I'm still newish to the game, do you have a guild trader? Maybe somewhere I can dump crafting material that I do not want to sell so others can use? If you do have a trader where is it located? I have 3 characters, one in each dominion and each mastering 2 crafts.
I would love an invitation, I have 3 characters, one in each alliance I also craft all 6 crafts. I'm still a newish player but I am learning very quickly. Also could you please invite my friend Hilikus15? my GT is Mcrakin
Hey hey. Gt: LazarusRevives
I'm 31 and play casually (got a family n all). Just starting to play ESO the last couple of weeks. Played TES since Morrowind. I'm a NB/bosemer using a bow currently and two hand for swap. May change that up later..