spawn10459 wrote: »and you know this how?
All I can say is: too bad. ZOS gives you $15 worth of crowns for your $15 and additional benefits. This isn't a pot luck. You don't get to choose what you want for $15.
EDIT: If ESO+ doesn't offer what you want, then don't subscribe. But it's ludicrous to ask for more than what's already offered, because what's offered is already worth more than what you pay.
spawn10459 wrote: »
and thus you proved my point. Change it now and this will force people to buy the DLC. Getting ESO + And DLC purchases.
I don't disagree, I just don't see any way that it would happen anytime in the near future, so what's the point of these threads? They're not going to change the model when the biggest selling point, free DLC, hasn't even begun yet.
This is what will happen and it has nothing to do with plus, people are talking with their wallets and the next few months will hurt them bad. People getting money back returning the game, GameSpot telling people to buy something else, yep your way is working. The game is bleeding and no one cares in top management it seems.
This is what will happen and it has nothing to do with plus, people are talking with their wallets and the next few months will hurt them bad. People getting money back returning the game, GameSpot telling people to buy something else, yep your way is working. The game is bleeding and no one cares in top management it seems.
ESO is now more popular than WoW in the US, according to Google Trends. "Bleeding". It's more popular than ever before.
spawn10459 wrote: »
And yet i bet WOW has more active memberships and active players then ESO does. i bet WOW beats ESO by at least 5 million players.
spawn10459 wrote: »Logic.. How do you out logic the highest grossing/ player base MMO of all time and continues to have more then 8million subs worldwide to charts that can not see EVERY person playing EVERY game. I dont use google trends or steam. So right there your logic is flawed.
If the most current information we have is actually correct, there's 7 million subscribers. And that was from Q1 2015. Warlords of Draenor's popularity has been more than cut in half since then.
Seth_Black wrote: »I would bring back 'Loyalty Program' under new name like 'Supporter' or something.
Since ESO+ members actively support the game with their subscriptions would be nice to have something designed just for them like unique emotes, costumes or something similar to loyalty rewards. Based on sub continuation like loyalty rewards did. In general P2P users don't complain often about the game and they're way less demanding than F2P fanatics
All we do is support with feedback, report bugs and leave suggestions without crying on all forums how broken game and CODING* is, how op are classes we don't even play etc
And I think would be really cool to have an option to 3D print your in-game character and buy it via Bethesda Store ...based on time of active sub, users would receive discounts where subs over let's say a year would get maximum discount of (for example) 30% or so. Longer you sub cheaper you buy ...and who wouldn't like to have his Tamriel hero on his desk?
* VERY trendy word among crying unhappy kiddies
spawn10459 wrote: »
and yet they just released a content patch. Subs always increase after a content patch. ESO would know this... Wait ESO wouldn't know this because no content has been added to the game in over a a year.
7million players at, at least $15 a month = $105,000,000 MONTHLY.
ESO has maybe 1000 subs at $15 a month = $15,000 ( used a made up number based on my bias of the member ship program in this game and how un popular and bad reviews this game has received over the last 12 months and the increased bad press for PS4 and Xbox one release.)
Seth_Black wrote: »I would bring back 'Loyalty Program' under new name like 'Supporter' or something.
Since ESO+ members actively support the game with their subscriptions would be nice to have something designed just for them like unique emotes, costumes or something similar to loyalty rewards. Based on sub continuation like loyalty rewards did. In general P2P users don't complain often about the game and they're way less demanding than F2P fanatics
All we do is support with feedback, report bugs and leave suggestions without crying on all forums how broken game and CODING* is, how op are classes we don't even play etc
And I think would be really cool to have an option to 3D print your in-game character and buy it via Bethesda Store ...based on time of active sub, users would receive discounts where subs over let's say a year would get maximum discount of (for example) 30% or so. Longer you sub cheaper you buy ...and who wouldn't like to have his Tamriel hero on his desk?
* VERY trendy word among crying unhappy kiddies
1. ESO just re-released on 2 new consoles and is now more popular than ever. When are you going to quit with the strawman arguments?
2. 7 million players that no longer have to subscribe to play. They aren't making $100 million a month from WoW. Not even close.
3. ESO doesn't make its money off subs anymore. If around 5% of PC players play through Steam (this is based on a previous poll on the forums that suggested this), then during peak hours there are around 67,000 players on PC alone. If ESO were entirely on Steam, this would make it the 5th most played game every day.
I don't have time to continue arguing the same point over and over with you. Get your head out of the sand and look at the numbers. They point to ESO doing just fine. Good day.
Katsibrokos wrote: »My sub ends next month and imho there is absolutely no reason to put up a new one as it is right now. Very low bonuses and no DLC in the horizon. For a B2P game, it really sucks to have a sub. I ll save my time cards for later use.
spawn10459 wrote: »
Why did you even sub in the first place?
Most of us subbed to support the game, any game I play I support if I like it. Yes even if F2P or B2P, but I was wrong, they clearly do not care about us so I will never support this game again. Well unless a big change is done at the top and they stop outsourcing, loyalty is important to any MMORPG whether it is employees or customers.
Right now this game has none of that!
@Seth_Black I really don't see anything they do now to help the game, it is to late and only a complete redoing of high management could possibly save it. Even then they are going to have to hire good programmers stop outsourcing and have coders and management that actually understands the ES name and player base and most important cares about the brand.
Then lastly stop the revolving door with coders.