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Vampire guild!

Soul Shriven
Just started a new vamp guild and I'm looking for new members. Rules are;
-Vampires/those who wish to be vampires only
-First bite goes to the guild (regardless if you are a vamp already)
- No selling bites!
- And zero tolerance for any form of discrimnation, bullying, and over all childish behavior.

As of right now I have 3 vampires with available bites, soon to be 4. Hoping to expand obviously.
Message me here on the forums, or PM me at gamer tag BONJOBINA
Those without bite will be put on a waiting list, please remember that it takes 1 week for bites to reset and it may be a while b4 you get bit. Patience is key, not to say you won't find a bite on your own.

Main goal of this is just to have fun. It'll be nice getting a large community of good players together with that common interest.
Thanks again, and welcome
  • DBSaints
    I'd like to join. Are you in AD?

    GT : DBSaints
  • bonjobina
    Soul Shriven
    I'm in daggerfall, but like I said I'm looking to expand, and I do have friend's in AD and EP that have vamp bites but they haven't been on yet to accept the invite, it's a work in progress lol
  • Jacobcus
    What's the name of it :v
  • SquilliamTheWiz
    Hey im interested in joining up. I have 3 vamp characters and a wolf right now on AD, EP, DC.
  • bonjobina
    Soul Shriven
    It's The Blood Moon Fiends. And I'll send you both invites
  • bigmontecarlo
    Soul Shriven
    Hello, if you are still recruiting I am interested in joining gt bigmontecarlo
    Edited by bigmontecarlo on May 18, 2016 1:28AM
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