Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

New crafting/trading guild - looking for ppl who love to craft/trade/sell!

The guild name is ESO Crafters (esocrafters in game) - primarily a crafting enthusiast guild with lots of trading/selling. Recruiting starts tonight - send an email to esocrafters@gmail.com with your gamertag and you will be added.

Those of you who enjoy crafting and who are particularly good at it, include a little info on what your specialties are in the email and check out the beginning (rough beginning) of the ESO Crafters website: sites.google.com/sites/esocrafters

From this site, other players will be able to fill out an order form that can be submitted - one of us takes the job and gets paid an already-agreed upon amount for the job. No more waiting 30 days to see that a badass inferno staff you made wasn't the right style, or level, or whatever - you craft what they need and don't have to wait for someone to stumble upon it. Furthermore, people who submit these orders are encouraged to include crafting/improving materials with their orders. These will be stored in the guild bank so that our crafters can use them to create what they need for the order or anything else they wish to create for use or sale!

Here is the email address for the guild: esocrafters@gmail.com

Here is the web address for the guild: https://sites.google.com/site/esocrafters/home

Here is an order form for woodworking that you can check out (also on the site): https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7ek6J90L_TeUE5YWlVOalhobkk/view?usp=sharing

The orders are uploaded to a storage site, where senior members will have access to them - as well as the guild bank and guild website.
  • baby_y0sh
    UPDATE: Crafting ORDERS will be limited to full armor sets with at least fine quality. End users can add additional set weapons/armor if they wish at an additional cost.

    This is to keep the number of requests reasonable and to ensure each job taken on by one of the members of ESO Crafters is worth the time. As you know, COMPLETE armor sets are quite valuable and nearly impossible to come by unless you are able to do it yourself, or you have someone do it for you. That's where we will come in.

    Senior members of the guild will have complete access. Once one of these members takes on a job, they will invite the person to be a "customer" member of the guild, who will only have permission to join guild chat and deposit into guild bank. Only after the "customer member" deposits the amount agreed upon into the bank will we create the desired set armor/weapons. Transfer will take place face-to-face in-game and then the "customer member" will be removed from the guild. It is implied that each member leave a percentage of each job in the guild bank pay for guild activities, obtain improvement objects, buy a guild trader, etc. This percentage has yet to be decided as well as the pricing system. Any input would be appreciated.

    SO, email esocrafters@gmail.com with your GT, level, and crafting skill set. For example, mine is:

    GT: baby y0sh
    Level: 33 or 34?
    Crafting skill: Light armor, inferno destruction staffs, and frost destruction staffs.
    Edited by baby_y0sh on July 21, 2015 1:49AM
  • baby_y0sh
  • baby_y0sh
  • baby_y0sh
    Update! We are steadily growing - don't miss out on your chance to become a Founding Member! You get the rank of 'Founding Member' (yes, I am very creative :/) that has all the privileges of GuildMaster.

    If you love to craft and wan't to get better at it, send an email to esocrafters@gmail.com to join up!

    *For those of you who I have already added, you will be promoted the next time I log on ... tonight. See you all at the Woodworking Station!
  • baby_y0sh
    The guild name is ESO Crafters (esocrafters in game) – primarily a crafting enthusiast guild with lots of trading/selling. Recruiting now – send an email to esocrafters@gmail.com with your gamertag, level, and crafting skillset(s).

    Here is the email address for the guild: esocrafters@gmail.com
    Here is the web address for the guild: https://sites.google.com/site/esocrafters/home

    Crafting orders for non-members via our website will be limited to full armor sets improved to at least fine quality. They can then add additional set weapons/armor if they wish at an additional cost.

    This is to keep the number of requests reasonable and to ensure each job taken on by one of the members of ESO Crafters is worth the time. As you know, COMPLETE armor sets are quite valuable and nearly impossible to come by unless you are able to do it yourself, or you have someone do it for you. That’s where we will come in.

    Senior Members/Founding Members of the guild will have complete access. Once one of these members takes on a job, they will invite the person to be a “customer” member of the guild, who will only have permission to join guild chat and deposit into guild bank. Only after the “customer member” deposits the amount agreed upon into the bank will we create the desired set armor/weapons. Transfer will take place face-to-face in-game and then the “customer member” will be removed from the guild. It is implied that each member leave a percentage of each job in the guild bank pay for guild activities, obtain improvement objects, buy a guild trader, etc. This percentage has yet to be decided as well as the pricing system. Any input would be appreciated.

    Quick note: The customers are taking it on good faith that their oder will be COMPLETE within the day of their deposit into our guild bank. For our members, failure to deliver will have strict and swift actions taken against them. By having the process of collection before delivery eliminates fake orders; however, there is no protection for the customer, other than my actions against fraud on our end and the guarantee that every complaint sent to me at esocrafters@gmail.com will be investigated. If any fraud is found on our end, the customer will get a FULL REFUND and a free crafting item of his/her choice with the added opportunity to submit a re-order directly to me which will be done at half price. Basically, we won’t tolerate fraud at any end of the transaction – so, don’t do it.
    Email esocrafters@gmail.com with your GT, level, and crafting skill set to join up! For example, mine is:

    GT: baby y0sh
    Level: 34
    Crafting skill: Light armor, inferno destruction staffs, and frost destruction staffs.

    The first 10 people to join will be automatically given the position of Founding Member (hurry – we’re almost there!) – this position has all the privileges of GuildMaster. The additional 40 members will have a high-ranking position automatically [Executive Officer] with only a few privileges revoked. The rest will be automatically added as Members with the opportunity to get promoted at a later time (however, lower than GM, FM, and Executive Officer). EMAIL TO JOIN!!

    See you at the Woodworking Stations!

    – baby y0sh
  • baby_y0sh
    Looking for a crafting guild?

    Send an email with your GT to esocrafters@gmail.com to join ESO Crafters! We are a small guild now, but are growing!

    Level up fast with the help of this guild! We have a strong guild bank with raw materials and and other crafting materials so you have what you need to craft the best stuff you can! Also, we make a habit of depositing many things we craft into the guild bank so that other members can deconstruct the items for crafting experience and materials!

    Ensure a high position in this guild by joining now!

    The founding members positions have been filled, but each member will have access to the guild bank and will have the ability to ADD MORE PEOPLE TO THE GUILD so that we can keep growing!! Members that prove themselves as contributing members will be promoted!

    Once we have enough members for a guild store and trader, members will have the option of selling their wares or contributing to the guild bank!

    Join ESOCrafters today and start leveling your crafting abilities!! Send an email with your GT to esocrafters@gmail.com to join and help grow this guild to become a FOUNDING MEMBER with ALL the privileges of GUILDMASTER!

    In the meantime - keep crafting!

    - baby y0sh
  • baby_y0sh

    Now, we have online trading on our website! Join today!

    Email esocrafters@gmail.com to join and visit https://sites.google.com/site/esocrafters/home to visit our page, join Google Groups, and start trading!
  • baby_y0sh
    Looking for a crafting guild? Join ESO Crafters by emailing your gamer tag to esocrafters@gmail.com!

    We have:
    -Wonderful guild members willing to donate crafting materials they do not need
    -A guild bank full of great crafting materials for you to use in exchange for materials you don't need or gold
    -A website where you can request crafting items
    -The website also features an auction block where you can submit items you have crafted yourself
    -Opportunities to win great stuff during guild raffles

    We are growing fast! Email esocrafters@gmail.com today!

  • baby_y0sh
    Still looking for a crafting guild? Look no further! Join the XBox One crafting guild, ESO Crafters, by either:

    1. Emailing your GT to esocrafters@gmail.com


    2. Join via the ESO Crafters app!

    ...for the iPHONE:

    ...for an ANDROID device:

    ...for a Kindle device:

    ESO Crafters app includes features such as:
    - A chat room
    - A social wall for posts
    - A raffle entry form (for our upcoming Malachite Shard raffle!)
    - Pocket tools: just a calculator and a note pad to calculate and document how much you sell or pay for certain items
    - and a 'Join' button for non-members

    The app was created to make crafting and trading easier for its members - if there are any features you would like but don't see, email esocrafters@gmail.com with your GT and suggestion.
    Edited by baby_y0sh on October 18, 2015 9:49PM
  • Rimmsa
    Having problems getting people to!?!?

    I'll join. I run my own Guild so maybe we can collaborate?
    -Xbox One = Rimmsa
    Viktor Tsolvkov = V3 Life Sapping Imperial Nightblade - Daggerfall Covenant
    Vincent LaFlur = Lvl12 Dark Magicka High Elf Sorcerer - Aldmeri Dominion

    Sludge Industries Guild Master. Sludge Industries is ALWAYS looking for new associates and members!
    ESOCrafters VP

    Check out the guild websites!
  • sup3rphi1
    Soul Shriven
    I'll join

  • baby_y0sh
    Invites have been sent out to Rimmsa and MajorSup3rphi1 - happy crafting!

    To others who would like to join, simply email your GT to esocrafters@gmail.com ... you can also post your GT in this forum, however, I do not check the forum as often I do my email.

    A note about the ESO Crafters iphone app: Some people are reporting not being able to install it on their phones. So, here is a link to the actual download site: apps.appypie.com/media/appfile/85aa5809ab99.ipa. This will download the app to your computer, and you can install it via iTunes!

    The other links above should work properly by using your phone... which brings me to my SHOUT OUT to BattleTits66 for being the FIRST MEMBER to join using the ESO Crafters app!

    So, for those of you who have NOT joined up yet - send your GT to esocrafters@gmail.com or leave your GT below!

    Happy crafting,

    baby y0sh
  • Rando4
    Soul Shriven
    Sign me up.

    Gamertag: Rando4
  • baby_y0sh
    Update: ESO Crafters and Sludge Industries have partnered up! Reap the benefits of being in two collaborated guilds and join up today!

    GM ESOC: baby y0sh
    GM Sludge Ind.: Rimmsa

    Here are links to our websites:

    ESOC: https://sites.google.com/site/esocrafters/

    ... to download our iPhone app, click the following link or find the app page on the ESOC website: apps.appypie.com/media/appfile/85aa5809ab99.ipa

    S.I.: sludgeindustries.gamerlaunch.com/

    To join ESO Crafters:
    1. Send your XBox GT to esocrafters@gmail.com (preferred)
    2. Download our app and go to the 'Join' section (preferred)
    3. Reply on this forum with your GT (takes a little longer to get a response)

    Rimmsa and I (baby y0sh) will be hosting a raffle for a malachite shard (in game value averages around 3,000 gold) - a very rare crafting item. The start of the raffle will be announced through Sludge Industries website, in-game MOTD, and on this forum. Raffle submissions will only be accepted through the ESO Crafters app (iPhone, Android, Kindle) - however, if you are unable to install the app or do not have one of the smart devices listed above, contact me at esocrafters@gmail.com or contact Rimmsa via his website. GOOD LUCK TO YOU ALL!
  • baby_y0sh

    Join by emailing your GT to esocrafters@gmail.com to join ESO Crafters and get the app to enter the raffle!

    In your original email, indicate if you want to join both ESO Crafters and Sludge Industries or just ESO Crafters.

    *If this information isn't included, by default, you will be invited to BOTH GUILDS, as we are sister guilds and work together to provide guild member perks to every aspect that TESO offers!
  • baby_y0sh


    Happy crafting!

    -baby y0sh
  • baby_y0sh
    We are still recruiting! If you love to craft and/or want to trade or sell the fruits of your crafting labor, reply with your GT below or send an email to esocrafters@gmail.com.

    You can also message baby y0sh or Rimmsa in-game to join!

    ESO Crafters and Sludge Industries are sister guilds - get the most out of being in a guild that collaborates with another guild!
  • baby_y0sh

    Go to forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/197541/new-crafting-trading-guild-looking-for-ppl-who-love-to-craft-trade-sell to see the new forum for this guild (ESO Crafters) and its wonderful sister guild, Sludge Industries!
  • baby_y0sh

    2 Malachite Shards - used for crafting with glass.

    To join, reply with your GT or email esocrafters@gmail.com (preferred)

    -baby y0sh
  • qingshang
    Looking for a guild with trader to sell on
  • baby_y0sh
    This is not the guild you're looking for...

    We are a crafting guild and use our guild store to distribute goods that have been graciously donated by our members at severely lowered prices. This allows for our members to find the crafting materials they need without paying the ridiculous prices charged by other guilds. Members who donate more than they buy are rewarded.

    You are looking for a trading guild - corporate megalomania - they generally require weekly deposits of 5000 gold and generally have a completely different member list every 2 weeks.
  • ComboBreaker88
  • Rimmsa

    Edited by Rimmsa on November 9, 2015 2:48AM
    -Xbox One = Rimmsa
    Viktor Tsolvkov = V3 Life Sapping Imperial Nightblade - Daggerfall Covenant
    Vincent LaFlur = Lvl12 Dark Magicka High Elf Sorcerer - Aldmeri Dominion

    Sludge Industries Guild Master. Sludge Industries is ALWAYS looking for new associates and members!
    ESOCrafters VP

    Check out the guild websites!
  • Rimmsa
    -Xbox One = Rimmsa
    Viktor Tsolvkov = V3 Life Sapping Imperial Nightblade - Daggerfall Covenant
    Vincent LaFlur = Lvl12 Dark Magicka High Elf Sorcerer - Aldmeri Dominion

    Sludge Industries Guild Master. Sludge Industries is ALWAYS looking for new associates and members!
    ESOCrafters VP

    Check out the guild websites!
  • ComboBreaker88
    Add me ComboBreaker88
  • Rimmsa
    If y0sh doesn't add you, I'll be sure to shoot an invite out to you for ESOC as well.
    -Xbox One = Rimmsa
    Viktor Tsolvkov = V3 Life Sapping Imperial Nightblade - Daggerfall Covenant
    Vincent LaFlur = Lvl12 Dark Magicka High Elf Sorcerer - Aldmeri Dominion

    Sludge Industries Guild Master. Sludge Industries is ALWAYS looking for new associates and members!
    ESOCrafters VP

    Check out the guild websites!
  • Rimmsa
    -Xbox One = Rimmsa
    Viktor Tsolvkov = V3 Life Sapping Imperial Nightblade - Daggerfall Covenant
    Vincent LaFlur = Lvl12 Dark Magicka High Elf Sorcerer - Aldmeri Dominion

    Sludge Industries Guild Master. Sludge Industries is ALWAYS looking for new associates and members!
    ESOCrafters VP

    Check out the guild websites!
  • baby_y0sh
    Haha! Love the bump, Rimmsa!
  • Herelacfreahelm
    I would like to join your crafting guild and my gamertag is Erich68CS
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