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Bank Robbery

Is there anything I can do about a player robbing everything out of our guild bank? We have more then 100 members who worked hard to fill it to max capacity with blue and purple items and it doesn't seem fair that one guy can go in and take everything. Can this player be reported and banned or can we somehow recover tge items? I think we need more options when it comes to giving guild responsibilities. A future update allowing daily withdraw limits would help so much
Edited by B_EAZY_TRAP_GOD on July 3, 2015 6:41PM
  • Ranique
    Yes there is...do not let members in your bank. Make it deposit only and ask an officer if you want something out of it.

    There is nothing you can do bout it cause basically the person didn't break any rule. You invited him into your guild, gave him access to your bank (permission to take what you want) and so he did. A player is not bound to rules you make as a guild.

    See a guild as a club of people. In small clubs you might give all members access to the vault where you keep the clubs posessions, but once you grow, you know only certain people that earned the trust should have access. donations are welcome, but for the rest lock it up and let people ask for stuff.

    The only QoL update I can think of is an officers mailbox. All offcers get mail sent to it and once one officer deletes it, it gets deleted for all officers. The way this helps is cause it speeds up the process of handling requests of members. They sent an email. Once an officer is near the bank he takes out the item, sents it to the member and deletes the email.
    Through me you pass into the city of woe:
    Through me you pass into eternal pain:
    Through me among the people lost for aye.

    PC player - EU
    Thanks for the advice, everythings been goin great so far except for this slip up, it just sucks cuz i put every single blue and purple that i earned from lvl 1-46 except what im wearing in there to earn money for my guild
  • Pizzonage
    You can report the player and they may get a warning since most mmo's frown upon ninjaing, you won the find out the results regardless though only advice is since you can't shame them on the forums but just warn other gms in game.
  • Stannum
    first, there is a journal where you can see all transactions in guild bank.
    second, you can put unallowed members to group where they cannot withdraw items from GB
  • Pizzonage
    My guess dancing is that one it's a guild based on everyone helping everyone which does work in most mmo's since you limit daily transactions as well as have individualized tabs so the more rare stuff requires higher rank. ESO essentially welcomes gbank robbing without these limitations get high enough clean out find new guild and since you can join 5 that is a very bad thing as you can unload 5 guilds with no penalties most people don't want to assume everyone will screw them over.
  • failkiwib16_ESO
    I uprank my members, I have they have been in the guild for at least a fair amount of time, and I have played with them personally and talked to them, had conversations. I don't want to give really immature, reckless players or randomes from zone directly access to my guildbank, because if it gets robbed - most of my guild will suffer from it.

    I recomend you to report him to zenimax, but don't expect them to do anything about it. Report him to other guilds and friends you know.
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