BUFF ESO + membership

Do you think the ESO + member ship needs to be buffed with more meaningful rewards. I mean as it stands right now we get access to all that DLC out there ( AKA there is 0 DLC)
Edited by spawn10459 on June 30, 2015 1:20PM

BUFF ESO + membership 174 votes

Ysne58SorianaGidorickgiff2830_ESOWhendim_ESOmichaelb14a_ESO2DarastixParadoxJacksonCarter13HanscroloLatinLegacyBigMmiked83b14_ESOMalediktusmarkush0815xMovingTargetstevvvob16_ESOTaonnorRhakonJeckll 140 votes
stevenbennett_ESOSlurglolo_01b16_ESOPendrillionGaldorPSeptimus_Magnajackmacphee8dmrubenachcub18_ESOtheroyalestpythonnub18_ESOBuggeXZorrashiElsonsoVictusJimT722FfastylMCMancubAdamBourkeGrimnaurEphanyViolynne 25 votes
Don't care becasue i will never subscribe.
AlienSlofJrocvaanomegaparpinKarlsonationRavens-Sonatao00Six00oKalbumSedoUmbra 9 votes
  • Ace_of_Destiny
    I voted "yes", just because I am greedy, and want more "bang for my buck".

    ...and...did I mention, I am greedy? :*

    ~MegaServer~>PS4 (NA) ~PSN~>Ace-of-Destiny
    I don't care what platform it is on...an MMORPG without Text Chat is NOT an MMORPG!
  • spawn10459
    Ace-2112 wrote: »
    I voted "yes", just because I am greedy, and want more "bang for my buck".

    ...and...did I mention, I am greedy? :*

    Lol Free DLC when there is 0 DLC is not a good selling point.
  • MCMancub
    I voted no, because you already get more than you pay for. $15 per month for $15 worth of crowns and in game buffs to XP, gold, and AP. Ya, you need more from ESO+ (/sarcasm).
  • spawn10459
    MCMancub wrote: »
    I voted no, because you already get more than you pay for. $15 per month for $15 worth of crowns and in game buffs to XP, gold, and AP. Ya, you need more from ESO+ (/sarcasm).

    you mean with NO DLC.
  • BuggeX

    you allready have 10% less Research , 10% more Gold/exp and Access to all dlc that will come.
    The Point with, no dlc yet blublbu, stop it.
    I also pay for sick insurance and did not get nothing about it, mby later in my days....
  • BuggeX
    MCMancub wrote: »
    I voted no, because you already get more than you pay for. $15 per month for $15 worth of crowns and in game buffs to XP, gold, and AP. Ya, you need more from ESO+ (/sarcasm).

    are you sure about ap`?
  • Ysne58
    I voted yes.

    All you get is access to any DLC content while you pay the premium. If you stop paying no more access unless you actually paid for it with crowns.

    I was overleveled with all of my characters even before this came out. Most of my characters are level 50 and I was overleveling even faster. I'm a completionist and playing in areas where mobs and quests are all white is rather annoying.

    That 10% is helpful with vet characters, but I wish we had the option to turn it off with nonvet chars.
    Edited by Ysne58 on June 30, 2015 1:39PM
  • A5ko
    Yes but only cosmetic items.

    It's meant to be an optional upgrade, not a necessary one.
    A5ko ▪ High Elf ▪ Sorcerer ▪ Aldmeri Dominion ▪ XBOX One ▪ EU Megaserver

  • Ysne58
    That being said, I'm not sure what a meaningful reward would be.
  • spawn10459
    I should have added a choice for Don't care because ZOS doesn't care.
  • Ace_of_Destiny
    spawn10459 wrote: »

    Lol Free DLC when there is 0 DLC is not a good selling point.

    I wasn't being sarcastic...I am greedy.

    ~MegaServer~>PS4 (NA) ~PSN~>Ace-of-Destiny
    I don't care what platform it is on...an MMORPG without Text Chat is NOT an MMORPG!
  • Sausage
    Give 10 monthly booster and also ES+ value is going to increase as more content is added to the game. ES+ is probably required for Imperial City and new solo adventure zone, maybe even Craglorn in the future.
  • Ljungstroem
    Yes I would like more for my membership.

    I understand there is no available DLC at this point, and I am not arguing about that. However as it seems because there is no DLC you do not have a very good reason to pay 20 bucks a month for 10% boost.

    I know we are getting crowns each month, but what can you really do with these crowns. Most of it are cosmetics or stupid potions or convenient items such as skill respec and stuff like that.

    As it seems I have really thought about dropping my ESO+ membership whenever I hit V1. By then I would have no reason to want to level up faster.
  • BigM
    Of course I said yes, heck almost was banned demanding more way back, still say the loyal few should of been given ESO+ for life, but that's me. Never did get a counter offer. Heck I still hear the crickets.

    Here is how our meeting went with ESO Executives.

    “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”
    ― Stephen Hawking
  • spawn10459
    Sausage wrote: »
    Give 10 monthly booster and also ES+ value is going to increase as more content is added to the game. ES+ is probably required for Imperial City and new solo adventure zone, maybe even Craglorn in the future.

    Meaningful in the future does not = meaningful now.

    If we had 10 DLC packs then yes ESO + would be worth the money but we have 0. What they could have done was left the DLC park out and added it in with the release for the first DLC launch. They could have used it as a PR stunt.
  • MCMancub
    Yes I would like more for my membership.

    I understand there is no available DLC at this point, and I am not arguing about that. However as it seems because there is no DLC you do not have a very good reason to pay 20 bucks a month for 10% boost.

    I know we are getting crowns each month, but what can you really do with these crowns. Most of it are cosmetics or stupid potions or convenient items such as skill respec and stuff like that.

    As it seems I have really thought about dropping my ESO+ membership whenever I hit V1. By then I would have no reason to want to level up faster.

    It's $15 per month and you get all of that back in the form of crowns. What you're asking for is to be able to pay $15 and get more than that back each month.
  • Darzoc
    A5ko wrote: »
    Yes but only cosmetic items.

    It's meant to be an optional upgrade, not a necessary one.

    I agree it shouldn't be needed however it would be nice to see an item , costume, or pet that comes with the subscription. Something thatsayss " yea I pay a monthly premium britches!" (yes I'm aware it says britches)

    Other than that tho it really is a good deal. I would like to see a 6/12 month subscription offer at a discount price tho.
  • Ljungstroem
    MCMancub wrote: »

    It's $15 per month and you get all of that back in the form of crowns. What you're asking for is to be able to pay $15 and get more than that back each month.

    If I wanted 15 bucks worth of crowns I would buy them from the store. I don't care about crowns but I would like something else.

    I am not asking for anything that will make me more powerfull than others, maybe something like I can re-create my character appearance. It should just be a bit more fun to be a member than not to be.
  • spawn10459
    The crown store is empty. nothing worth buying. They need to add a HUGE amount of content to the crown store also. But we all know ZOS does not add content to their game.
  • MCMancub

    If I wanted 15 bucks worth of crowns I would buy them from the store. I don't care about crowns but I would like something else.

    I am not asking for anything that will make me more powerfull than others, maybe something like I can re-create my character appearance. It should just be a bit more fun to be a member than not to be.

    All I can say is: too bad. ZOS gives you $15 worth of crowns for your $15 and additional benefits. This isn't a pot luck. You don't get to choose what you want for $15.

    EDIT: If ESO+ doesn't offer what you want, then don't subscribe. But it's ludicrous to ask for more than what's already offered, because what's offered is already worth more than what you pay.
    Edited by MCMancub on June 30, 2015 1:51PM
  • spawn10459
    MCMancub wrote: »

    All I can say is: too bad. ZOS gives you $15 worth of crowns for your $15 and additional benefits. This isn't a pot luck. You don't get to choose what you want for $15.

    EDIT: If ESO+ doesn't offer what you want, then don't subscribe. But it's ludicrous to ask for more than what's already offered.

    IF we are paying for a service then we should have some input on it.

    what your saying is if you go to McDonald's and order a #1 but they give you a #4 with no drink we should be happy about that?
  • Seafoam_hydra
    Edited by Seafoam_hydra on June 14, 2023 3:32AM
  • MCMancub
    spawn10459 wrote: »

    IF we are paying for a service then we should have some input on it.

    what your saying is if you go to McDonald's and order a #1 but they give you a #4 with no drink we should be happy about that?

    Going to McDonald's and not getting what you ordered is not the same as getting exactly what you paid for and then demanding it be something different because you're unhappy with the product.

    EDIT: The solution is to not purchase the product if you don't like it. You don't have any input in what they produce, at least not directly. Your only input is whether or not you buy it.
    Edited by MCMancub on June 30, 2015 1:55PM
  • spawn10459
    MCMancub wrote: »

    Going to McDonald's and not getting what you ordered is not the same as getting exactly what you paid for and then demanding it be something different because you're unhappy with the product.

    I haven't bought ESO + because its a waste of money. What i am suggesting is to make it more appealing to people. If its more appealing then more people will buy, If more people buy it then ZOS makes more money. If ZOS gets more money they can hire competent people to make the game better and do it faster then one content patch every 12 months.
  • Ljungstroem
    MCMancub wrote: »

    All I can say is: too bad. ZOS gives you $15 worth of crowns for your $15 and additional benefits. This isn't a pot luck. You don't get to choose what you want for $15.

    EDIT: If ESO+ doesn't offer what you want, then don't subscribe. But it's ludicrous to ask for more than what's already offered, because what's offered is already worth more than what you pay.

    It is too bad yes. But would it not make more sense to listen to their subscribers and add or edit content within the subscription to make it more attractive for players? I know I can easily unsubscribe but it is people as me who keeps the game going. Without subscribers ZOS will have a hard time maintaining the game on consoles.

    I see what you are saying, but as I mentioned it would make sense to make it attractive to what the players actually want.
    The Crown Store offers nothing too good other than a mount for those who does not have one and mainly cosmetics.

    Since the Crown Store already exists they should think of implementing their ESO+ membership somehow else. This would make people both buy the membership but also crowns for their store.
  • MCMancub
    spawn10459 wrote: »

    I haven't bought ESO + because its a waste of money. What i am suggesting is to make it more appealing to people. If its more appealing then more people will buy, If more people buy it then ZOS makes more money. If ZOS gets more money they can hire competent people to make the game better and do it faster then one content patch every 12 months.

    The only way they could make it more appealing would be to change it entirely. Stop giving crowns and instead give other benefits. Unfortunately, this isn't even an option they would consider until their DLC has started to roll out and they see how ESO+ is then fairing.
  • MCMancub

    It is too bad yes. But would it not make more sense to listen to their subscribers and add or edit content within the subscription to make it more attractive for players? I know I can easily unsubscribe but it is people as me who keeps the game going. Without subscribers ZOS will have a hard time maintaining the game on consoles.

    I see what you are saying, but as I mentioned it would make sense to make it attractive to what the players actually want.
    The Crown Store offers nothing too good other than a mount for those who does not have one and mainly cosmetics.

    Since the Crown Store already exists they should think of implementing their ESO+ membership somehow else. This would make people both buy the membership but also crowns for their store.

    I don't disagree, I just don't see any way that it would happen anytime in the near future, so what's the point of these threads? They're not going to change the model when the biggest selling point, free DLC, hasn't even begun yet.
  • spawn10459
    and you know this how?
  • spawn10459
    MCMancub wrote: »

    I don't disagree, I just don't see any way that it would happen anytime in the near future, so what's the point of these threads? They're not going to change the model when the biggest selling point, free DLC, hasn't even begun yet.

    and thus you proved my point. Change it now and this will force people to buy the DLC. Getting ESO + And DLC purchases.
  • Mr_Durva
    Lol why pay for the membership if there is no dlc out yet. your own fault for.... best just stop there
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