BUFF ESO + membership

  • Sausage
    spawn10459 wrote: »

    Meaningful in the future does not = meaningful now.

    If we had 10 DLC packs then yes ESO + would be worth the money but we have 0. What they could have done was left the DLC park out and added it in with the release for the first DLC launch. They could have used it as a PR stunt.

    I agree, Ive been thinking they should drop off the ES+ access to all content, instead just give lots of boosters for subbers. That should do it. Boosters might just be enough to sub I think, give 50 euros worth of boosters for monthly 15 euros, that sounds like a good deal to me.
    Edited by Sausage on June 30, 2015 4:00PM
  • Ion
    Soul Shriven
    You get back your costs per month in the form of crowns. And in addition to the amount of crowns we will get access to the upcoming DLCs.
    For me personally the membership doesnt need a buff. I would think that the monthly fee is basically what they would need to keep the game running and develop new content. That I get crowns and access to DLCs now is just a bonus for me. I am enjoying the game and I want to enjoy it for a long time; the membership is my way of contributing.

  • spawn10459
    This has been a very productive post. Sadly ZOS will not read it and this thread will be gone from the top page soon.
  • Lenikus
    Greed speaks louder.

    ... Mai cave. >:3
  • Ace_of_Destiny
    I would just like a custom title for ESO+ Membership, maybe...


    See what I did there? No? My Guild is Guardians of Daggerfall, so this title would *rock* for me. (lol)

    ~MegaServer~>PS4 (NA) ~PSN~>Ace-of-Destiny
    I don't care what platform it is on...an MMORPG without Text Chat is NOT an MMORPG!
  • AdamBourke
    No, You get your money's worth in crowns, plus the boosts.

    There is no DLC YET. But there will be.

    However, I don't subscribe because it is more expensive on PS4... Unless it's gone up on PC?
    PS4 - EU

    Please put the Eyevea/EarthForge wayshrines back on the map?
  • spawn10459
    AdamBourke wrote: »
    No, You get your money's worth in crowns, plus the boosts.

    There is no DLC YET. But there will be.

    However, I don't subscribe because it is more expensive on PS4... Unless it's gone up on PC?

    I think its 15$ for PC, PS4, and Xbox one.
  • Hanscrolo
    If you really want to make a difference, this isn't the place to do it. Forums represent the vocal minority.

    The only way to get the point across is to unsubscribe and leave feedback when they ask why you're leaving. I promise execs read reports on those statistics. They don't know or care about forum post/poll data - why should they?

    I would absolutely love to get more for our 15 a month. However, I'll continue to subscribe cause it's only 15 bucks, and I don't mind showing my support for a game I'm currently enjoying.

    edit: I voted yes cause of course i want more, who wouldn't?
    Edited by Hanscrolo on June 30, 2015 4:40PM
  • dabulls7491
    Yes, just bc I want priority queing. I paid 1 month, not sure if Ill go a second. I dont need a horse skin, and I prefer to collect motifs in game
    Edited by dabulls7491 on June 30, 2015 5:16PM
  • BigM
    Seth_Black wrote: »

    No, that's just an OPINION :) you don't have detailed information about it and I guess someone more competent that you manages it ;)
    And by 'understanding players' you mean listening to every whining kid with IQ just a little higher than his left shoe? :)
    First of all this is a PRODUCT made in accordance with some project and reaching some kind of goal you honestly have no idea about. END PRODUCT reaching customer usually doesn't look like expected end result (in most cases it's better)
    Second point: I guess you're not competent to assess someone's qualifications :smiley: you don't have any information about that specific group of people, who runs them and how, so comments like this just simply show pure ignorance and 'I know best' attitude of modern 'angry kids generation' (+100 points for using 'CODING'*)

    * VERY trendy word among crying unhappy kiddies

    Scroll away in peace ;)

    60 is being a kid? Being around the developers of online games for 17 years is being a kid and not understanding business and how these games work is being a kid. You are so off base and no understanding how these games work is amazing you could even make that statement. :smiley:
    “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”
    ― Stephen Hawking
  • Nathrandir
    I voted yes for one reason and one reason only. The biggest perk of ESO+ to me is free access to DLC, and since there isn't any DLC available yet, its value is hamstrung.

    Once paid DLC starts coming out and having ESO+ means I don't have to shell out crowns for it, my vote will change. Until then though, more perks would be nice.
  • spawn10459
    For whatever the reason the YES votes are killing it.
  • Gidorick
    Ace-2112 wrote: »
    I would just like a custom title for ESO+ Membership, maybe...


    See what I did there? No? My Guild is Guardians of Daggerfall, so this title would *rock* for me. (lol)


    :lol: I joke! I joke! Actually, something as simple as a custom title would probably get me to re-sub.
    Edited by Gidorick on June 30, 2015 5:45PM
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • spawn10459
    Gidorick wrote: »


    :lol: I joke! I joke! Actually, something as simple as a custom title would probably get me to re-sub.

    I would have to agree.
  • Whendim_ESO
    I answered yes. Although I'm content with what I'm getting now, It would be cool if we got some sort of "get it before everyone else" deal on new items in the crown store.
  • Zorrashi
    You get bonuses to XP rate, gold earned and also get a bunch of crowns every month. With said crowns you can easily attain the upcoming DLCs (assuming you have to spend those crowns anyway, I think you can just get the DLCs crown-free if you subscribe).

    A few cosmetic things only for subscribers would be a fine addition but I don't think anything more material/boosting should be given on top of the other features.
  • Elsonso
    No DLC yet. Cannot assess what the impact of DLC will be until there are some, so I can't say whether ESO Plus needs to change.
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • spawn10459
    I see the mods moved the thread. Now its officially dead. lol
  • FlounderOG
    The exp gain is laughable. My friend levels just as fast as me without eso+.

    Sk far the only benefit Ive gotten is the crowns and little extra gold. Definitely not worth 15 bucks.
    -Daggerfall Covenant (Xbox NA)-
    Haderus Main
    Tavia Guest
  • Violynne
    I voted no because I don't want "buffs". The only reason I'm not subscribing now is because I don't want the exp or gold to my character. I don't like being OP, and 10% adds up quickly.

    The DLC is a non-issue with me. I'll be more than happy to pay for it directly because this game doesn't run for free.

    $70+ dollars gives us all this without a single string attached (console players, at least, not sure about PC version) for more payment.

    The deck is definitely stacked in our favor, so I don't feel ESO+ should be buffed further. In my opinion, that's going too far. I highly doubt DLC won't be attached (there's probably 0 now because it's not done yet?) at some point later, as well as additional Crown store items.

    Given how new this is to console players, I'm going to stay patient to see what's offered in time.
  • Seth_Black
    BigM wrote: »
    60 is being a kid? Being around the developers of online games for 17 years is being a kid and not understanding business and how these games work is being a kid. You are so off base and no understanding how these games work is amazing you could even make that statement. :smiley:

    1. At this age you should start covering yourself with dirt to get used to it already ;)
    2. Known fact: Men over 50 start acting like children ...again :)
    3. Since I was licensed tester for 14 years before companies got lazy and started public testing available almost to anyone I guess I really don't know how this works :smile: since my daily reports were supplied to programmers, coders and (that's the best part) freelancers :)
    4. I know at this point you won't stop arguing because of the golden rule 'I'm too old to admit someone is right' so I'll pass

    Don't get so angry gramps ...it's bad for blood pressure ;)
    Out of the night that covers me, Black as the pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul.
    It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul
  • Artemiisia
    voted yes as well, there is nothing in the +membership thats worth anything sadly

    I would love to contribute to the game, but as it sits with no new updates in 8 months, im not counting the recipe addition as a real update, I dont see any real incentive to stay as a paying member, once updates start rolling and the staff start communicating again with upcoming stuff and such I would gladly go + again
  • SedoUmbra
    Don't care becasue i will never subscribe.
    1st World Problems :wink:
  • Rev Rielle
    Rev Rielle
    Sure, why not.

    What about a 1% bonus to all stats. That would be interesting :wink:
    If you can be anything, be kind.
  • spawn10459
    Some more great feed back. Glad to see this still kicking around.
  • Seth_Black
    Rev Rielle wrote: »
    Sure, why not.

    What about a 1% bonus to all stats. That would be interesting :wink:

    That would be clearly P2W
    They can't make you more powerful than B2P players.
    There are people complaining about that exp buff already saying it gives you higher champion rank
    and makes it P2W already (but no, it doesn't).
    ESO+ members should be treated like members of the gym (that's a good example) :)
    In my town when you're casual you just pay for session and that's it.
    If you're member you get additional benefits of free sauna or free access to swimming pool, personal trainer consultation 4 times a month etc.
    ESO+ is like 'members club' where people should get some small nice benefits/presents :) without making them more powerful in the game than others. That's why ESO+ members shouldn't get crown store discounts like someone suggested ...we already get free crowns every month
    Out of the night that covers me, Black as the pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul.
    It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul
  • SamuelCroft
    Soul Shriven
    I also voted no. I don't like the idea of 'pay to win'. I have ESO+ for when the DLC comes out and getting a monthly 'allowance' is sweet too. The 10% boost is handy.
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