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Recruiting for ebonheart =MAIN= Malicious Intent

  • Ciz320
  • Ciz320
  • Ciz320
  • Ciz320
  • Ciz320
  • Datmuscle
    Soul Shriven
    Your PSN name. Maverick36820
    Age. 28
    Location / Time Zone: Central
    A Little about yourself to get to know you
    Married going on 2 years now in August, 2 kids boy and girl, i work construction ( building people a better life ) and all that BS we feed them. Not much really to tell, i love MMOs played them for years, even got my wife into them. Wanna know something feel free to ask....OH, I PVE and almost only PVE- Not a huge fan of PVP never really have been.
    Usual Gaming Play times. Roughly 530-6pm every night til around 10 or so, then almost all night fridays into the wee hours then up early on Saturday to bang things out, ill more than likely play all day Saturday and sunday.
    Do you meet all of the basic requirements
    Mic and Headset check.
    Games you have played and are looking forward to playing
    Started with WoW( hated it ) then grew to love it for around 10-11 years, then moved on to StarWars for a bit( was decent but didnt play long) Went on to play Rift for almost 4 years, moved on over to Destiny( loved that, still play every so often ) now im at ESO where i love life. Looking forward to playing more ESO with a solid group of people- Ill try anything once as far as games go, If i enjoy myself ill keep playing if not its only 60-70$.
    Do you have any further questions for us about the guild?
    Not at this moment, just hope i fit the bill.
    Thanks for stopping by and checking out Malicious Intent! We look forward to hearing from you!
  • Ciz320
  • Ciz320
  • Ciz320
  • Ciz320
  • Ciz320
  • DrizztWulfgar
    PSN name.


    Location / Time Zone
    -AR, Central Time zone

    A Little about yourself to get to know you
    -My passoin is gaming. I have a wife and 2 daughter. I work hard and play even harder.
    My wife is also a gamer. Match made in heaven right!! Ya! if should would stop taking the controller away. So that way she can play ESO..LOL. I will be getting another ps4 for her Christmas present so we can jam together.

    Usual Gaming Play times.
    -I work a 4 on 4 off schedule rotating days and nights. So staring today i will be off for 4 days of play time ...work 4 days. off 4 days of game time.....Then work 4 nights.. So my game time is all the time at different hours. I normally sit at least 7-9 hours of game time a day.. Unless im working that day.. Then i will try to get atleast 3-4 hrs in

    Do you meet all of the basic requirements
    -I think so I have a mic and like to use it.. I listen well and do my part.

    Games you have played and are looking forward to playing
    -Try to play every game that comes out. Not much into sport games. I wont list them all but here are a few...Witcher, ALL elder scroll games, BOrderlands, Bloodborne, COD,but stopped at 3,
    Future games pretty much every game but this game i plan on putting several hundred hours into.

    Do you have any further questions for us about the guild?
    -Not really just probably about your mobile APP where is it located I have android
    Samsund Gallaxy S3.. is it compatible

    Thanks for stopping by and checking out Malicious Intent! We look forward to hearing from you!
    Edited by DrizztWulfgar on August 17, 2015 9:21AM
  • Ciz320
  • Ciz320
  • Ciz320
  • WolfAware
    Soul Shriven
    PSN - NicChim
    Age - 19
    Location / Time Zone - Eastern Time Zone

    A little about you self -
    I'm a laid back person and enjoy joking around. I going to college right now taking 4 classes.
    Other than that I enjoy games but the goes with out saying lol.

    Usual Gaming Play times -
    I'm on everyday normally and on for at least 2-3 hours or on all day.

    Do you meet all of the basic requirements -
    I have Astro a50 headset and a blue snowball mic I have downloed the app "Line".

    Games you have played and are looking forward to playing -
    I play have played COD 2/WaW/cod4/blops1,2,3/MW2,3/GO,AW/ GTASA/4/5, ESO, Darksouls1/2, Battlefield 3/4/HR, Skyrim PC/DCUO/Warframe/AC,1,BH,3/Borderlands,1,2,PS/Destiny/Jumping flash ps1/Battlefront 1,2/Bloodborne. And many others
    Games I'm looking forward to Darksouls 3, Fallout 4, Black ops 3, Battlefront, For Honer, The Division.

    Do you have any further questions for us about the guild?
    I guess are there any games that =MAIN= will be moving to when they come out? You had said that "Destiny was lacking in many aspects of our gaming needs" so you tried Destiny and it didn't work out but what about the people that liked destiny do you still support them or they get kicked out if they didn't want to come back to ESO or what game that =MAIN= is playing?
  • Ciz320
    =MAIN= has several officers that all have their "favorite" games, we still have a very active destiny community as well as a COD side that I'm sure will be expanding into BO3 when it releases.. We support as many of the main titles as people seem interested
  • VoRtExXSe7eN
    Soul Shriven
    Your PSN name VoRtExXSe7eN
    Age. 30
    Location / Time Zone: Louisiana/Central
    A Little about yourself to get to know you- I'm in the Air Force and on a pretty consistent schedule, husband and father so that
    somewhat limits my game time but I play almost every night. My main character is a level 26 Nightblade and primarily uses a bow. I don't get easily offended and have a pretty good sense of humor, pretty laid bad and enjoys video games.
    Usual Gaming Play times. 10pm-1am (CST)
    Do you meet all of the basic requirements Yes I have a headset/mic and will download the phone app.
    Games you have played and are looking forward to playing-WoW, Guild Wars 2, Until Dawn, GTA V, Heroes of the Storm
    Diablo 3, looking forward to Fallout 4 and The Division.
    Do you have any further questions for us about the guild? Do you have mid level members who play around my time to be able to group with? I'm currently a level 26 Nightblade (I have lower characters and classes also).
  • killin_again513
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for guild vet 2 dps
  • ccb18
    Soul Shriven
    Your PSN name gen2integra
    Age 38
    Location / Time Zone NY/Eastern
    A Little about yourself to get to know you. Get to play a big video game all, I run heavy equipment. Have 3 kids and a wife who deal very well with my video game addiction. Lol. My main is a Vr12 nightblade and I have a Vr7 Sorcerer as my alt.I'm laid back, a little quiet at times.
    Usual Gaming Play times. 4pm to 8 or 9 pm. Must of the day weekends.
    Do you meet all of the basic requirements Yes I have a headset/mic and will download the phone app.
    Games you have played and are looking forward to playing. Everything from Wow to Minecraft.
    Do you have any further questions for us about the guild? Nope.
  • Ciz320
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