Maintenance for the week of September 9:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 9

end of campaign reward questions

  • Attorneyatlawl
    Pingu wrote: »
    Just found out that a few friends managed to get 5 pieces of gold gear, lucky!

    I would really look forward to more clearer UI elements displaying cut-off points for rewards. I have no clue what the 10% 3% etc are when I cannot figure out how many are actually in the campaign.

    I think I have just missed out on the 30day rewardings as I havent received a mail during two hours or so. Which sort of sucks, but hopefully they can make it more visible going forward.

    @ZOS_BrianWheeler , is there any place where you can figure out what tier you would be in? You state about possibly adding 4 and 5 tiers, but cant even figure out where the first 3 are :dizzy:

    The UI needs a lot of work, and not just for basics like showing the reward cutoff (which should both be a dividing line on the leaderboards, and an icon indicating that you are or aren't getting them currently on your main alliance war page, hovering over which would show a tooltip saying what rank you'd need to earn). It's a much broader issue.
    -First-Wave Closed Beta Tester of the Psijic Order, aka the 0.016 percent.
    Exploits suck. Don't blame just the game, blame the players abusing them!

    -Playing since July 2013, back when we had a killspam channel in Cyrodiil and the lands of Tamriel were roamed by dinosaurs.
    -In-game mains abound with "Nerf" in their name. As I am asked occasionally, I do not play on anything but the PC NA Megaserver at this time.
  • Garion
    Ezareth wrote: »
    Garion wrote: »
    Cyrodiil sets will be included in the rewards for the worthy bags in the update as well.

    And with that you've just destroyed the only way PvPers can make money... excellent!

    Except that you have to PvP to get those and the PvPers who proportionally PvP more willl get.....more of them?

    I'd much rather go back to spending my AP on things like wall repair kits etc.

    I haven't bought a wall repair kit or more than a couple siege weapons with my AP since 1.5.

    But the price will crash. We may get more, but I don't think the price drop (twinned with the fact we'll see a drop anyway because of new sets etc) will make up for it.
    Lastobeth - VR16 Sorc - PvP Rank 41 (AD)
    Lastoblyat - VR16 Templar - PvP Rank 14 (AD)
    Ninja Pete - VR16 NB - PvP Rank 10 (AD)
    Labo the Banana Slayer - VR14 Sorc - PvP Rank 12 (EP)

    Member of Banana Squad | Officer of Arena
  • Makkir
    Garion wrote: »
    Ezareth wrote: »
    Garion wrote: »
    Cyrodiil sets will be included in the rewards for the worthy bags in the update as well.

    And with that you've just destroyed the only way PvPers can make money... excellent!

    Except that you have to PvP to get those and the PvPers who proportionally PvP more willl get.....more of them?

    I'd much rather go back to spending my AP on things like wall repair kits etc.

    I haven't bought a wall repair kit or more than a couple siege weapons with my AP since 1.5.

    But the price will crash. We may get more, but I don't think the price drop (twinned with the fact we'll see a drop anyway because of new sets etc) will make up for it.

    You don't know what the drop rate is going to be yet.
  • Xsorus
    Garion wrote: »
    Ezareth wrote: »
    Garion wrote: »
    Cyrodiil sets will be included in the rewards for the worthy bags in the update as well.

    And with that you've just destroyed the only way PvPers can make money... excellent!

    Except that you have to PvP to get those and the PvPers who proportionally PvP more willl get.....more of them?

    I'd much rather go back to spending my AP on things like wall repair kits etc.

    I haven't bought a wall repair kit or more than a couple siege weapons with my AP since 1.5.

    But the price will crash. We may get more, but I don't think the price drop (twinned with the fact we'll see a drop anyway because of new sets etc) will make up for it.

    You also have to remember the price will probably crash based entirely on the fact that 20+ new sets are coming anyway that will probably be better.

    Either way you'll make more money over time simply from getting the bags and selling the loot then ya would of possibly spending some of your AP and then hoping to get lucky.

    I mean I spent most of the game throwing any covenant stuff i got on guild merchants for like 200-250 gold a pop and selling it off usually.
  • Iyas
    Xsorus wrote: »
    Garion wrote: »
    Ezareth wrote: »
    Garion wrote: »
    Cyrodiil sets will be included in the rewards for the worthy bags in the update as well.

    And with that you've just destroyed the only way PvPers can make money... excellent!

    Except that you have to PvP to get those and the PvPers who proportionally PvP more willl get.....more of them?

    I'd much rather go back to spending my AP on things like wall repair kits etc.

    I haven't bought a wall repair kit or more than a couple siege weapons with my AP since 1.5.

    But the price will crash. We may get more, but I don't think the price drop (twinned with the fact we'll see a drop anyway because of new sets etc) will make up for it.

    You also have to remember the price will probably crash based entirely on the fact that 20+ new sets are coming anyway that will probably be better.

    Either way you'll make more money over time simply from getting the bags and selling the loot then ya would of possibly spending some of your AP and then hoping to get lucky.

    I mean I spent most of the game throwing any covenant stuff i got on guild merchants for like 200-250 gold a pop and selling it off usually.

    yeah for research purpose :expressionless:
    Noricum/ Kitesquad/ PC/EU

    Kitesquad Vol. 1
  • Takes-No-Prisoner
    The rewards I got were pretty nice for being on the 30 day Azura's Star campaign. 5 legendary items including two from the Vicious Ophidian set. Just sucks that the chest piece I got was light armor lol. The other 4 were medium armor.

    I got; Masters Restro Stave, Masters Destruction Stave, Masters Dagger, Curse Eater piece and Ravaging piece. All gold. I was one happy person since I can use the Destro/Resto. :) I was rank 50? something. AD side.
  • GorraShatan
    That percentage chance was really...really...really low. It's been upped significantly now to roughly a 10% getting a blue, and 5% getting a purple. Also remember there was 0% purple before =)

    Keep in mind though that at least for more sophisticated players, and excluding jewelry, we're really looking for set pieces and not necessarily for blue/purple drops. Even if which set drops is purely random, I think most would prefer just to see more sets drop in general. There are a lot of interesting and neat sets out there, and even if every one that drops in PvP isn't necessarily useful it's still fun to try to think of ways to work them into your PvP.

    Though I suppose those are useful for mats for people who exclusively PvP.
  • domlynchb16_ESO
    campaign just ended for me on PS4 EU

    I think i finished leaderboard number 40 for faction, i was top 5 at one point but stopped playing towards the end to level a new dragonknight.

    i got 5 yellow items - 1 masters 2h, resto, destro, and 2 armor - sisters + soemthing else i forget what it was

    i have 2 nb's - 1 stamina and 1 magicka, - i think the weapons given are based on your weapon skills/used during the campaign (so if i later play my 1h shield dk i might get a masters 1h?) seems a bit coincidence that i got those weapons exactly.

    not bad gifts for end of campaign :)
    Edited by domlynchb16_ESO on July 9, 2015 9:00PM
  • Raizin
    Cyrodiil sets will be included in the rewards for the worthy bags in the update as well.
    Beesting wrote: »
    Raizin wrote: »
    End of campaign rewards for the 30 day will give more items than the 7 day, but the rewards for the worthy bags are the same regardless of duration of campaign. And there was already a chance for blues to drop in the bags, but not purples. We added the purple chance in the coming patch.

    no idea about what "blue gear" u talk about, i have recieved thousands of bags - never single blue piece of gear in it.. Unless of course the drop rate is 0.00000001% then excuse me.
    Cyrodiil sets will be included in the rewards for the worthy bags in the update as well.


    and we pvpers are suppose to make gold how now? i wonder if u even play your game, or ever tryed it :D

    I have an idea, that would work really well:

    Add a fishing hole to resources like arrius mine and farragut farm so we can fish for perfect roe while waiting for the defense tick.....

    Feel free to promote this idea :wink:

    i ll promote this 100%
    HellSeesYou = v16/AD/Rank 37-Former emp/EU TB-AZura(Old Auriels Bow badass) ___ Vampire Templar/Resto/Destro staff user from Banana squad
    HellSeesAll - v16/EP/Rank 19 Magicka NB/Necrotic Lag member
    HellSeesUs - v16/AD/Rank 18 Stamina Templar
  • kgwally88
    Soul Shriven
    From iowa but play EU thornblade. I was lvl 44 and played way too much, finished maybe top 10 for DC and I think 25th ish overall, don't remember the gold but I did get 3 gold staves. 2 dps and a healing. Which I still rock on vet 4 sgt grade 2. But I'm talking hours every day healing a team that seems too cheap/afraid to drop siege and usually fights at the wall of our spawn.
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