Maintenance for the week of October 21:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – October 21
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – October 21, 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

[Recruitment Closed] - LEGION - [AD][RP][PvP][PvE]

  • Endless-Shogun
    At 237 members as of this morning.
    - The Legion Empire -
  • madchuska83
    At 237 members as of this morning.

    Then we need to get some more of them in Guild chat, I rarely see over five people there.
  • Endless-Shogun
    At 237 members as of this morning.

    Then we need to get some more of them in Guild chat, I rarely see over five people there.

    Its a constant battle between Zenimax's negligence, Rambling Kinects, and people who don't like voice chat.

    1) Zenimax: They don't give us the ability to set a default guild, or a default chat channel. And a lot of people will not go and manually switch channels unless they need something, its a pain in the ass after all to do it, every single time you log in, even when just changing characters. Not to mention, the in-game chat is terrible. Super unclear.

    2)Kinects: A lot of people have their kinects turned on for chat, and don't calibrate them correctly, so it picks up loud and soft noises, and is really annoying, a lot of people will just leave chat instead of dealing with this, and I don't blame them.

    3)Voice Chat: Its an MMO, and that Genre attracts a lot of players, and in every other MMO, Voice chat is optional, not the requirement for communication. There is usually a chat box to talk. I feel that this alone has turned a lot of players off from guild chat.

    I hold Zenimax and their ignorance responsible for lack of guild chat use.
    - The Legion Empire -
  • Indy-Colt
    Soul Shriven
    I would like to join our guild! You guys really seem to have your stuff together. My gamertag is mgoblue97. Let me know. Have a good one!
  • SaintVoodooInc
    GT: Saint VoodooInc
    Level 8 vet very active
  • Endless-Shogun
    I will have invites sent a little later this morning @Indy-Colt and @SaintVoodooInc
    - The Legion Empire -
  • Endless-Shogun
    Guild PvP Event this Saturday. 8/8/15 @ 6pm CST, gathering around 5:30 pm CST
    - The Legion Empire -
  • Lordlevi
    Im a Imperial healer, interested in joining GT: Lord L3viticus
  • Endless-Shogun
    Invite will be sent soon @Lordlevi

    We had a great time in guild chat last night, about 14 of us chatting, having fun, pretty much endless laughing lol
    - The Legion Empire -
  • Lightninvash
    Edited by Lightninvash on August 8, 2015 5:39PM
  • KontrolledKaoss
    Id like to join. DPS Nord Dragonknight. GT= KontrolledKaoss
  • Lightninvash
    will have an invite sent out soon as I can @KontrolledKaoss
  • KontrolledKaoss
    Thanks dude.
  • Lightninvash
    It is telling me that it is invalid account when i try and invite you
  • KontrolledKaoss
    It is telling me that it is invalid account when i try and invite you

    I had one of my friends tell me the same thing. Damn. Let me see if I can figure it out.

  • Lightninvash
    I sent you a message on xbox did you get that?
  • KontrolledKaoss
    Damn, it's KontroledKaoss with one L. My email has two and it auto corrected. My bad.
  • Lightninvash
    Ahhh see that could be an issue haha ill try again
  • Kno
    Soul Shriven
    Sounds like a fun guild. GT FknWinner09z
  • B33BE
    Soul Shriven
  • Lightninvash
    Just waking up will send invites shortly @Kno @B33BE
    Edited by Lightninvash on August 9, 2015 10:53AM
  • Lightninvash
  • Endless-Shogun
    We hit 255 members this weekend.

    I want to apologize to our members. It sees that everyday we try to plan a PvP event there are server issues.
    as the game grows more stable and our guild as well, I am hoping these issues will disappear.
    - The Legion Empire -
  • Lightninvash
    Would be nice to be able to do some more pvp with everyone... if the servers stay functional haha
  • elium85
    How active are you guys in end-game PvE content? Thanks!
  • Endless-Shogun
    elium85 wrote: »
    How active are you guys in end-game PvE content? Thanks!

    A lot of us are currently leveling up to v10, which is when we intend to start attempting Trials.
    We have several groups that run together and successfully clear Veteran difficulty dungeons (not normal dungeons at veteran levels, real veteran dungeons), that being said, we're getting training for Trials.
    We've only got about 6 or so people above veteran 10 right now, with probably about 80 in the veteran levels working their way to V10. And as more and more reach V14 we will have more and more success.

    In a bit more time, I intend to form a "raid" group if you will so we can start tackling the end game pve and trials.
    - The Legion Empire -
  • clarkbar2131
    I will be Vet10 today!
    Guild: Legion
    Vet 14 Imperial Templar [Stamina DPS]
    Aldmeri Dominion
    North American Xbox One Megaserver
  • Lightninvash
    cant wait to join the vet ranks with everyone in the guild. Once I make it we will have another epic healer B)
    Edited by Lightninvash on August 12, 2015 9:05PM
  • Seran
    Soul Shriven
    I would like to join both guilds, live gamertag recon4life0321
  • Lightninvash
    You want invites to coinhouse and the main guild legion correct?
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