just pretend you are the only chosen one." It works in a single player game but in an mmo...bleh.
    Edited by NDwarf on August 2, 2015 10:25PM
    "When people !@# with you you !@# with them ten times worse. Next thing you know, you're in a motel room with 24 beers and a half bucket of chicken. You see, that's how you get things done." Ricky, Trailer Park Boys.
  • SanderBuraas
    NDwarf wrote: »
    edit- long story short, I agree with OP

    The main story was forgettable. I can't think of anything about the main that stands out and I'll remember for years to come. The final battle with Malog Bal was anti-climatice, to say the least. Starts off as a huge mountain size Deadric Prince and I'm thinking "this is going to be fun." Then *poof* he's bite size and drops in a few hits because Meridia.

    I do have a ton of screenshots on my Ps4 of landscapes and little odd discoveries found while adventuring. I think I have more screenshots of ESO than any other game. They did a fantastic job with the environment (at least in quest zones Cyrodiil is a little lacking).

    Wish there wasn't a "main story line." Just a massive, Elder Scrolls setting where we are nobodies setting off for adventure, treasure, and glory by our own deeds. I really, really hate being the "chosen one" in an mmo surrounded by "chosen ones but not really, just pretend you are the only chosen one." It works in a single player game but in an mmo...bleh.

    Very anti-climactic and an easy fight, yes.

  • Elsonso
    NDwarf wrote: »
    I really, really hate being the "chosen one" in an mmo surrounded by "chosen ones but not really, just pretend you are the only chosen one." It works in a single player game but in an mmo...bleh.

    Uh huh. There can be a main story, but story designers should not make solo stories in an MMO. There should be no places where you get that odd sense that you are the first person in Place A or are the only one doing something, unless you actually are the first or only person doing something.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
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    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Psychobunni
    I too wish people would stop comparing ESO with solo games. Compare it to EQ, WoW, LOTRO....but not solo games Bethesda made or not.

    That said as far as the OP...I like the main story. I don't agree that it needs to take us out in our "faction" more because the main story is bigger than/beyond little faction squabbles. Tbh, I wish we didn't even pick a faction until we have completed all 3 and it was tied in better than "oh, go experience this crap" .....I want to say @GreySix had a better idea for that.

    Anyway, different strokes for different folks and all that. You hate it, I like it lol. Could it be more in depth? Sure, and will likely one day......get there.
    If options weren't necessary, and everyone played the same way, no one would use addons. Fix the UI!

  • Violynne
    I can't even remember most of the MQ. Once I cleared AD, closed the Planemeld, and sent Molag Bal packing, it's been a distant memory, now working on Caldwell's Gold.

    What's really disappointing is that we need a group of people to take out a dolem, but the final battle was solo. That struck me as odd. I had figured this would be a massive battle between all factions and its players.

    But nope, that's for tearing down walls in Cyrodiil. :|
  • Korah_Eaglecry
    JD2013 wrote: »
    Smepic wrote: »
    JD2013 wrote: »
    I actually quite like the story.

    The main story has never been the selling point of most ES games ever.

    The main story of the previous Elder Scrolls games were not as bad as the one of Elder Scrolls Online. Even if they were terrible, that is no reason to not improve the one of Elder Scrolls Online.

    Well I much prefer the story of ESO over Skyrim anyday.

    Different strokes for different folks :smile:

    ESOs main story is terrible. Me and my friends have a running joke about the Prophet and constantly contacting you to come visit him. Everyone I know goes out of their way to avoid the Main Story and put it off til they cant put it off any longer.

    The Main Story would of been much better if it was more tied to what was going on in the world as you were exploring rather then being recalled back to the first large zone every 5 levels. Forced to go on a rather bland quest that felt disconnected to the rest of the story you were experiencing. The final quest for the Main Story has you LEAVE Coldharbour post invasion, post defeat of Molag Bal with the help of Meridia, just to send you back to Coldharbour and fight Molag Bal as a demi-god.

    Penniless Sellsword Company
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    Korith Eaglecry * Enrerion Aedihle * Laerinel Rhaev * Caius Berilius * Seylina Ithvala * H'Vak the Grimjawl
    Tenarei Rhaev * Dazsh Ro Khar * Yynril Rothvani * Bathes-In-Coin * Anaelle Faerniil * Azjani Ma'Les
    Aban Shahid Bakr * Kheshna gra-Gharbuk * Gallisten Bondurant * Etain Maquier * Atsu Kalame * Faulpia Severinus
    What is better, to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort? - Paarthurnax
  • JD2013
    JD2013 wrote: »
    Smepic wrote: »
    JD2013 wrote: »
    I actually quite like the story.

    The main story has never been the selling point of most ES games ever.

    The main story of the previous Elder Scrolls games were not as bad as the one of Elder Scrolls Online. Even if they were terrible, that is no reason to not improve the one of Elder Scrolls Online.

    Well I much prefer the story of ESO over Skyrim anyday.

    Different strokes for different folks :smile:

    ESOs main story is terrible. Me and my friends have a running joke about the Prophet and constantly contacting you to come visit him. Everyone I know goes out of their way to avoid the Main Story and put it off til they cant put it off any longer.

    The Main Story would of been much better if it was more tied to what was going on in the world as you were exploring rather then being recalled back to the first large zone every 5 levels. Forced to go on a rather bland quest that felt disconnected to the rest of the story you were experiencing. The final quest for the Main Story has you LEAVE Coldharbour post invasion, post defeat of Molag Bal with the help of Meridia, just to send you back to Coldharbour and fight Molag Bal as a demi-god.

    And in Skyrim, you're an OP demi-god killing dragons and able to kill everything in sight. And, as it turns out, merely a plaything for Hermaeus Mora.

    Your point ... ? :smile:
    Edited by JD2013 on August 3, 2015 1:36AM
    Sweetrolls for all!

    Christophe Mottierre - Breton Templar with his own whole darn estate! Templar Houses are so 2015. EU DC

    PC Beta Tester January 2014

    Elder of The Black
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    @TamrielTraverse - For Tamriel related Twitter shenanigans!

    Crafting bag OP! ZOS nerf pls!
  • newtinmpls
    UTG_Zilla wrote: »

    Another thing, the arch Mage is sending people. The prophet is just sending 1 person.

    So it's totally feasible that if the arch Mage was sending one person then all his power could be focused on a specific location. Rather than trying to get as many people as he can to coldharbour quickly.

    Plus the prophet has read the elder scrolls to the point of physical blindness. That would mean that his other ways of perceiving are superhuman.
    Tenesi Faryon of Telvanni - Dunmer Sorceress who deliberately sought sacrifice into Cold Harbor to rescue her beloved.
    Hisa Ni Caemaire - Altmer Sorceress, member of the Order Draconis and Adept of the House of Dibella.
    Broken Branch Toothmaul - goblin (for my goblin characters, I use either orsimer or bosmer templates) Templar, member of the Order Draconis and persistently unskilled pickpocket
    Mol gro Durga - Orsimer Socerer/Battlemage who died the first time when the Nibenay Valley chapterhouse of the Order Draconis was destroyed, then went back to Cold Harbor to rescue his second/partner who was still captive. He overestimated his resistance to the hopelessness of Oblivion, about to give up, and looked up to see the golden glow of atherius surrounding a beautiful young woman who extended her hand to him and said "I can help you". He carried Fianna Kingsley out of Cold Harbor on his shoulder. He carried Alvard Stower under one arm. He also irritated the Prophet who had intended the portal for only Mol and Lyris.
    Order Draconis - well c'mon there has to be some explanation for all those dragon tattoos.
    House of Dibella - If you have ever seen or read "Memoirs of a Geisha" that's just the beginning...
    Nibenay Valley Chapterhouse - Where now stands only desolate ground and a dolmen there once was a thriving community supporting one of the major chapterhouses of the Order Draconis
  • Bookwyrm
    Violynne wrote: »
    What's really disappointing is that we need a group of people to take out a dolem, but the final battle was solo. That struck me as odd. I had figured this would be a massive battle between all factions and its players.

    I agree with this, although nowadays you really don't even need a group of people to take out a dolmen unless you're several levels under the enemies that spawn there, and unless you're in VR shouldn't even have issues soloing the bosses (may have trouble with one or two, but generally they aren't that bad). The hardest part of soloing a dolmen, imo, is the initial wave of cultists standing around bringing in the anchor. Since the other enemies tend to spawn in threes (and usually it's staggered so you may not even be fighting them all at once) and closing an anchor pinion refills your health/mana/'s ridiculous how easy it can be to solo.

    I've found group bosses to be harder to solo than dolmens, and to me, that's disappointing. Anchors should be difficult, and SHOULD require a group, unless you're seriously over-leveled.

    I should also note that this is from a person with very, very few champion points, so that's not what's making it easy. Definitely under 100. Probably under 70, I don't remember. Right now my focus is leveling alts to VR so that I can earn points on all of them depending on who I want to play at the time.
    Don't talk to me! I'm a shrub. - Frozen Man
    Bookwyrm - The Thread Killer
  • Cookiethief
    Anything to do with questing in this game is awful, I've only liked 2/10 quest I've done in this game, still then. I don't want to do it again
    My biggest fear in life is, ending up marrying a girl who is lactose intolerant, think about it you would have to purchase double the amount of milk every week, cause you enjoy the goodness of full cream milk and she is drinking soy beans, and her milk takes up extra room in the fridge, or when you are doing a midnight run to the fridge to get a nice cup of milk and to accidentally pour some Soy milk. I couldn't imagine a worst way to do married life. - Barry Scott
  • Faulgor
    Couldn't disagree more. Best main story since Morrowind.
    Alandrol Sul: He's making another Numidium?!?
    Vivec: Worse, buddy. They're buying it.
  • Malthorne
    Smepic wrote: »
    The quests should challenge us. They should also take us to all the areas of our alliance, where we for example could have adventures with the characters. We should have to explore. No instant teleportation, rather we have to figure out a way to head there on our own - or with assistance. The quests should build on character relationships


    Well, I can tell you for starters that my impression is that if they did not have instant travel portals, a chunk of the players would never get past the first quest. The bar of having to locate the Harborage in the first place is almost insurmountable for these people. (Yes, I have seen people in Zone chat...)

    But, in all fairness, most of what happens in the main quest does not happen on the same plane, and some of the things that happen occur in an enemy Alliance. Portals are necessary.

    A lot of people think that the point of the main quest is to beat Molag Bal and stop the Anchors, yet this never actually happens. In fact, the purpose of the main quest appears to be to defeat Mannimarco. Molag Bal is the ultimate enemy in the game, and that extends well past the main quest.

    One thing that is really strange, though, is that for some reason the Prophet can portal us into Coldharbour with pin point precision. Meanwhile, the Mage's Guild Arch Mage scatters people all across Coldharbour because of the security established by Molag Bal and the sheer difficulty in getting past it.

    This. And...
    It's about the prophet redeeming himself in the eyes of Akatosh through the acts of the Vestige.
  • Forestd16b14_ESO
    Well it is like every other TES story. Bad guy wants Nirn, Good guy stops them with OP magical item we only hear once and never speak of it again even as easter eggs in other TES games, head to the banner mare in Whiterun and drink 3 kegs of mead and pass out with 2 wenches in arms.
  • Kendaric
    Faulgor wrote: »
    Couldn't disagree more. Best main story since Morrowind.

    Seriously? I´d rate it on par with TES I: Arena and that story wasn´t really good either.

    I think the main story suffers from the following problems:

    > It can´t avoided. I can see the need for completing it once, but why do I have to do it for every alt? Perhaps a solution might be to have only Molag Bal fight as mandatory.

    > You´re the chosen one. While this works for singleplayer games, it feels awkward in a multiplayer setting.

    > Largely disjointed/disconnected from events in the world.

    > No real impact on anything, your actions are ultimately meaningless. This could have been avoided by changing the veteran areas to be post Planemeld/Molag Bal rather than just a scaled up copy.
    Edited by Kendaric on August 3, 2015 8:43AM
      PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!. Outfit slots not being accountwide is ridiculous given their price. PC EU/PC NA roleplayer and solo PvE quester
    • lagrue
      I'd say it was mediocre.

      I started mashing through text halfway through - then again, that happens with every single Elder Scrolls game. It's not that the story was bad - it's just that I don't care.

      BUT - Elder Scrolls has never really been about story - and I think most core fans of the series feel the same. Elder Scrolls is about exploration and immersing yourself in the world how YOU want to. In fact having a story almost goes against what ES is actually about for most people.

      I'd also say the story is just a pure waste of time to listen to, if I had sat and listened to all the dialogue I wouldn't be VR5 right now, in fact I probably wouldn't even be at Coldharbour yet. I probably had more fun mashing through the text than I would had I listened.
      PSN ID (NA only): Zuzu_With_a_Z

      "You must defeat me every time. I need defeat you only once"
    • Epona222
      I thought the MQ was actually better than the MQs in either of Skyrim or Oblivion. I actually really really disliked the Oblivion MQ, and the only bit of the Skyrim MQ I liked was the end. Fortunately you didn't have to do them every playthrough, which is I think the difference - here you HAVE to do them to progress any character onto new faction territory, which makes it feel a chore.

      Even Morrowind MQ (and I love Morrowind) amounted to "find out some information and then go do quests for the houses and ashlanders to unite them", which is hardly groundbreaking - it was only IMO more enjoyable because being set in Vvardenfell felt totally alien and didn't really rely too heavily on fantasy clichés - but that was due to the setting, not the plot or the quest writing.
      Edited by Epona222 on August 3, 2015 6:40AM
      GM - Ghost Sea Trading Co - NA PC

      Epona was a Romano-Celtic goddess dating back to around 1800 to 2000 years before computer games were invented.
    • SanderBuraas
      Kendaric wrote: »
      Faulgor wrote: »
      Couldn't disagree more. Best main story since Morrowind.

      Seriously? I´d rate it on par with TES I: Arena and that story wasn´t really good either.

      I think the main story suffers from the following problems:

      > It can´t avoided. I can see the need for completing it once, but why do I have to do it for every alt? Perhaps a solution might be to have only Molag Bal fight as mandatory.

      > You´re the chosen one. While this works for singleplayer games, it feels awkward in a multiplayer setting.

      > Largely disjointed/disconnected from events in the world.

      > No real impact on anything, your actions are ultimately meaningless. This could have been avoided by changing the veteran areas to be post Planemeld/Molag Bal rather than just a scaled up copy.

      I agree. Now, I don't find defeating Molag Bal to be that bad of a main story idea, but if it actually seemed like it was challenging and many people were required to be able to take him down - not to mention the fight itself - it would be way better.

      My biggest issue with the story line is that it feels rushed. It feels like something that was done last minute, which it should not as it lays ground for the game.
    • Sausage
      In my opinion it wasnt that bad. Its just why to invest tons of money on Story when most people skip them all the time. Ive watched some PS4 streamers and they all just skip everything. Thats the thing what Ive said years, MMORPGs are quantity not quality. Witcher 3 was 1 week game, ESO is 10+ year game, so you might get the idea. Quality content is expensive to make and especially when game is already damn expensive like ESO.
      Edited by Sausage on August 3, 2015 10:20AM
    • MornaBaine
      NDwarf wrote: »
      edit- long story short, I agree with OP

      The main story was forgettable. I can't think of anything about the main that stands out and I'll remember for years to come. The final battle with Malog Bal was anti-climatice, to say the least. Starts off as a huge mountain size Deadric Prince and I'm thinking "this is going to be fun." Then *poof* he's bite size and drops in a few hits because Meridia.

      I do have a ton of screenshots on my Ps4 of landscapes and little odd discoveries found while adventuring. I think I have more screenshots of ESO than any other game. They did a fantastic job with the environment (at least in quest zones Cyrodiil is a little lacking).

      Wish there wasn't a "main story line." Just a massive, Elder Scrolls setting where we are nobodies setting off for adventure, treasure, and glory by our own deeds. I really, really hate being the "chosen one" in an mmo surrounded by "chosen ones but not really, just pretend you are the only chosen one." It works in a single player game but in an mmo...bleh.

      I couldn't agree more. I will never understand this choice for an MMO design. It is utterly illogical. You can't ALL be "The One!" And for a game that is so socially progressive it designed a fantasy world where same sex relationships never became a taboo and are completely accepted the main story itself is incredibly sexist. ONE female character? AND she's a blonde with an enormous chest and is clearly NOT "the sharpest pencil in the box" as Abnur Tharn makes clear repeatedly? And every single one of the Five Companions is a stale fantasy trope we've all seen countless times. I loathe having to do the Main Story quests on my alts almost as much as I loathe doing Cadwell's Silver!
      PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    • SanderBuraas
      MornaBaine wrote: »
      NDwarf wrote: »
      edit- long story short, I agree with OP

      The main story was forgettable. I can't think of anything about the main that stands out and I'll remember for years to come. The final battle with Malog Bal was anti-climatice, to say the least. Starts off as a huge mountain size Deadric Prince and I'm thinking "this is going to be fun." Then *poof* he's bite size and drops in a few hits because Meridia.

      I do have a ton of screenshots on my Ps4 of landscapes and little odd discoveries found while adventuring. I think I have more screenshots of ESO than any other game. They did a fantastic job with the environment (at least in quest zones Cyrodiil is a little lacking).

      Wish there wasn't a "main story line." Just a massive, Elder Scrolls setting where we are nobodies setting off for adventure, treasure, and glory by our own deeds. I really, really hate being the "chosen one" in an mmo surrounded by "chosen ones but not really, just pretend you are the only chosen one." It works in a single player game but in an mmo...bleh.

      I couldn't agree more. I will never understand this choice for an MMO design. It is utterly illogical. You can't ALL be "The One!" And for a game that is so socially progressive it designed a fantasy world where same sex relationships never became a taboo and are completely accepted the main story itself is incredibly sexist. ONE female character? AND she's a blonde with an enormous chest and is clearly NOT "the sharpest pencil in the box" as Abnur Tharn makes clear repeatedly? And every single one of the Five Companions is a stale fantasy trope we've all seen countless times. I loathe having to do the Main Story quests on my alts almost as much as I loathe doing Cadwell's Silver!

      Agreed. Honestly didn't like a single of the Five Companions. Very bland design.
    • Sykis
      I didn't mind the main story line to much. I enjoyed the idea of being the hero behind the scenes. I would agree though that in the end it felt anti climatic. I think stopping Mannamarco was the most enjoyable portion for me rather then the way we fought Molag Bal. while the premis of becoming a Demi God was ok and the end state was to get your soul back, the end was just lack luster at best. While I believe the end state mission of your character was met, it seemed that being a soul shriven in the rest of the game was important to getting through some of the obstacle as it was pointed out several times in your adventures, not having a soul gave you advantages that ones with a soul could not complete because they had a soul. But all an all it was an interesting story saving each of them. I can understand that the excitement of the next chapter would be useless once you've done it once because all the surprises, are now known, it would be even less climatic. I feel when they made the choice to go with Cadwells that they should have added a few more quests to the companions based on what choice you made at the end. Instead the 5 just faded into memory before Cadwells silver and gold.
      Edited by Sykis on August 3, 2015 11:47AM
    • Kendaric
      MornaBaine wrote: »
      ONE female character? AND she's a blonde with an enormous chest and is clearly NOT "the sharpest pencil in the box" as Abnur Tharn makes clear repeatedly?

      That doesn´t apply to only Lyris.... almost every Nord in the game is portrayed as rather dimwitted or outright dumb. It feels like they out of their way to portray Nords as cliched barbarians, i.e. constantly drunk, always looking for a brawl & generally dimwitted.

        PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!. Outfit slots not being accountwide is ridiculous given their price. PC EU/PC NA roleplayer and solo PvE quester
      • Sandmanninja
        Dude - ESO is a role playing MMO. If you don't like the main story, then go kill 10,000 pigs in the forest.
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      • Tolmos
        Compared to single player games, the story lacks a little. I'd rate it 5/10. But compared to most MMOs? The story is fantastic. 9/10 easily.
      • Kendaric
        Dude - ESO is a role playing MMO. If you don't like the main story, then go kill 10,000 pigs in the forest.

        Which isn´t possible as the main story is mandatory.
        Even in SWTOR you can completely ignore the story and that is a MMORPG that has actually good story. So why can´t ZOS just make the mainquest avoidable after completing it once?
          PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!. Outfit slots not being accountwide is ridiculous given their price. PC EU/PC NA roleplayer and solo PvE quester
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