PlayStation 4 EU – Seeking/Offering Vampire or Werewolf Bite

  • Daikon
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for a werewolf bite. I will gladly give some sort of token be it gold etc.

    Alliance: Ebonheart pact
    EU server
    Character name: Daikon
    Psn: LacThunder1

    Just message me on psn.
  • lord-bobo
    Soul Shriven
    looking for a vampire bite would help me heaps
    alliance: dominion
    ps4 eu server
    psn: ghhjlooi
    character name: witcher bobo

    msg me thx alot
  • myst_crawb16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for a werewolf bite! :smiley:

    PS4 EU Server
    PSN: Antrigue
    Character name: Razz
    Alliance: Aldmeri Dominion

    Send me a message on PSN!
  • Snow952
    looking for werewolf bite pls
    Psn: Serya95
    Alliance: Daggerfall Covenant
    Server: Eu
    Character: Avvros Snow
    message me pls
    Edited by Snow952 on June 25, 2015 11:16AM
  • Seribix
    Soul Shriven
    Can anyone help me out with a werewolf bite?
    I've been trying for awhile to find the werewolf that spawns in Bangkorai but with no luck.

    Alliance: Daggerfall Covenant
    - System: PS4
    - Server: Eu
    - Character Name: Seribix
    - PSN ID: Seribix

    Thanks in advance

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules for this thread]
    Edited by ZOS_Ann on June 25, 2015 2:40PM
  • Sir_Denbus
    Looking for a WW bite if poss. Send me a friend request and we can talk from there :) thanks.

    PSN - Sir_Denbus
    Ebonheart Pact
    EU Server
  • yatharo
    Soul Shriven
    Hey Guys,

    im looking for a werewolf bite. :>

    - System: PS4
    - Server: Eu
    - Ebonheart pact
    - Character Name: Bashado
    - PSN ID: Yatharo

    Thx & bb


    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules for this thread]
    Edited by ZOS_Ann on June 25, 2015 2:41PM
  • Sir_Denbus
    Looking for a WW bite if poss. Send me a friend request and we can talk from there :) thanks.

    PSN - Sir_Denbus
    Ebonheart Pact
    EU Server
    Still looking!

    - LF: Vampire Bite
    - Alliance: Ebonheart Pact
    - Server: EU

    Send me a message on PSN for details!

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules for this thread]
    Edited by ZOS_Ann on June 25, 2015 2:41PM
  • troner2
    Still Looking, wouldnt mind joining a vamp guild, PSN alfybabey1993 EU PACT ps4 ;)
  • modos9
    Soul Shriven
    LF Vampire or Werewolf Bite Will help out any one who helps me out

    PSN: Modos-9
    Alliance: Ebonheart Pact
    Server EU


  • Woodfin95
    Might be along shot but can anyone design and make me a website for my guild? I think it would be a lot easier to organise and update guild members of what is going on.
    In return i can offer the person the next available bite of their choice and also placed high ranked within my guild.

    Please message on here or PSN: Woodfin-95
    Btw i am in the Daggerfall Covenant, on The EU Server.
    PS4 EU.
  • HawkeDK
    Soul Shriven
    Robben87 wrote: »

    - Alliance: EbonHeart Pact
    - System: PS4
    - Server: Europa
    - Character Name: Crazyslash
    - PSN ID: xXRibentoXx (Add/Message me and we can meet up at the shrine and I will bite you.)

    I looking for a vampire bite. if you will help me, it will be nice.
    PSN: HawkeDK
    EU server

    I can help you if you help me.

    Best Regards
  • manheadluke
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for a ww bite on EU server Daggerfall alliance. I am not buying as I have seen people being ripped off so many times but anyone who is willing to bite me as a thank you. GT: manheadluke

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules for this thread]
    Edited by ZOS_Ann on June 25, 2015 5:27PM
  • manheadluke
    Soul Shriven
    Edited my post so it makes so sense.. And it's not in the rules that we can't make donations by our own will after the bite has taken place. You might want to read your own rules
  • brandolito555555
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for vamp bite
    Dominion NA sever
    PSN brandolito555555
    Edited by brandolito555555 on June 25, 2015 6:27PM
  • xRedRyu
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for a Werewolf bite.

    PSN: xXGreenSmokeXx1
    Alliance: Ebonheart Pact
    Server EU

    Thanks :)
  • Madladhobson
    Soul Shriven
    edit: ive since been bitten and gave a free bite to someone
    LF werewolf bite
    location: ps4 eu server
    faction: ebonheart pact
    psn: madlad_hobson
    Edited by Madladhobson on June 26, 2015 10:47PM
  • Alastaxios
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for a Vampire bite please

    PSN and character: Alastaxios


    PSN EU Server
  • jay5787
    Soul Shriven
    Got a werewolf bite and willing to swap for a vampire bite


    Psn jay5787


    Msg me if interested
  • AngElL__oF_dEaTh
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for a vampire bite please


    Dagger fall

    Psn AngEL__oF_dEaTh
  • m1ck10v1n
    Looking for Vampire Bite.
    Alliance: Daggerfall Covenant.
    Server: EU
    PSN: m1ck_l0v1n or reply to me on here and ill add you. Will tip.
  • Dragje
    Soul Shriven
    LF werewolf bite And guild.

    I know there are alot waiting here but have to try anyway.

    PSN: Drago21

    Ebon heart pact

    EU server.

    Thanks a lot!

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules for this thread]
    Edited by ZOS_Ann on June 25, 2015 11:08PM
  • Viirus
    Soul Shriven
    Console: Xbox One
    Alliance: Aldmeri Dominion
    Server: European
    Gamertag: oOI Viirus IOo
    Bite: Vampire
    message me if you can help me.

    Thanks a lot.

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules for this thread]

    Edited to add You my have better luck in the Xbox One Mega thread
    Edited by ZOS_Ann on June 25, 2015 11:10PM
  • iFuZzyHuGz
    Soul Shriven
    Looking For Vampire Bite.

    Been messed around by too many people, would really appreciate it if one genuine person could help me out.

    PSN: iFuZzyHuGz
    Ebonheart Pact

  • Enragedmaster
    Looking for werewolf bite , Will appreciate it so hard!

    PSN: Salah__alhiddi

    Alliance : Ebonheart pact
  • Enragedmaster
    Ah sorry i forgot , Europe server!
  • Battlerage
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for werewolf bite

    PSN: killer523

    Alliance: Daggerfall covenant

    Server: EU

    Anyone willing to bite pm me anytime
    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules for this thread]
    Edited by ZOS_Ann on June 26, 2015 12:06AM
  • Snow952
    looking for Vampire Bite
    PSN: Serya95
    Alliance: Daggerfall Covenant
    Server: EU
    Character: Avvros Snow
    message me if you have a bite please.
  • MrDiNozzox
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for a vampire bite in order to start distributing to other players within my guild and strangers across Tamriel.

    PSN: MrDiNozzox
    Alliance: Daggerfall Covenant
    Server: EU

    Feel free to add or PM me.

    Thanks in advance!
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