What a well thought out post about the strengths and weaknesses of the class. I especially liked the breakdown you gave about how they are not working and your suggestions for improving it.All Templars should boycott group healing till the class is given back its damage abilities and heals are fixed.
You could help by posting constructively how you feel the they have been effected, post the numbers you've seen changed in testing and then some ideas how to bring them back to a level which would be acceptable.
Posting threads like this is just more spam which doesn't help improve the game because the developers don't know what the issue you have spotted is or how you ran the numbers to find it's a true issue and not a knee-jerk reaction post.
Check my signature for a guide on how to give feedback most useful to a developer.
Yeah, I've lobbied on behalf of templars and Argonians but other than the initial reveal of RD haven't seen much result. I think the "strike" idea is amusing, if not practical or realistic. I think, honestly, if they really gave Templars some hardcore and useful CC, then even at current damage numbers, that and the healing advantage would make the class much more competitive.Yeah, not like we have been quiet about the issues. A lot of it I do not feel is direct DPS but our shield keeps getting nerfed when it is not the problem. Our abilities that heal based on damage get nerfed. A lot of our abilities have worthless CC that is no more than a knockback that is over in an instant yet provides several seconds of CC immunity. One of our best abilities then cannot be used on targets that are CC immune even though it isn't entirely a CC.
I'm genuinely tired of saying it TBH.
eventide03b14a_ESO wrote: »What a well thought out post about the strengths and weaknesses of the class. I especially liked the breakdown you gave about how they are not working and your suggestions for improving it.All Templars should boycott group healing till the class is given back its damage abilities and heals are fixed.
I have posted in every thread that ZOS has asked for feedback. However as we all know those who cry the most get the attention of ZOS. Look at all the nerfs RO has gotten in the past not to mention all the other abilities that are sub par, well its time to hit the players where is counts. Healing Templars are the only dedicated healers that can push 8 - 16 k burst heals in PVP. Templars have the control over win or loose and it is high time we get heard. So I call for action along with constructive opinions regarding the changes on PTS. Am I wrong? Am I simply saying I don't like it so I wont play? No I am saying stick it in every players face that complained about RO stand next to them as the die in PVP and laugh because they cried so hard to nerf something because they don't like dying to it. Maybe if the healing Templars walked off the field or simply refused to heal the other classes players would shut up and recognize that we want to be more than supporting HEALERS for their glory in battle.
eventide03b14a_ESO wrote: »What a well thought out post about the strengths and weaknesses of the class. I especially liked the breakdown you gave about how they are not working and your suggestions for improving it.All Templars should boycott group healing till the class is given back its damage abilities and heals are fixed.
All Templars should boycott group healing till the class is given back its damage abilities and heals are fixed.