There's a lot of discussion going on about the next DLC, I thought I'd share my take on it and since it's a longer post, I think it deserves its own thread.
First of all, contrary to the popular belief this patch is not 100% for PvPers.
Every dungeon currently in game will be scaled up to V16, with V16 gear drops that can be deconstructed for the new crafting materials.*1
ZOS is also releasing two new group dungeons with this DLC, with their own V16 gear sets.
PvErs that don't mind risk/reward PvP will also most likely be able to enjoy Imperial City.
Gear bought with Tel Var stones will also be Bind on Equip, so you will be able to purchase it without ever setting foot in PvP.*2
Note: I would personally prefer there being some strong BoP gear sets, equally strong with the new BoP gear sets dropped in PvE dungeons.
A lot of players are thinking "I don't like this risk/reward style of content, but I'd be able to enjoy it if it didn't have that risk".
But are you considering at all that players who do enjoy risk/reward style of content currently don't have any of that, and that by releasing this content Zenimax is diversifying the options players have as to how they want to play the game?
Think of this as the patch that brought BGs (Battlegrounds) to World of Warcraft*3. The game had open world PvP already, and was mostly PvE focused, but still they decided to do this.
Did players throw a fit & start raging because Alterac Valley & Warsong Gulch weren't new PvE raids? No.
Did PvPers who enjoyed open world PvP rage about this? No.
It brought a new game mode, a new option for people who enjoyed that kind of gameplay, and judging by the success of said MMO it paid off.
Imperial City is just that, a new game mode for the people who enjoy that type of gameplay.
And by the looks of it, quite a few do.
As people, we tend not to always enjoy the exact same things. I'm sure some people will get upset & rage if ZOS decides to release a new trial/raid, but as long as we're all getting content we enjoy, everything is fine. Even if others get content they enjoy as well.
If anything, this is a good sign: a sign that Zenimax is willing to provide a wide diversity of content, not just content for a specifc group of players.
Still not convinced the patch is a good thing?
Then wait for Orsinium, hopefully packed with content you (not everyone) will enjoy.
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kamikaze590 wrote: »There's a lot of discussion going on about the next DLC, I thought I'd share my take on it and since it's a longer post, I think it deserves its own thread.
First of all, contrary to the popular belief this patch is not 100% for PvPers.
Every dungeon currently in game will be scaled up to V16, with V16 gear drops that can be deconstructed for the new crafting materials.*1
ZOS is also releasing two new group dungeons with this DLC, with their own V16 gear sets.
PvErs that don't mind risk/reward PvP will also most likely be able to enjoy Imperial City.
Gear bought with Tel Var stones will also be Bind on Equip, so you will be able to purchase it without ever setting foot in PvP.*2
Note: I would personally prefer there being some strong BoP gear sets, equally strong with the new BoP gear sets dropped in PvE dungeons.
A lot of players are thinking "I don't like this risk/reward style of content, but I'd be able to enjoy it if it didn't have that risk".
But are you considering at all that players who do enjoy risk/reward style of content currently don't have any of that, and that by releasing this content Zenimax is diversifying the options players have as to how they want to play the game?
Think of this as the patch that brought BGs (Battlegrounds) to World of Warcraft*3. The game had open world PvP already, and was mostly PvE focused, but still they decided to do this.
Did players throw a fit & start raging because Alterac Valley & Warsong Gulch weren't new PvE raids? No.
Did PvPers who enjoyed open world PvP rage about this? No.
It brought a new game mode, a new option for people who enjoyed that kind of gameplay, and judging by the success of said MMO it paid off.
Imperial City is just that, a new game mode for the people who enjoy that type of gameplay.
And by the looks of it, quite a few do.
As people, we tend not to always enjoy the exact same things. I'm sure some people will get upset & rage if ZOS decides to release a new trial/raid, but as long as we're all getting content we enjoy, everything is fine. Even if others get content they enjoy as well.
If anything, this is a good sign: a sign that Zenimax is willing to provide a wide diversity of content, not just content for a specifc group of players.
Still not convinced the patch is a good thing?
Then wait for Orsinium, hopefully packed with content you (not everyone) will enjoy.
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*2 Source:
Hello, what do you mean by never having to set foot in pvp in order to get the tel var stone gear? I like pvp I'm just curious, I also heard that you would get tel car stones through the story missions in Imperial city which I think is awesome.
ESO isn't supposed to be, by which I mean was never 'sold' as, a MOBA. Moreover, ESO is supposed to be a hybrid PVP/PVE game, IC isn't that kind of content, it's PVP with some PVE for PVEers willing to be ganked .. just like the rest of Cyrodiil which has large chunks of PVE content out of reach to those who want nothing to do with PVP.Also worth noting: risk/reward style mechanics are extremely popular & well received in MOBA games..
Imperial City is just that, a new game mode for the people who enjoy that type of gameplay.
And by the looks of it, quite a few do.
Another thing I would like to add...
Unless it's decided that IC will be open to all alliances all the time.. think about this. Your alliance gets control of IC - MANY players who want to PvP, and want to steal stones from others will rush in.. killing the enemy PvP'ers. Give them a few minutes to get to work, and you can head in behind, picking off mobs and going about your business. Is it completely and absolutely risk free? No, but it won't be enemy PvP'ers around every corner 24/7.
Celestrael wrote: »This thread makes too much sense, I cannot endorse it.
Also, I'd bet crowns that this thread trends for days with the same complainers reiterating over and over why they are butthurt. Like the same ones are doing on like 5 threads currently on the front page. Same tired people, same tired cries, same tired discussion.
I think pure PvEers are putting too much focus on the Tel Var stones. Even if you never get to use any of your stones because you constantly lose them to PvPers, the IC is worth doing.
You will get gold, experience, new motifs, style items, generic equipment to decraft for new materials, and new item sets unique to the Imperial City just by normal PvE gameplay, all of which you cannot lose on death. Not to mention all the new questlines and dailies to be found in the City.
All of that said, I am more than happy to leave IC, unaltered, to any players who wish to enjoy it as I intend to take no part in it or its activities...
...except for the crafting. If the crafting mats, motifs and crafting stations are IC exclusive then IC can go bite the fattest part of a ogrim's a... posterior section.
If you won't go into IC to play slaughter-goat, you'll be behind a "PvP-wall".
So.... There will be no rewards at all now for doing a dungeon for a lvl 10-Vr10 since all the loot will be vr13-16 in the dungeons? You will only get some stuff you have to store for months or deconstruct?
hmmm.. Not sure this is a super good idea lootwise, sure, it's super nice for finding a team and getting a hit in the group finder. But I'm conserned about the loot. I like loot.
ESO isn't supposed to be, by which I mean was never 'sold' as, a MOBA. Moreover, ESO is supposed to be a hybrid PVP/PVE game, IC isn't that kind of content, it's PVP with some PVE for PVEers willing to be ganked .. just like the rest of Cyrodiil which has large chunks of PVE content out of reach to those who want nothing to do with PVP.Also worth noting: risk/reward style mechanics are extremely popular & well received in MOBA games..
MOBA mechanics belong in MOBA games, not ESO.
All of that said, I am more than happy to leave IC, unaltered, to any players who wish to enjoy it as I intend to take no part in it or its activities...
...except for the crafting. If the crafting mats, motifs and crafting stations are IC exclusive then IC can go bite the fattest part of a ogrim's a... posterior section.
If you won't go into IC to play slaughter-goat, you'll be behind a "PvP-wall".
As a minimum, you are going to be gouged by PvPers currently being the sole source of Cyrodil Light rings, whatever-else-top-PvE items and then also exclusive providers of TV stones.
On the contrary, the few pieces of gear useful for PvP they need to get through PvE (which I find absurd, everybody should be able to grind his gear playing his preferred game) are easily achieved with a couple of gold key runs and similar. No need to actually face "intelligent" opponents denying them the gear.
ESO isn't supposed to be, by which I mean was never 'sold' as, a MOBA. Moreover, ESO is supposed to be a hybrid PVP/PVE game, IC isn't that kind of content, it's PVP with some PVE for PVEers willing to be ganked .. just like the rest of Cyrodiil which has large chunks of PVE content out of reach to those who want nothing to do with PVP.Also worth noting: risk/reward style mechanics are extremely popular & well received in MOBA games..
MOBA mechanics belong in MOBA games, not ESO.
This is exactly what is going to happen to me, and I don't mind that. Just like in the rest of Cyrodiil, you can get killed while doing the "PvE content", and that happens a lot when I'm doing the Cyrodiil dailies. Particularly in Bruma. At least in Imperial City the distance to travel to get back to where I was before is much less than it is in Cyrodiil, considering each Alliance Base has a safe route to every District. The Sewer sections closest to your base will also be safer than the sections closer to the other bases, just like the three "home territory" areas of Cyrodiil are the safest. All the sections are full of mobs, so you could reasonably hang around in your safest sewer, rack up your TV stones, get easily back to the bank to offload, and repeat.Firstly I would like to state two things. I am generally in favour of this DLC and its PvP centric nature. I am also what might be called a pure PvE player.Generally I would agree with this. The issue that this does not address is that while you are undertaking "normal PvE gameplay" by killing mobs for loot drops you will be getting Tel Var stones even if you want them or not. That you will accrue the stones anyway will paint a fairly large target on your backside. PvP players will not be able to see whether you do or do not have any stones on you, and there isn't likely to be a flag in the system if you are running on empty (and thus are unlikely to be worth killing)... so you will be likely to get killed anyway.I think pure PvEers are putting too much focus on the Tel Var stones. Even if you never get to use any of your stones because you constantly lose them to PvPers, the IC is worth doing.
You will get gold, experience, new motifs, style items, generic equipment to decraft for new materials, and new item sets unique to the Imperial City just by normal PvE gameplay, all of which you cannot lose on death. Not to mention all the new questlines and dailies to be found in the City.
There's a lot of discussion going on about the next DLC, I thought I'd share my take on it and since it's a longer post, I think it deserves its own thread.
First of all, contrary to the popular belief this patch is not 100% for PvPers.
Every dungeon currently in game will be scaled up to V16, with V16 gear drops that can be deconstructed for the new crafting materials.*1
ZOS is also releasing two new group dungeons with this DLC, with their own V16 gear sets.
PvErs that don't mind risk/reward PvP will also most likely be able to enjoy Imperial City.
Gear bought with Tel Var stones will also be Bind on Equip, so you will be able to purchase it without ever setting foot in PvP.*2
Note: I would personally prefer there being some strong BoP gear sets, equally strong with the new BoP gear sets dropped in PvE dungeons.
A lot of players are thinking "I don't like this risk/reward style of content, but I'd be able to enjoy it if it didn't have that risk".
But are you considering at all that players who do enjoy risk/reward style of content currently don't have any of that, and that by releasing this content Zenimax is diversifying the options players have as to how they want to play the game?
Think of this as the patch that brought BGs (Battlegrounds) to World of Warcraft*3. The game had open world PvP already, and was mostly PvE focused, but still they decided to do this.
Did players throw a fit & start raging because Alterac Valley & Warsong Gulch weren't new PvE raids? No.
Did PvPers who enjoyed open world PvP rage about this? No.
It brought a new game mode, a new option for people who enjoyed that kind of gameplay, and judging by the success of said MMO it paid off.
Imperial City is just that, a new game mode for the people who enjoy that type of gameplay.
And by the looks of it, quite a few do.
As people, we tend not to always enjoy the exact same things. I'm sure some people will get upset & rage if ZOS decides to release a new trial/raid, but as long as we're all getting content we enjoy, everything is fine. Even if others get content they enjoy as well.
If anything, this is a good sign: a sign that Zenimax is willing to provide a wide diversity of content, not just content for a specifc group of players.
Still not convinced the patch is a good thing?
Then wait for Orsinium, hopefully packed with content you (not everyone) will enjoy.
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*2 Source:
leepalmer95 wrote: »
what about if your faction is extremely unpopulated compare to the rest? and that 95% of the time you only have 3-4 keeps in the map and thats with the other two factions having buff servers each which spreads there population.
ESO isn't supposed to be, by which I mean was never 'sold' as, a MOBA. Moreover, ESO is supposed to be a hybrid PVP/PVE game, IC isn't that kind of content, it's PVP with some PVE for PVEers willing to be ganked .. just like the rest of Cyrodiil which has large chunks of PVE content out of reach to those who want nothing to do with PVP.Also worth noting: risk/reward style mechanics are extremely popular & well received in MOBA games..
MOBA mechanics belong in MOBA games, not ESO.
The thing im worried about, in IC, is if youre a dedicated smallscale pvper, like solo or duo or 4 man group, youll encounter raids(12+) everywhere you go and that will be the only real reliable meta in there, raids that steamroll every soloer in there. If thats the case, then "fu" imperial city.
Another thing I would like to add...
Unless it's decided that IC will be open to all alliances all the time.. think about this. Your alliance gets control of IC - MANY players who want to PvP, and want to steal stones from others will rush in.. killing the enemy PvP'ers. Give them a few minutes to get to work, and you can head in behind, picking off mobs and going about your business. Is it completely and absolutely risk free? No, but it won't be enemy PvP'ers around every corner 24/7.