Guildmaster Gamertag: L0rd Shogun
Current Members: 300 (at time of edit)
Guild Website:
All Leadership is currently taking an extended break from Elder Scrolls due to the bugs and Zenimax's negligence.
The announcement of a new DLC next month release being advertised before the current guild breaking bugs have been addressed was the nail in the coffin for us.
We may be back, if and when we are, we will recruit again.
Thank you guys for your interest, have fun in Tamriel.
The North American Xbox One Megaserver guild Legion is always looking for more members!
Recruitment Officers:
L0rd Shogun - SmilingKillr125 - BIGMEATBAWLS918 - ClarkBar2131 - snipingbookworm - Terr0r B0mb - UncleBubbaNMTired of struggling to find players to run a dungeon with in your trading guilds? Tired of seeing 130 members online, but only 3 in the guild chat channels, who just have their kinects rambling-on anyway? Tried of way jacked up prices of gear for guild mates?If you answer yes to any of these, then Legion may be your answer to all these problems.
Join the LEGION - Join a Home
No Membership Fees - No Application Process - No Hard Requirements
We've expanded into the
Legion Empire
We have 1 Main Guild (Legion) and 3 Sub-guilds that serve different purposes to support our Empire
More details can be found at our
Website on these guilds and their purpose
A Note About Voice Chat & Guilds (click):
The Voice Chat system in ESO is... quirky at best.
We are not able to set a "default guild", and as such, voice chat will only be automatically enabled for the first guild you are in (and sometimes not even then) you have to manually switch the guild chats, every single time you log in.
We had 41 people on last night (a Tuesday), but not everyone was in the guild chat. Some people just don't like it on, others are in their own parties, and some never switch because its a hassle.
In Legion we promote teamwork, and we've already seen several groups of guild mates who've never played together group up to quest and do dungeons, making new friends in the process!
If there aren't any people in the guild voice chat channel, don't be discouraged, just send a message to the people you want to group with!
Scheduled PvP Events (click):
Legion has Scheduled PvP days/events, EVERY week from 6pm CST (Central Standard Time) to 10pm CST, the Day will vary until we find a good spot to make regular, the day will be announced a few days before the event in the guild MOTD, you can join, and you can leave any time you want, we play on the Haderus Campaign exclusively (You can play as a guest of course). Getting into the PvP group is simple, just message (via Xbox) any leadership rank (Baron & Above) currently online! We will be adjusting date/time until we find that sweet spot!
Day: Will Vary, Will Be Announced in MOTDs
Time: 6pm-10pm CST (Weekend Days will be longer running)
Campaign: Haderus
Guild Ranks & Info (click):
Our guild uses a Medieval and Roman style rank fusion to create a fun atmosphere, and uses a Chain of Command in PvP
(Non-Aldmeri Dominion rank simply means you do not HAVE to be in the Aldmeri Dominion to attain this rank. All ranks higher than Legionnaire require an Almeri Dominion character to be on your account, unless noted as Non-Aldmeri.)
Lord - Guildmasters
Baron - High Officers in Guild, Command over groups of soldiers, creating tight-nit groups called "Cohorts".
Immortal- There is no Guild without you, your entire purpose is to serve Legion and drive our cause.
Praetorian- Officers in Guild, Commands a Baron's soldiers in war, helps train members, helps recruit and expand the guild.
Ordinator- Helps organize soldiers in battle, helps with recruitment, helps train and also assists Praetorians.
CenturionYou're known a bit, you seen battles again and again, and help Legion when you can.
Knight- Notated warrior of the Guild, no longer green.
Legionnaire - Noted Solider for the Guild.
Footman- New Raw Recruit to the Guild.
1 Recruit gets you a promotion to Legionnaire Rank.
3 Recruits gets you a promotion to Centurion Rank.
A Legion of Dedicated Crafters (click):
In Legion we have a select few(the maximum number is limited) master crafters that become signed-on Dedicated Crafters for legion.
We work in a network, sharing resources, information, and sells.
We also have our own Crafting Guild - Legion Workshop - Membership by invite only.
We advertise as a group, and split up the responsibilities in order to make extra gold.
We also work as a group to farm resources, materials, and create goods for guild use.
We have a separate, crafting oriented guild for our crafters containing loads of supplies, items to level, recipes, and more & more! Membership is exclusive due to the bank being open to aid our members.
Who We Are (click):
We are a group of friends who play multiple games together, some of us playing together for more than 10 years.
And the best way to make more friends to play games with is to meet new people.
We are creating a fun, immersive, and helpful environment, with elements of role-playing.
ZOS may be limiting our ability to role-play, but we are doing what we can, where we can!
We run an external economy, and are looking to make Legion a group of dedicated, elite warriors, instead of hundreds of people only looking for trading.
If you are already in a trading guild, and you're looking for a guild to join and focus on, give Legion a try!
Our guild store is up, and we stock it with affordable supplies for guild mates.
Legion Guild Website (click):
new Guild Website has launched and has been improved in several areas, we are constantly adding new fun and useful items to the site. Its updated regularly. And new items are added to it often.
We are using this website to expand the guild and supply information about Legion to our members. In-game information is VERY limited, so as we progress even further, this will become a more and more important tool for our guild. Its use it not required, but by far recommended, the information on it is great.
Official Trade Guild: Legion Coinhouse (click):
Legion has an Official Trade guild under it's banner.
The Legion Coinhouse
Our trade guild offers many things other trade guilds simply can't.
We wanted to branch out into the market, while keeping Legion what it is at its core. A team work oriented, progression guild that isn't a trade guild.
Legion members have priority on joining the Coinhouse
Legion Coinhouse Trade Guild
Feel free leave a reply on this thread, message me on the forums here, or via Xbox, Gamertag: L0rd Shogun
Guild Master:
L0rd Shogun (gamertag)
Aldmeri Dominion---But open to all alliances
PvP & PvE
Current Main Perks:
- Cost-Only Crafting
- Free Werewolf and Vampire bites
- Access to several dedicated crafters